Genshin Impact

Where to Find the Shroomboar and Locations

Genshin Impact - Where to Find Shroomboar and Basic Information

The Shroomboar is an animal in Genshin Impact. Learn how to unlock the Shroomboar, its location, dropped items, and other basic information.

Shroomboar Basic Information

Genshin - Shroomboar Image
Type Boar (Beast)
Catchable? Yes

Can you Capture the Shroomboar?

Genshin - Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net
Yes, you can capture the Shroomboar with the Omni-Ubiquity Net and put them in your Serenitea Pot as animal furnishings! Learn more about how to get and use the Omni-Ubiquity Net in our guide:

Omni-Ubiquity Net Gadget Guide

Archive Description

A forest boar that dwells in the rainforest. This creature has developed a certain marvelous symbiosis with the Shroom-Kin. According to researchers’ studies, Shroomboars rely on the parasitic mushrooms perched on them for natural camouflage, which allows them to evade predators and survive in the jungles. However, this has also made it popular on the dinner table as naturally-occurring pre-made food.

New Animal Found in Sumeru

Genshin - Shroomboar

The Shroomboar is one of the newer beasts you can find in the Sumeru Rainforest region.

Sumeru Rainforest Animals
Dusk Bird Rishboland Tiger Shroomboar
Spinocrocodile Sumpter Beast -

Sumeru Region

Can you Capture the Shroomboar?

Genshin - Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net
Yes, you can capture the Shroomboar with the Omni-Ubiquity Net and put them in your Serenitea Pot as animal furnishings! Learn more about how to get and use the Omni-Ubiquity Net in our guide:

Omni-Ubiquity Net Gadget Guide

Shroomboar Locations

Shroomboar Habitat

You can find the Shroomboars scattered all over the Sumeru Rainforest region.

How to Unlock the Shroomboar

Collect or Defeat to Unlock

You can unlock the Shroomboar in the Living Beings Archive by either collecting or defeating Shroomboars.

Drops Raw Meat when collected or defeated

Genshin - Shroomboar Image Drop
Drop Type Food

You can also get Raw Meat after defeating the Shroomboar, which is useful for cooking!

Available at Genshin Update 3.0

Genshin Impact Version 3.0
Genshin Impact - Version 3.0 The Morn A Thousand Roses Brings
Release Date August 24, 2022

The Shroomboar is available in Sumeru released in Version 3.0!

Genshin Impact 3.0 Info

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