Genshin Impact

List of Characters with Birthdays in December

Genshin Impact - List of Character Birthdays in December

Here's the list of Genshin Impact characters who celebrate their birthdays on the month of December. See their birthday mail rewards, messages, and art here!

Character Birthdays in December

Character Date
December 02
December 03
December 10
December 18
December 19
December 21
December 22
December 29
December 31

List of Characters

December Birthday Mail Contents

December Birthday Mail Rewards (2024)

Character Rewards
Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu
Genshin - Nilou Nilou
Genshin - Chasca Chasca
Genshin - Neuvillette Neuvillette
Genshin - Layla Layla
Genshin - Dori Dori
Genshin - Gaming Gaming
Genshin - Tighnari Tighnari
Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli

December Birthday Mail Messages (2024)

Ganyu Birthday Message

Lately, due to official duties, I've been staying in Qiaoying Village for a while. The serene beauty of Chenyu Vale is such a delight. Between work, I find myself gazing at the mountains or strolling through the woods, keeping company with the animals dwelling within.

Such a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere reminds me of my days training in Jueyun Karst. Even my midday naps have become more restful.

How about you? With all your travels, are you managing to get enough rest? If you have some free time, care to pay a visit? We could brew a fine pot of tea, prepare a couple of simple vegetarian dishes, and truly relax amidst nature's embrace. Oh, and I could sing you the songs I've recently learned from the children.

Ganyu's Character Guides
Genshin - Ganyu Builds and RatingBuild Guide Prosperous Peace ImageSpecial Dish

Nilou Birthday Message

A few days ago, I went to the desert searching for inspiration. Guess what extraordinary thing happened?

I came across an exceptional desert dancer! We didn't know each other's names, nor did we exchange any words, yet somehow, we found ourselves dancing in perfect harmony amidst the golden sands. Her movements radiated strength and conviction, and together we spun, waved, and stretched... When the dance ended, we shared an exuberant high-five!

To me, this embodies the essence of dance: a way to communicate with the beauty around us, to interact, and to express through motion. By weaving my thoughts and emotions into the dance, I can share this beauty with others.

Before parting, we exchanged gifts. Now, I want to share the same sense of joy with you!

Nilou's Character Guides
Genshin - Nilou Builds and RatingBuild Guide Ascension MaterialMaterials Swirling Steps ImageSpecial Dish

Chasca Birthday Message

I don't really know the exact date I was born, but my family always said I'm also one of their "blessed children," and that everyone deserves at least one special day of celebration each year.

Back then, I didn't fully understand the meaning behind it, so I simply went along with their suggestion and chose the date I was adopted as my own.

After living through the war, I've come to cherish what I have now more than ever, and I'd like to spend more time with those I hold dear, family and friends alike.

This year, besides my family, I want to invite some truly precious friends. I have a feeling this birthday celebration will be livelier than ever before.

The seasoned meat and fish are already prepped. I'm just waiting for the guests to arrive so I can start grilling.

The fire is crackling away, and if you take too long, I might just hop on my ride and come fetch you myself.

Chasca's Character Guides
Genshin - Chasca Builds and RatingBuild Guide Ascension MaterialMaterials Moment of Respite ImageSpecial Dish

Neuvillette Birthday Message

It's been quite some time since we last exchanged words. I hope you are well.

Now, as I sit to write, winter has arrived. People have begun wearing warmer clothes, switching to thicker blankets, and stoking their hearths. Most importantly, it's the season when everyone reaches for warm beverages.

Coffee and tea have become staples on many tables. Yet, if you ask for my preference, I'd recommend the hot water served at the Hotel Debord.

Speaking of tea, despite sharing eighty percent of the batch I purchased earlier with Wriothesley, the remainder has still lasted me a full year and counting. I thought he'd manage to deplete his share at least, but he told me, "Humans must exercise strategic restraint when drinking tea, or else they risk kidney stones."

He does have a point. If such risks were truly pressing, Sigewinne would likely impose strict measures. You should drink plenty of warm water as well — it's a cure for nearly everything.

