Genshin Impact

Diffuser Inscription Puzzle and Fragrant Wood Locations

Genshin Impact - Diffuser Inscription Puzzle and Fragrant Woods

The Diffuser Inscription is a puzzle where you must obtain the Fragrant Wood Huangcong and Chizhang key items found within the ruins of Chizhang Wall in Chenyu Vale. Learn how to get the Fragrant Wood items and how to solve this puzzle in Genshin Impact 4.4!

Diffuser Inscription Puzzle Overview

Obtain Fragrant Wood Key Items

...Scent of orchids, fragrance of flower, the jade cauldron and golden goblet; the fragrance wafting towards the east, burning incense towards the west...

Interacting with the diffuser in the middle of Chizhang Wall's main ruins reads out hints as to where the traveler can locate the Fragrant Woods needed. The entire puzzle can be found in Chizhang Wall in the middle of Chenyu Vale.

These items are found inside the locked chests, which can be unlocked by completing the Millennia of History puzzles, check out how to solve each below:

Locations of the Fragrant Woods
Fragrant Wood Chizhang (Southwest) Fragrant Wood Huangcong (Southeast)

Fragrant Wood Chizhang Location and Puzzle

West Side of the Diffuser Inscription

Genshin Impact - Southwest Chizhang Wall - Map Location.png

Travelers can use the Golden Carp's Leap in order to get easier access to the piece, which is found on the ruins southwest of the DIffuser Inscription in Chizhang Wall.

In this location, you will need to use your Adeptal Energy (special button on your HUD) on the pieces of debris, then place the piece on the correct green squares. The debris should match the look of the ruined structure beside it!

Puzzle Solution

The first debris is found behind a locked door by a Time Trial challenge. You can either do the time trial challenge to get to the hole, or just drop down to it. Place this flat-top pillar piece on the green square on the lower spot.
The second debris is found beneath the Ruin Hunter, in which you must interact it to activate it. Defeat the all Ruin enemies first to gain access to the broken pillar piece, then place it on the middle spot.
The final debris is placed on the way back, just beyond the Ruin Hunter at the back of the area on plain sight. Take and place the arch pillar on the spot behind the chest.

Fragrant Wood Huangcong Location and Puzzle

East Side of the Diffuser Inscription

Genshin Impact - Southeast Chizhang Wall - Map Location.png

The second piece, Fragrant Wood Huangcong, is found on the ruins southwest of the Diffuser Inscription in Chizhang Wall.

Similar to the first location, you will need to use your Adeptal Energy (special button on your HUD) on the pieces of debris, then place the piece on the correct green squares. The debris should match the look of the ruined structure beside it!

Puzzle Solution

Collect the broken pillar piece in the center of the area to the green square just beside it. This unlocks the first locked door where you can find the second flat-top pillar piece.

After obtaining the piece inside the first locked door, the second locked door behind you will need two debris to unlock. Collect the flat-top pillar piece inside the first door and place it on the lower spot. Then collect the very first debris you used, the broken pillar, and place it on the upper slot. This should open the locked door for the final arch pilar.
Use all the debris you've unlocked and place it on the final stairs where the locked Treasure Chest is. In order from lowest to highest, place the arch, flat-top pillar, and then the broken pillar to complete the puzzle and unlock the chest!

Diffuser Inscription Locked Door

Offer Fragrant Wood to the Diffuser Inscription

With both Fragrant Woods obtained, return to the DIffuser Inscription in the middle ruins of Chizhang Wall, and offer both keys to it. This automatically opens the gate leading inside.

Ruin Grader Inside Attacks

Genshin Impact - Ruin Grade inside Chizhang Wall Ruins

A Ruin Grader will wake up and attack the traveler upon entering the main ruins, and it has a rather high amount of HP.

Players can either tough it out by themselves, or be prompted to activate a certain Ancient Jade Mechanism with your Adeptal Energy to kill it instantly.

Luxurious Chest and Spirit Carp Found Inside

Genshin Impact - Spirit Carp in Chizhang Wall Ruins Genshin Impact - Treasure Chests in Chizhang Wall Ruins

Upon defeating the Ruin Grader, two Common Chests and a Luxurious Chest becomes unlocked inside the ruins. Another Spirit Carp is inside the ruins as well, floating between two pillars that travelers can climb on.

Placing the Jade Fragment Pieces

Genshin Impact - Jade Pendant Reasonate

Beyond the room, you can find a Jade mechanism where you must offer two Jade Fragment pieces. You can find both pieces on the locations below:

1 Genshin Impact - First Jade Fragment
The Jade Fragment can be found inside a cave underneath Chizhang Wall.
2 Genshin Impact - Second Jade Fragment
The Jade Fragment can be found inside Carp's Rest nearby the Rainjade Oblation. This can be accessed after completing the The Cloud-Padded Path to the Chiwang Repose Quest.

Achievements and Chest Rewards

Using the Jade Fragments onto the Ancient Jade Mechanism lets travelers interact with it, teleporting them to a new cave nearby. Interacting with the mural in the cave unlocks two new achievements, and another Luxurious Chest.

The Mural Veil A Ruined Tale

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