Genshin Impact

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Quest Guide

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Genshin Impact

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind is a Tribal Chronicle Quest related to the Masters of the Night-Wind tribe introduced in Genshin Impact Version 5.2. See how to unlock this quest, how to escape the sealed space, its walkthrough, and all the rewards included in this guide!

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Quest Location

Head to the Statue of the Seven in Natlan

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Quest Location Genshin Impact
Head to the Statue of the Seven in the upper-west side Natlan to unlock the Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Quest.

How to Unlock Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind

Complete the Prerequisites

Genshin Impact - Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame Quest Guide
Players can start after they finish the Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame which is the Archon Quest from Chapter 5 Act I: Flowers Respledent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn.

Chapter 5: Act 1 Archon Quest

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Walkthrough

Head to the Statue of the Seven in Natlan

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Quest Location Genshin Impact

Once you reach the Statue of the Seven, a cutscene will automatically play.

Go to the Masters of the Night-Wind's tribal settlement

Go to the Masters of the Night-Wind

The quest mark will directly guide you to the Masters of the Night-Wind's tribal settlement. You'd have to cross a bridge and could even unlock a waypoint on the way. You'll know you've arrived once you see a huge circular ancient gate. Afterwards, a cutscene will automatically play.

Enter the Hall

Enter the Hall Genshin Impact
Enter the Ancient Gate that is now open, and talk to the Iktomisaurus who is waiting inside.

Go to the Obsidian Altar

Obsidian Altar Genshin Impact

After talking to the Iktomisaurus and the high-priest Caholom, you must head to the Obsidian Altar which is a circular banner with a glowing blue fire emblem up ahead.

Meet with the Chief of the Tribe

Meet with the Chief of the Masters of the Night-Wind Genshin Impact

Touching the altar will teleport you to the Sacrificial Altar of Enigmatic Land. Afterwards, a cutscene will automatically play where you'll meet Biham, the Chief of the Masters of the Night-Wind.

Accept the Test

Accept the Test Genshin Impact

You will be teleported in front of the Obsian Altar. Interact with it to accept the test.

Look for Clues

You will be teleported into a sealed space. You would have to look for clues on how to get out of this realm.


Look for clues - Part 1 Genshin Impact

The first clue is at the center of the sealed space. There will be a glowing light to indicate its location.

Near a Blue Tapestry

Look for clues - Part 2 Genshin Impact

The second clue is located near a blue tapestry which is on the right side of the sealed space.


Look for clues - Part 3 Genshin Impact

The last clue is located on a bookshelf, which is at the far end.

Escape the sealed space

After getting all the clues, you and Paimon will discuss everything you've learned so far. By the end of the cutscene, a mark will blink at the corner of your eye. Head there.

Turn into an Iktomisaurus

To know the way out, you must first turn into an Iktomisaurus which can easily be done by interacting with the Spiritscone at the corner.

Use the Iktomisaurus's Elemental Sight

Once you're an Iktomisaurus, use your Elemental Sight to reveal the hidden mark. Once it's revealed, use the Iktomisaurus's ability to open a path.
How to Use Elemental Sight

Use the Iktomisaurus's Ability

Walk into the newly revealed path and claim the chest. Afterwards, you could trigger the mark at the left corner with the Iktomisaurus's Ability and obtain another altar. Hold the Iktomisaurus's ability again to properly place the altar in the elevated platform to escape the sealed space.

Talk to Biram

Genshin Impact Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Walkthrough - Talk to Biram
You'll be back to the Masters of the Night-Wind's tribal settlement where you'll discuss with Biram your findings. The quest will be completed shortly right after.

Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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Other Masters of the Night-Wind Tribal Chronicles

Masters of the Night-Wind Tribal Chronicles
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All Tribal Chronicles Quest Guides

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List of Tribal Quests


7 Anonymousabout 2 months


6 Anonymous2 months

we have to use elemental sight on the wall first, and then the saurian skill

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