Back to the topic, my chosen birthday is approaching once again. I've prepared a comforting broth and sincerely hope you'll grace the occasion with your presence.

Neuvillette's Character Guides
Genshin - Neuvillette Builds and RatingBuild Guide Consomme Purete ImageSpecial Dish

Layla Birthday Message

I know I shouldn't be sighing on a day like this, but this assignment... it's just so, so hard. No matter how much effort I put in, I can't seem to make any progress. If this keeps up, will I eventually have to drop out and go home...? No, no way. I can't let my parents or my mentor down.

Dear Mighty God of Wisdom, please, I beg you, let my brain start working properly... Why is everything so blurry... I can't... do this... anymore...

Ah, she's finally asleep. Honestly, after staying awake for days on end, it's no wonder she passed out...

Don't worry, she'll be fine. In fact, her prep work is already more than thorough. I think I'll just organize the key materials for her and place them on top of her paper.

If you have some time, could you please come over and keep her company? Maybe chat with her when she wakes up, or take her for a walk — anything to ease her mind for a bit, really... Thank you.

Layla's Character Guides
Genshin - Layla Builds and RatingBuild Guide Extravagant Slumber ImageSpecial Dish

Dori Birthday Message

Ahem! Oh, esteemed Traveler, why not set aside your oh-so-important adventures for a moment and join me, the one and only Lord Sangemah Bay, in celebrating this glorious, doubly special day?

Not only is it my birthday, but today also marks the grand completion of my Sumpter Beast Park's expansion! The park is now three times its original size, which means three times as many Sumpter Beasts, three times as many shops, and... well, three, four, five, six— who knows how many more times the Mora earned, hehehe!

As a gracious host, I've prepared a feast of delicacies, along with special guest appearances and surprise performances. And here's the best part: to show my sincerity, entry is completely free today! Just for this one special day! How can you resist such a deal, hmm? Come on, don't keep me waiting~

Dori's Character Guides
Genshin - Dori Builds and RatingBuild Guide Show Me the Mora ImageSpecial Dish

Gaming Birthday Message

Hey, buddy! How've you been? Heard you're in Natlan tackling some "big meals" over there? Haha, just kidding! Anyway, it's my birthday today, so how about coming over for dinner?

With this cold weather, nothing beats a hotpot feast, right? My Dad dragged me to the market this morning to pick out the freshest ingredients — top-notch stuff, guaranteed!

Oh, and besides hotpot, Dad's planning to whip up a full-on Nine Great Dishes spread. So you and Paimon absolutely have to come, yeah? Make sure you arrive with an empty stomach. I've already brewed some palate-cleansing tea so you can eat loads! If we don't finish it all, those same dishes will haunt the dining table tomorrow, the day after, and maybe even the day after that... Ugh, just thinking about it makes me terrified!

But don't worry, my Dad's an amazing cook. Plus, with Paimon around, clearing the plates will be nothing but a piece of cake, haha!

Alright, I'm off to practice now. Better get ready for tonight's epic feast!

Gaming's Character Guides
Genshin - Gaming Builds and RatingBuild Guide Yummy Yum Cha ImageSpecial Dish

Tighnari Birthday Message

It's been quite a while since we last met. Everything is going well here in the rainforest, and I wish you all the best on your journey in Natlan.

Speaking of Natlan, I've come across plenty of illustrations of Natlan's flora and fauna in academic literature. They've always fascinated me, though I haven't had the chance to explore them firsthand.

Once the Forest Rangers here are fully adept at their duties, I'm planning to crave out some time to visit Natlan for research, gathering material for my next paper. When that time comes, would you consider being my personal "Forest Ranger" there? I'm sure there's much I could learn from you.

Here, I've also enclosed a selection of seasonal mushrooms with this letter. I hope you can enjoy their rich flavor, even from so far away.

Tighnari's Character Guides
Genshin - Tighnari Builds and RatingBuild Guide Forest WatcherSpecial Dish

Zhongli Birthday Message

With each passing year, as winter deepens and all things grow quiet, Liyue Harbor takes on a livelier spirit than usual.

