Genshin Impact

Ruin Grader: Locations and Item Drops

Genshin Impact - Ruin Grader Banner

This is a guide to Ruin Graders, an enemy appearing in Genshin Impact. Read on to learn locations where you can find Ruin Graders, as well as spoils dropped when defeating them.

Ruin Grader Locations and Basic Info

Ruin Grader Image
Ruin Grader
Adventurer Handbook Description
An ancient humanoid war machine.
Their form is similar to that of Ruin Guards, but is more distorted and powerful. Energy cores have been installed in both its legs, as though to power its overly heavy form.

Items Dropped by Ruin Graders

Drop Level
During Chalk Prince Event
Lv. 60+
Lv. 40+
Any Lv.

How to Beat Ruin Graders

Take out the Weakpoints on its Legs

While you can hit its eye similar to a Ruin Guard, the best way to stun the Ruin Grader is by shooting the weakpoints on its legs with arrows. Keep in mind that you can only do this when they glow.

Once they're knocked out, make sure you deal as much damage as possible!

Steer Clear of Orbs

The Ruin Grader can launch missilies that will leave orbs when it hits the ground. These orbs deal a high amount of damage, which is why it's best to avoid them and find a better angle to keep attacking.

Take Cover During the Laser Attack

The Ruin Grader also has a lser attack, which will lock onto you and deal damage. Keep moving and find a place to take cover!

Avoid the Spinning and Charge Attacks

Similar to the Ruin Guard, the Ruin Grader also has a devastating Spin Attack that will knock you out quickly if you're not careful. Keep your distance and get ready to attack once it's over.

The same can also be said for the Charge Attack. Dodge the attack and strike after it stops.

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13 Anonymousover 3 years

Even while staying in the area, and it's a small area, if you even so much as get caught stepping on the line, it recovers its health.

12 Krunchy F2Palmost 4 years

Quite possibly the EASIEST mini-boss. In fact the weakness ruin guard family member. The way to go? Use melee. This thing AI is so dumb all it will do is a clap attack (which is so easy to dodge) then proceed to do a laser blast in the same area regardless of the fact you already moved. Mind you that it's KNEELED the entire time so leg shots make it stunned. My suggestion is to overload some meaty damage or frozen for a long period of thinking of why you were scared of this thing.

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