Genshin Impact

Server Reset Times and Timezones

Genshin - Server Reset Times and Timezones

This is a guide to the Daily Reset Time for Genshin Impact Servers. Read on to learn when to claim your login bonuses, time your quests and more.

Server Reset Time

Server Reset Time for US and EU

America Europe
4:00 AM GMT-5 4:00 AM GMT+1

The daily timers and quests in Genshin will reset depending on the server time. The US-based server refresh time is at 4:00am GMT -5, while European-based server refresh time is at 4:00am GMT +1.

Server Reset Time for Asia

Asia TW, HK, MO
4:00 AM GMT+8 4:00 AM GMT+8

The reset time for all Asia-based Genshin Impact servers is at 4:00am GMT +8 (China Standard Time). TW, HK, and MO refers to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

The server times were officially confirmed by miHoYo in the 1.1 update announcement.

Server Reset Times By Timezone

Check your Timezone

If you live in a different time zone than the server locations, your daily reset time will vary depending on your time zone's distance from the server. Our chart below gives details on the reset time for each time zone and server combination.

Asia Server (GMT+8) US Server (GMT-5) European Server (GMT+1)
Eastern Daylight Time (US) 4:00 PM, Previous Day 5:00 AM 1:00 AM
Pacific Daylight Time (US) 1:00 PM, Previous Day 2:00 AM 10:00 PM, Previous Day
British Summer Time (UK) 9:00 PM, Previous Day 10:00 AM 6:00 AM
Japan Standard Time 5:00 AM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM
Australian Eastern Daylight Time 7:00 AM 8:00 PM 4:00 PM
New Zealand Daylight Time 9:00 AM 10:00 PM 6:00 PM

If your reset time is marked as Previous Day, you may receive Mail, etc. with the date labeled one day ahead.

If you find that your Daily Commissions update at a different time than listed above, please make a comment and let us know your server and current time zone so we can update with the latest info!

Why Keep Track of Server Reset Time

  • Daily Login Bonuses
  • Shop Items
  • Daily Commissions
  • Events
  • Server reset time affects the availability of quests and items in Genshin Impact, and these directly affect how fast you can level up your Adventure Rank.

    See How to Raise Your Adventure Rank

    Daily Login Bonuses

    Seize the Day

    It's important to claim login bonuses to get useful items. These can be Mora, Primogems, and more. Be sure to log in daily to keep getting rewards.

    Shop Items

    Genshin - Item Shop

    Shop items can only be purchased in limited amounts per day. These have specific refresh times once you've bought a set amount. Be sure to check the refresh times in the lower left corner of each shop.

    Daily Commissions

    Daily Commissions

    Once you reach Adventure Rank 12, you will be able to do Daily Commissions to gain more Adventure EXP. You can only do a set amount of these quests per day, so it's a good idea to keep track of the time to maximize your EXP gain.

    Daily Commissions Guide


    Genshin Impact - List of Current and Upcoming Events

    Event release times are also dependent on server time. For the latest news and events on Genshin Impact, please see the link below.

    List of Events

    In-Game Time is Not the Server Time

    Genshin Impact - Change In-Game Time

    It is not possible to alter the server time by adjusting the in-game time.

    Adjusting the in-game time only changes the time of the day to morning, afternoon, or night.

    Genshin Impact Related Guides

    All News and Game Info

    Genshin Impact - News and Game Info

    Latest News & Game Info

    Other News and Game Info

    News and Game Info Guides
    Version Pre-Install Guide Server Maintenance Update
    Release Date and Time Mobile and Console Versions
    Online Multiplayer Gameplay and Battle System
    List of Controls System Requirements and File Size
    Closed Beta Review Cross-Platform Play
    Cross Saves and How to Save Get Ready for the Road
    How to Pre-Register Pre-Launch Rewards
    Pre-Load Guide Language Settings
    Controller Support for PC and Mobile Spyware Issues and Official Response
    When is the Daily Reset Time? Free Gifts and How to Redeem Codes
    Nintendo Switch Release Date Available Platforms
    Anime Adaptation News List of Mail Promotions
    Geo Resonance and Zhongli Buff Announcement HoYoverse Rebranding
    Funko Pop! Merch Serenitea Pot Placement Maintenance
    OnePlus Hu Tao Collab Official Amazon Merch Store
    Dynamic Character Resolution Setting How to Uninstall Genshin Impact
    HoYoPlay Launcher Update Free Standard 5-Star Character


    8 Anonymousalmost 2 years

    I love your website!

    7 Wisteriaover 2 years

    I'm in the midwest (USA), so I'm in the central timezone. I use the European server cause that's where my best friend plays and I have more progress there. My commissions tend to reset at roughly 10 pm, but the event times for web events seem to be off. The answer is probably obvious but I often have trouble understanding certain things if the answer isn't laid out right in front of me so-- why is it that my commissions and everything else like that reset, but web events don't? /gq

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