Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Xiangling Rating and Best BuildsComment

Showing 1-20 of 70 entries


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    70 Anonymous1 dayReport

    Main DPS not available? People seem to forget C6 Bennett exists

    69 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    If they include her on echoes of envisage (which I'm sure they'll do for every character), she'll need to be 90. Whether that'll be worth putting a trailing flaming fart behind her while she's running is up to you.

    68 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Yeah, if I leave my volume on high, she scares the hell out of me.

    67 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    dont bother with level 90, just focus on the ascension. level 90 is usually a waste of exp books, the only time i ever do level 90 is when characters scale off of max hp

    66 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    The only thing I hate about her is the one idle animation of her eating an apple. In Japanese, OMG her squeal is so grating against my ears! Christ man!

    65 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I can't take this anymore...

    64 Anonymoabout 1 yearReport

    I decided to do the Ascenscion Domain Today(Twice). I was AR 45 before, now I'm AR 56. Now I have to decide which Characters to prioritize ascending and getting to level 90. My Xiangling is Level 80 at the Moment. How Important is it to Ascend her and how Important is it to get het to level 90?

    53 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I love your website!

    52 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    it's not supposed to replace old comps?? it's to add more team comps to use LMAO the game would be unbalanced as hell if they added a whole new element that's op 💀

    51 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    ummm burgeon? hello?

    50 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    dendro is not that much of a meta changing. Teams that existed before can be even better then dendro teams

    49 Dendro Impactabout 2 yearsReport

    She sucks because she has little to no synergy with Dendro comps.

    48 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Btw this guide has not been updated for builds with the new staff of shifting sands, if you don't have Raidens ER staff but are running a pyro reaction build then adjusting your build with more EM and Staff of the Shifting Sands is the new 2nd best viable build as long as you invest into having ER substats to make up of the loss (or running other pyro characters in party for max burst uptime)

    47 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I've never found it inconsistent though, I find that it applies pyro more often than the EB in fact, which is why I was quite surprised at the claim. As for the EB, I think it might be because I have not reached C4 on her character yet so the time of Pyronado is 40% less than max, so Guoba is more often on the field than the nado. Guess it might change when I finally get the C4.

    46 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    By the time her Elemental Skill is up, your Burst should be too. If its not then you dont have enough ER, which should be fixed by having an ER weapon and ER Sands or ATK weapon and ER sands. Her skill is just bad for application too since its inconsistent. Just a really weak weapon for XL

    45 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Well, it's fast to recharge so I tend to use it as a pyro applicator to set up big booms for other characters. The main benefit for her Elemental Skill is 1- He keeps spitting fire so he reapplies the Pyro status repeatedly even after you trigger an elemental reaction and 2- he stays on the field even after Xiangling leaves.

    44 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Her elemental skill is really bad, not worth it

    43 Frikealmost 3 yearsReport

    What do you guys think of R5 Kitain Cross Spear for a support Xiangling with Emblem set?

    42 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    You will still be using her Elemental burst damage most of the time, so there's really no point in not using emblem. Actually, Emblem is the premiere artifact for almost all Sub-DPS. Only time you don't use it is if sub-dps have other major sources of damage like Yae Miko, who is best used with 2-2 atk-elem or 2-2 atk-atk

    41 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I need some help with her artifacts. My current team is raiden national. Is 4 piece emblem set still the best or is there any better choice for her?

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