On the streets, travelers come and go — some hurrying through the cold toward the warmth of home, some strolling with laughter to savor the festive sights, and others preoccupied with selecting gifts for the season.

Each follows their own path, their directions varied, yet all drawn by the same yearning for reunion.

Slowly steeping the moments, gently simmering the years, food has always been a vessel for emotions and memories, as well as an irreplaceable centerpiece of unity. If time allows, why not return to Liyue? Like myself, I am certain there are many friends and kin who await the chance to glimpse a familiar face along its bustling streets.

I imagine that you have gathered a wealth of culinary expertise in your many travels. Should you choose to grace us with a taste of your skills, I have no doubt this winter would feel all the more complete.

The water is on the cusp of boiling. I await your company, where stories and warmth await to be shared.

Zhongli's Character Guides
Genshin - Zhongli Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Zhongli Story and ProfileLore Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup ImageSpecial Dish

December Birthday Mail Rewards (2023)

Character Rewards
Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu
Genshin - Nilou Nilou
Genshin - Neuvillette Neuvillette
Genshin - Layla Layla
Genshin - Dori Dori
Genshin - Tighnari Tighnari
Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli

December Birthday Mail Messages (2023)

Ganyu Birthday Message

Maybe it's because I've been so busy lately, I've caught myself almost nodding off more often during the day...

The other secretaries at Yuehai Pavilion have been trying to get me to go fishing to take my mind off things. They say that fishing is the best way to overcome fatigue. It's just... I'm worried that sitting by the water doing nothing for hours will just make me even sleepier.

But one of my colleagues, who is a particularly experienced fisher, told me that I'd enjoy it more if I went with some friends. That way, we could pass the time chatting while we waited, and we'd get to witness each other's achievements in those nervous moments when we finally reeled in our catches... It actually sounds like something I'd really enjoy!

I've already prepared the snacks and bait! If you're free, would you like to come fishing with me?

Ganyu's Character Guides
Genshin - Ganyu Builds and RatingBuild Guide Prosperous Peace ImageSpecial Dish

Nilou Birthday Message

A few days ago, as I was passing through Apam Woods, it started raining heavily. I had no choice but to take shelter under a tree and stand there quietly watching the rain.

As the raindrops sent out large ripples across the water, and all the plants and flowers in the forest swayed happily, it suddenly occurred to me that the whole forest seemed to be dancing to the melody of the rain.

Could it be that, just as the wind finds its shape as it blows through the treetops, so too might the rain be using the plants in the forest to perform a dance of its very own? When I thought of this, I tried to imitate the rhythm I saw before me, and by doing so created a brand-new dance!

But before I stage an official performance... Perhaps I can first express my gratitude for nature's inspiration by performing this dance of joy for my close friend to witness!

Nilou's Character Guides
Genshin - Nilou Builds and RatingBuild Guide Ascension MaterialMaterials Swirling Steps ImageSpecial Dish

Neuvillette Birthday Message

According to our previous public pronouncements, it is my birthday today.

Furina's birthday is a public holiday, and it remains so to this day.

On the centenary of when I took up my post, someone proposed that my birthday should also be designated as a commemorative holiday. In actuality, I do not know the exact date of my birthday.

As the spring and fall weather in Fontaine is less than satisfactory, and I am not particularly fond of summer, I finally settled on this date.

In years past, on this day I would usually extricate myself from duties at the Court and go to Merusea Village, visiting the Melusines who lived there.

This time, I would like to invite you to come along with me. I have heard you are often traveling around Fontaine lately, and are well acquainted with many Melusines. If you were present, they would surely be overjoyed.

It was merely a sudden notion I had, I suppose I may be intruding. I prepared a gift by way of thanks. Should you be available, I look forward to meeting you.

Neuvillette's Character Guides
Genshin - Neuvillette Builds and RatingBuild Guide Consomme Purete ImageSpecial Dish

Layla Birthday Message

Now this is worth celebrating! Not only was the research completed ahead of schedule, but I didn't even have to help once.

