Genshin Impact

Chasm Spelunkers Quest Guide

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Chasm Spelunkers World Quest Guide

The Chasm Spelunkers is the third quest under the The Chasm Delvers quest chain in the Chasm for Genshin Impact 2.6. See how to unlock the World Quest, how to complete Zhiqiong's Commission, how to look for clues on Uncle He's whereabouts, and full rewards here!

How to Unlock Chasm Spelunkers

Complete the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering

Genshin - Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest Guide
To unlock Chasm Spelunkers, you must first finish the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering. Once done, head below the Chasm Underground.

Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering

Chasm Spelunkers Walkthrough

Enter the Mines of The Chasm

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers 1 Enter the mines of The Chasm
After breaking the seal, simply follow the mission marker and ride the elevator down. Once below, a scene involving Jinwu and Zhiqiong will begin to play, and you will be tasked with retrieving the Lumenspar that is shown in the cutscene.

After acquiring the Lumenspar, return to the camp for another scene, and you will now be able to use the Lumenstone Adjuvant.

Look for Clues to Uncle He's Whereabouts

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers 3 Tell Jinwu about what you

During the scene with Jinwu, she mentions Uncle He, their miners' senior. She will then ask you to help her in searching out some information about his whereabouts.

There will be three locations indicated on your map that you can investigate; simply go to the spot and follow the instructions below to acquire some clues.

Diary Fragment Clue #1

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers - Clues on Uncle He

The first Clue is on the same level of the teleport waypoint. Walk along the bridge to the location until you see some Oozing Filth and a Geovishap. After defeating the Geovishap, turn left and you should see the box with the Diary Fragment.

Diary Fragment Clue #2

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers - Clues on Uncle He

The second Clue is on the lowerst level by some boxes, barrels and a Lumenlamp. The Diary Fragment should be on the side of a box full of rocks.

Diary Fragment Clue #3

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers - Clues on Uncle He

The third Clue is on the lowest level near some Treasure Hoarders. The Diary Fragment should be there on a cart beside a Lumenlamp and a rack of weapons.

Report Back to Jinwu

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers 4 Go to the exploration team
After you've gathered all three clues, return to Jinwu for another scene; she'll then ask you to look for Zhiqiong, who has gone off on her own.

Look for Zhiqiong and Speak with Her

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers 5 Look for Zhiqiong, who went off on her own

Start your search for Zhiqiong by heading east of your current location. When you find her and speak with her, she will ask you to assist her with two commissions.

To complete Zhiqiong's Commissions, you must investigate the anomalies, and free the trapped person. Check the guides below to get you started!

  1. First Miasmic Contact
  2. Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits

Head Back to the Exploration Team's Camp

Genshin - Chasm Spelunkers 7 Return to the exploration team
After completing all Zhiqiong's commission head back to the camp to complete the Chasm Spelunkers quest.

The Heavenly Stone's Debris ▶

Chasm Spelunkers Information

Sub-Quest of The Chasm Delvers

Genshin Impact - The Chasm Delvers Quest Guide
Chasm Spelunkers is a subquest of The Chasm Delvers that grants the Traveler access to the Lumenstone Adjuvant.

Chasm Spelunkers is the third part in the world quest chain The Chasm Delvers.

The Chasm Delvers World Quest Guide

Chasm Spelunkers Quest Rewards

Total Rewards from the Quest

Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×200 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×30 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×20000
Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×2 Genshin Impact - Lumenstone Ore Image Lumenstone Ore ×1

Chasm Spelunkers rewards you with one of the only three Lumenstone Ores in the Underground Mines of the Chasm!

Lumenstone Ore Locations

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

All Quests and Quest Types

Other The Chasm Delvers Quest Guides

The Chasm Delvers Quest Guides
The Chasm Charters Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Chasm Spelunkers
First Miasmic Contact Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits The Heavenly Stone's Debris
Perils in the Dark Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?

The Chasm Delvers Quest Line Guide

All The Chasm World Quests Guide

The Chasm World Quest Guides
A Cliff-Side Hero's Past A Company Vanishing Into the Deep Chasm Spelunkers
Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help First Miasmic Contact Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm
Lost in a Foreign Land Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits
Mycological Investigation in The Chasm Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm Perils in the Dark
Says He Who Seeks Stone Stolen, by the Rightful Owner Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering
The Chasm's Bounty The Heavenly Stone's Debris The Millennial Mountains
The Missing Miner Undetected Infiltration Valor's Afterglow
Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown Valor's Afterglow: The Faint Light Remembered Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?

List of World Quests

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