Genshin Impact

The Heavenly Stone's Debris Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - The Heavenly Stone

The Heavenly Stone's Debris is the fourth quest under the The Chasm Delvers quest chain in the Chasm for Genshin Impact 2.6. See how to unlock the World Quest and its walkthrough in this guide!

How to Unlock The Heavenly Stone's Debris

Complete the Chasm Spelunkers

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers Quest Guide

To unlock The Heavenly Stone's Debris, you must first complete the Chasm Spelunkers. Once done, head back to the campsite and speak with Jinwu to start the quest.

Chasm Spelunkers Quest Guide

The Heavenly Stone's Debris Walkthrough

Speak with Jinwu

After completing all of Zhiqiong's commissions, return to the campsite and inform Jinwu of all that has happened. Jinwu will then reveal the location of the keys that can be used to unlock the cannonball storage from earlier.

Look for the Two Keys

Storehouse Security Key 1

Storehouse Security Key 2

Head down the the Main Mining area of The Chasm, as shown in the map. Once there, destroy the pot on top of a boiler for the first location, then destroy the wall in the second location to get both Storehouse Security Keys.

Storehouse Security Key No. 1

How to Get the First Storehouse Security Key
Clear the Oozing Concretion with your Lumenstone Adjuvant.
Destroy the pot on top of the boiler to get the first Storehouse Security Key!

Storehouse Security Key No. 2

How to Get the Second Storehouse Security Key
Defeat the Treasure Hoarders around the area.
Head to the corner which you can find by following the footprints to dig up a Geo Barrel.
Destroy the Geo Barrel to get access to the second Storehouse Security Key.

Open the Door to the Gunpowder Storehouse

Genshin - Storehouse location in the map

After collecting all the keys head to the locked gate just below the southern Teleport Waypoint in The Chasm: Main Mining Area. Afterwards, use the keys you've obtained to open it.

Once you go inside the storehouse, defeat the Large Geo Slimes, then clear out the Oozing Dark Mud.

Look for the Cannonball

Genshin - Look for the Cannonball at the back of the room
You can find the cannonball on a raised platform near the back of the storehouse, in front of a Common Chest. Afterwards, bring the cannonball back to camp.

Make 3 Special Unmoving Essential Oils

Special Unmoving Essential Oil is crafted using two Cor Lapis and two Frogs. Go to the Crafting Table and find the recipe at the top of the list to start crafting three bottles. Afterwards, hand the Essential Oils over to Clitopho.

Change the Lamp Frequency

Genshin - Change lamp frequencies to release the safety

Head to the next location and look for the Safe Blasting Device Signaling Guide, which will be on a table in the area. Change all lamps' frequencies to release the safety on the cannon's breach. Here's how to do it:

  1. Set the frequency of the High Lamp post to Low (delayed flicker)
  2. Set the frequency of the Middle Lamp Post to Low (delayed flicker)
  3. Set the frequency of the Low Lamp Post to High (repeated flicker)

Break the Sealing Rocks

Genshin - Aiming the mountainator at the sealing rocks
Head to the great cannon and align it to destroy the rocks that sealed the tunnel up ahead. Here's how to adjust the Mountainator from its original position:

  1. Adjust the cannon with the left button once.
  2. Adjust the cannon with the down button twice.

Afterwards, go further in the newly opened cave. Don't forget to get the Luxurious Chest nearby!

Activate the Mechanism

Genshin - Locations of the mechanisms in The Heavenly Stone
To activate the mechanism you have to use a Level 2 Lumenstone Adjuvant to activate the mechanisms. You can do this by upgrading it to Jinwu with Lumenstone Ores and Lumenspars. Afterwards, do the following steps on the mechanisms:

  1. Use the Lumenstone Adjuvant on the purple ooze.
  2. Recharge each mechanisms to activate it.
  3. Defeat the Abyss Herald to complete the quest.

Perils in the Dark ▶

The Heavenly Stone's Debris Quest Information

Sub-Quest of The Chasm Delvers

Genshin Impact - The Chasm Delvers Quest Guide
The Heavenly Stone's Debris is a subquest of The Chasm Delvers that allows the Traveler to explore further of the Chasm.

The Heavenly Stone's Debris is the fourth part in the world quest chain The Chasm Delvers.

The Chasm Delvers World Quest Guide

The Heavenly Stone's Debris Rewards

Total Rewards from the Quest

Total Quest Rewards

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

All Quests and Quest Types

Other The Chasm Delvers Quest Guides

The Chasm Delvers Quest Guides
The Chasm Charters Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Chasm Spelunkers
First Miasmic Contact Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits The Heavenly Stone's Debris
Perils in the Dark Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?

The Chasm Delvers Quest Line Guide

All The Chasm World Quests Guide

The Chasm World Quest Guides
A Cliff-Side Hero's Past A Company Vanishing Into the Deep Chasm Spelunkers
Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help First Miasmic Contact Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm
Lost in a Foreign Land Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits
Mycological Investigation in The Chasm Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm Perils in the Dark
Says He Who Seeks Stone Stolen, by the Rightful Owner Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering
The Chasm's Bounty The Heavenly Stone's Debris The Millennial Mountains
The Missing Miner Undetected Infiltration Valor's Afterglow
Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown Valor's Afterglow: The Faint Light Remembered Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?

List of World Quests


2 Anonymousalmost 2 years

how do you activate the mechanisms in the area with the huge floating orb thing

1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

what should i do if i couldn’t defeat the abyss herald the first time and now it won’t respawn????

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