Genshin Impact

Where to Find the Viridian Fantail Pigeon and Location

Genshin Impact - Where to Find Viridian Fantail Pigeon and Basic Information

The Viridian Fantail Pigeon is an animal found in Fontaine in Genshin Impact. See how to unlock the Viridian Fantail Pigeon in your archives, its location, dropped items, and and how to catch it here!

Viridian Fantail Pigeon Basic Information

Genshin - Viridian Fantail Pigeon Image
Type Pigeon (Bird)
Catchable? Yes

Can you Capture the Viridian Fantail Pigeon?

Genshin - Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net
Yes, you can capture the Viridian Fantail Pigeon with the Omni-Ubiquity Net and put them in your Serenitea Pot as animal furnishings! Learn more about how to get and use the Omni-Ubiquity Net in our guide:

Omni-Ubiquity Net Gadget Guide

Archive Description

The Viridian Fantail Pigeon are close relatives of Pigeons. They are graceful in appearance, and though they can be used to send messages after being trained, few people use them as messengers. This type of bird possesses viridescent feathers and a fan-shaped tail. Their personalities are combative and they were once mistaken as the larval form of Jadeplume Terrorshrooms by outsiders that have visited Sumeru before. In actuality, the two life forms have no relations.

Viridian Fantail Pigeon Locations

Found Near Fallen Fruit in Elynas

The Viridian Fantail Pigeon can be found near trees and bushes. The easiest ones to encounter are south of the houses near the southeastern Teleport Waypoint in Elynas, munching on fallen fruit with a Magenta Fantail Pigeon.

We are currently researching more locations where the Viridian Fantail Pigeon can be found. Stay tuned for more updates!

Fontaine Map Guide

How to Unlock the Viridian Fantail Pigeon

Find and Catch the Viridian Fantail Pigeon

Simply finding and catching or hunting the Viridian Fantail Pigeon can unlock their entry in your game's Archive!

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

I found another location of the Viridian Fantail Pigeon - on the Clementine Aquabus line, south of the tunnel through the W. Slope of Mt. Automnequi (a Magenta Fantail Pigeon is there too) - I approached using Kirara (Aloy would work too) from the teleport point at the top of the mountain.

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