I can tell how hard she was working, and she fell right asleep as soon as she finished getting all the materials squared away. Hmm, so what was left for me to do?

After giving it a bit of thought, I figured that I should invite all her friends over on her behalf, and celebrate her successfully completing her paper! After all, when she wakes up, the first thing she'll do is start worrying about the next research topic. There's no way she'll even think of setting something like this up. Happiness like this needs to be shared, of course!

So, you'll need to keep this secret for me. It'll be a pleasant surprise for her when the time comes! I've already prepared the food for the party, so I hope you'll be there with her when she wakes.

Layla's Character Guides
Genshin - Layla Builds and RatingBuild Guide Extravagant Slumber ImageSpecial Dish

Dori Birthday Message

Good news, good news! I just finished negotiating a super lucrative deal! Just thinking about all the Mora I'm gonna make... Ehehehe...

But, y'know, can't make the big Mora without a big bit of risk! This one is a particularly tricky business, crossing the entire desert to shift the goods. Without sufficient experience comes the risk of getting lost; without sufficient skills, there's no way to protect the goods.

Now, let me think, just who is the total package that meets both conditions? Why, that would be our famous Traveler, of course!

As for the nitty-gritty deets... Nothing you need to worry yourself about, just leave it all to me. You just get the goods where they need to go, and it'll be raining Mora! Of course, I understand how difficult it must be for you to come all this way. As long as you stay at the hotels I recommend, you'll get 20% off on meals and lodging, and even get complimentary desert travel rations and a big ol' water bottle! It's a total steal, wouldn't you say?

Limited-time offer, today only, and opportunity doesn't knock twice, so you'd best reply ASAP!

Dori's Character Guides
Genshin - Dori Builds and RatingBuild Guide Show Me the Mora ImageSpecial Dish

Tighnari Birthday Message

I've heard the ambient temperature is dropping rather quickly in several different climes. I wonder if your travels have taken you to a place with such inclement weather?

Naturally, the rainforest is warm and humid as always, and remains an excellent place to escape the winter chill. So, would you consider overwintering in Gandharva Ville?

There are fresh fruits and mushrooms aplenty, and you can go hunting with the Forest Rangers (naturally, within the limits stipulated by the rainforest protection regulations). I can confidently say that every day here is filled with excitement.

Should you be interested, then come find me. I look forward to you doing your bit to contribute to the lively atmosphere here.

Tighnari's Character Guides
Genshin - Tighnari Builds and RatingBuild Guide Forest WatcherSpecial Dish

Zhongli Birthday Message

I recently found myself with some spare time, so I visited Qiaoying Village. Firstly, to relax, and secondly, because the end of each year is a time for giving gifts to kith and kin.

The distinctive mountains of Chenyu Vale are striking, and the waters have a delicate beauty. It certainly must be counted among the top destinations for a calming stroll. Should you find yourself otherwise unoccupied in the future, you must come and see for yourself. As for myself, I enjoyed a slow walk the entire time, and before I knew it, the smoke from a hundred hearths filled my senses with the fragrance of food.

The world seeks shelter before the cold that comes with the year's ending, and now is the best time to invite a few close friends to sit around the fire, brewing a pot of hot tea and reminiscing about the past.

A mouthful of winter tea can stave off the cold and chills, and restore one's vitality.

Yet these tea leaves are quite fragile, and cannot withstand the bumps and jolts of a long journey. I shall keep them for now, and we may brew them after you have arrived.

Zhongli's Character Guides
Genshin - Zhongli Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Zhongli Story and ProfileLore Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup ImageSpecial Dish

December Birthday Mail Rewards (2022)

Character Rewards
Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu
Genshin - Nilou Nilou
Genshin - Layla Layla
Genshin - Dori Dori
Genshin - Tighnari Tighnari
Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli

December Birthday Mail Messages (2022)

Ganyu Birthday Message

Lately, the other secretaries at Yuehai Pavilion have been working hard and are handling many of the affairs, so I'm less busy than usual at the end of the year. I'm... not used to having free time, so I find myself not knowing what to do.

I heard that it is a pleasant experience to admire the moon and to clear one's mind over a cup of tea with a friend after work. Would you mind accompanying me under the moonlit breeze tonight?

Please don't feel obliged to agree. Being able to have a quiet and peaceful moment in the midst of my busy schedule has made me very happy.

I've prepared tea that I often drink at Yuehai Pavilion and its complementary ingredients that help soothe the mind. I hope you will like it.

Ganyu's Character Guides
Genshin - Ganyu Builds and RatingBuild Guide Prosperous Peace ImageSpecial Dish

Nilou Birthday Message

I like to observe what's around me and take inspiration from them for my dance steps.

The rolling waves, a fluttering Crystalfly... All these beautiful things that are within reach, I wish to express their brilliance through dance.

However, after observing the landscapes of Sumeru for so long, I'm running out of inspiration...
Maybe it's time to learn from the Shaggy Sumpter Beasts and pack enough supplies to venture further?

Ah, I know, I can go to the desert!

The last time I danced at the oasis, creative ideas kept popping into my head. I'm sure I'll find something new if I go back!

Let me gather some friends! We can admire the dunes together, go stargazing, and sing around the bonfire! How does that sound?

Nilou's Character Guides
Genshin - Nilou Builds and RatingBuild Guide Ascension MaterialMaterials Swirling Steps ImageSpecial Dish

Layla Birthday Message

I was supposed to report the progress of the project to my supervisor today. However, considering that today is my birthday, my tutor extended the deadline and gave me a day off.

I'm really happy that I can put my project aside temporarily and rest for a bit.

I am going to take advantage of this rare break to walk around Port Ormos. Would you like to join me?

For me, there is nothing more satisfying than a leisurely stroll through the streets of the Port Ormos. Of course, it's even better when I'm with a close friend or two. I'll see you later if you're free!

Layla's Character Guides
Genshin - Layla Builds and RatingBuild Guide Extravagant Slumber ImageSpecial Dish

Dori Birthday Message

Do you remember what day it is today? Lord Sangemah Bay's birthday is coming up! To celebrate this auspicious occasion, I spent a fortune to commission Sumeru's most renowned pastry chef to bake me a big, decadent cake - it's even bigger than a Shaggy Sumpter Beast! I guarantee you, you'll be amazed when you see it.

Like every year, I will invite important clients and business partners to my home to celebrate.

Not only do I get an incredible amount of gifts at the banquet, but when everyone is full and happy, I can easily negotiate next year's orders... I can already see the business and Mora coming in, hehe!

Such a grand banquet, such a precious opportunity... I wouldn't miss this, if I were you!

I have already kindly invited you, so... I'm sure you know what to do, right?

See you tonight!

Dori's Character Guides
Genshin - Dori Builds and RatingBuild Guide Show Me the Mora ImageSpecial Dish

Tighnari Birthday Message

Greetings, I hope you are doing well.

Today is my birthday, and I should have invited my friends over for dinner, but unfortunately, I have accepted Amurta's invitation to give a series of talks scheduled on these days, and I can't duck out of that. I have prepared some mushroom dishes for you that I find delicious in advance, I hope you like them. My dishes are lighter in flavor, so you can add some seasonings as you wish.

The rainforest has been doing quite well lately. Should you wish to come to Gandharva Ville for a short stay, you are always welcome. However, you should always pay attention to your safety when exploring. I've enclosed some glittering items in the letter that you can use to light your way in the night.

Tighnari's Character Guides
Genshin - Tighnari Builds and RatingBuild Guide Forest WatcherSpecial Dish

Zhongli Birthday Message

Yet another year is coming to an end. As per tradition, it is time to write letters to friends and reminisce about old times.

Recently, I was entrusted by Director Hu to visit Qingce Village. The village is peaceful and prosperous these days, full of joy and the bounties of nature. Nothing soothes one's heart more than such tranquil sights and the melodious sounds of the villagers' chatter. I almost felt obliged to look for someone to share in such delights, and as such, I picked a few Jueyun Chilis for you.

Eating them in the winter is conducive to health, but if spicy food is not to your liking, you may use them to decorate your room instead. The strings of red Chilis will surely add liveliness to your home.

Zhongli's Character Guides
Genshin - Zhongli Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Zhongli Story and ProfileLore Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup ImageSpecial Dish

December Birthday Mail Rewards (2021)

Character Rewards
Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu
Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli

December Birthday Mail Messages (2021)

Ganyu Birthday Message

I've heard my colleagues say that among humans, birthdays are very special and are important occasions to be celebrated. They are days to go to places where you normally wouldn't go, and spend Mora on things you wouldn't normally buy. Only then would they be considered birthdays.

But for me, the passage of time is a trivial thing. I'm always very busy on my birthdays, and they always go by the same way every year.

During my nap today, you unexpectedly appeared in my dream. You said something to me with a smile...

Unfortunately, I can't seem to remember what you said after I woke up.

Maybe it's a sign that there's something you want to tell me? Perhaps I should take this opportunity to meet you...

Either way, I've prepared a gift according to Liyue customs.

Here are some Qingxin seeds, so you can experience the joy of planting and harvesting.

Ah... there's no more room left to write about tips on planting and tending but it's alright, let's just discuss it when we meet.

Ganyu's Character Guides
Genshin - Ganyu Builds and RatingBuild Guide Prosperous Peace ImageSpecial Dish

Zhongli Birthday Message

Before I had even noticed, it is now the last day of the year.

It's a rather special day, which not only marks the end of one year, but the beginning of another. I dwell in contemplation every time this day comes.

Time, history... Everything that flows in this world comes together in the last moment of this day.

Whether strong waves or a trickle... They move on undeterred.

You've certainly been to a lot of places and done many things this year. Your presence is like a clear mirror on the earth.

A mirror can reveal a person's nature, reflect highs and lows of emotions, and illuminate the souls of heaven and earth.

On this special day, I too would like to see this world's mirror.

For someone who has journeyed for a long time, perhaps it is time to pause and take a break.

If you are available, I hope we can meet up.

Conversation over tea will be sure to lift your spirits.

Zhongli's Character Guides
Genshin - Zhongli Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Zhongli Story and ProfileLore Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup ImageSpecial Dish

December Birthday Art

December Birthday Art Rewards (2024)

Ganyu Birthday Art

"Hmm... This one... and this one too... Both look so delicious..."

Nilou Birthday Art

"Hmm... Where should I gather inspiration for the new dance?"

Chasca Birthday Art

"C'mon, it's my birthday today. Do me a favor and let's settle this here and now."
"Be it humans or Saurians, Chasca really knows her way around mediating disputes, huh?"

Neuvillette Birthday Art

"Happy birthday, Monsieur Neuvillette~ Here's some specially made film for your Kamera. It'll make your photos look even better, hehe!"
"Thank you, Sigewinne. I hope happiness finds you as well."

Layla Birthday Art

"Layla, you've worked pretty hard today... You deserve to eat some extra meat."

Dori Birthday Art

"Hello there! Do you like this Sumpter Beast? You can buy a souvenir modeled after him to admire in the comfort of your own home! It's super fluffy and soft! Look, we even have bundle deals!"

Gaming Birthday Art

"Having dim sum for my birthday simply couldn't be better! Great tea, tasty bites, nice vibes, and good fortune all around!"

Tighnari Birthday Art

"...Phew. Ah, the air here smells wonderful... Did I accidentally fall asleep?"

Zhongli Birthday Art

"The rivers flow day and night, brimming with ceaseless vitality."

December Birthday Art Rewards (2023)

Ganyu Birthday Art

"Auspicious Birthday, Ganyu."
"Thank you..."
"Whenever it comes around, one always thinks back to how cute you were when you were little. None of the people around today are old enough to remember... One supposes that work this year has been as busy as ever? No matter how busy you are, you should still take some time out to relax..."

Nilou Birthday Art

"I got so absorbed in my dancing today! My tummy's starting to rumble already... Hmm, what should I eat first... a full-blown meal? Or go straight for a dessert..."

Neuvillette Birthday Art

"This water is really... really something!"
"An almost glacial sweetness that hides the subtlest hint of bitterness, then swallows it back up with its mellow aftertaste. An intriguing profile indeed."

Layla Birthday Art

"I wonder what my birthday stars are saying this year... Oh no, not this again! I came out here for a break, not to start doing even more calculations!"

Dori Birthday Art

"Mora, Mora, shiny Mora~ More Mora for the birthday girl~ Dori's going to be swimming in it~"

Tighnari Birthday Art

"Today's essential oils sure look good... let's just hope they actually work!"

Zhongli Birthday Art

"Each passing year resembles the last, but not so the people that live them."

December Birthday Art Rewards (2022)

Ganyu Birthday Art

"Bantu, you're here with a friend today?"

Nilou Birthday Art

"Nilou must be so focused on her dance that she even forgot her own birthday!"
"Let's go back to the Grand Bazaar together, shall we? Everyone's been waiting for your entrance!"

Layla Birthday Art

"Over there, she's over there! Let's go!"
"Happy birthday, Lay... la?"

Dori Birthday Art

"Dori seems to be enjoying a pleasant dream. Shh... best not to wake her up, Traveler."
"Paimon wonders what's in that dream. Maybe it's... a room full of Mora?"

Tighnari Birthday Art

"Something smells good... Smells like mushrooms... I think it's coming from over there!"
"It'll be done soon... I hope Master Tighnari likes it! Wait... I hope I didn't put any toxic mushrooms in..."

Zhongli Birthday Art

"You wish to send me a present for my birthday?"
"Haha, it's alright. Being able to walk around this bustling market together is a gift that time has given us."

December Birthday Art Rewards (2021)

Ganyu Birthday Art

"This is a sugar-free Sweet Flower dessert made from special ingredients the Traveler found. Don't worry, just have your fill!"

Zhongli Birthday Art

...A sudden gust sends sand flying, blotting out the sky—"
Will they be in big danger? Or will they make it out just fine? All will be revealed in the next chapter!"

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All Playable Characters
Chasca Chasca Faruzan Faruzan Heizou Heizou Jean Jean
Kazuha Kazuha Lynette Lynette Sayu Sayu Sucrose Sucrose
Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo) Venti Venti Wanderer Wanderer Xianyun Xianyun
Xiao Xiao Aloy Aloy Ayaka Ayaka Charlotte Charlotte
Chongyun Chongyun Citlali Citlali Diona Diona Eula Eula
Freminet Freminet Ganyu Ganyu Kaeya Kaeya Layla Layla
Mika Mika Qiqi Qiqi Rosaria Rosaria Shenhe Shenhe
Wriothesley Wriothesley Alhaitham Alhaitham Baizhu Baizhu Collei Collei
Emilie Emilie Kaveh Kaveh Kinich Kinich Kirara Kirara
Nahida Nahida Tighnari Tighnari Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro) Yaoyao Yaoyao
Beidou Beidou Clorinde Clorinde Cyno Cyno Dori Dori
Fischl Fischl Keqing Keqing Lisa Lisa Ororon Ororon
Raiden Raiden Razor Razor Sara Sara Sethos Sethos
Shinobu Shinobu Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro) Yae Miko Yae Miko Albedo Albedo
Chiori Chiori Gorou Gorou Itto Itto Kachina Kachina
Navia Navia Ningguang Ningguang Noelle Noelle Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo)
Xilonen Xilonen Yun Jin Yun Jin Zhongli Zhongli Ayato Ayato
Barbara Barbara Candace Candace Furina Furina Kokomi Kokomi
Mona Mona Mualani Mualani Neuvillette Neuvillette Nilou Nilou
Sigewinne Sigewinne Tartaglia Tartaglia Traveler (Hydro) Traveler (Hydro) Xingqiu Xingqiu
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Chevreuse Chevreuse Dehya Dehya Diluc Diluc Gaming Gaming
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