Genshin Impact

How to Get Concealed Talon and Effects | Concealed Talon Locations

Genshin - Concealed Talon Item Banner

Concealed Talons are ascension materials needed for certain weapons in Genshin Impact. Learn which weapons use Concealed Talons and where to get Concealed Talons in this guide!

How to Get Concealed Talon

Concealed Talon Locations

Location 1 Dropped by Lv. 60+ Rifthound Whelps
Location 2 Dropped by Lv. 60+ Rifthounds
Location 3 Crafted

Defeat Rifthound Enemies

Genshin - Rifthound
You can gather Concealed Talon by defeating the Rifthound enemies in the wilderness, they're in predominantly found in Tsurumi Island! You can also craft this on the crafting bench by using three Concealed Unguis.
Rifthounds Enemy Guide

How to Use Concealed Talon

Used to Ascend Weapons

List of Weapons that Use Concealed Talons

Weapons that use Concealed Talon
KaguraKagura's Verity Polar Star ImagePolar Star Redhorn Stonethresher ImageRedhorn Stonethresher
Akuoumaru ImageAkuoumaru Oathsworn Eye ImageOathsworn Eye WavebreakerWavebreaker's Fin

List of All Weapons

Concealed Talon Effects and Basic Information

Inventory Information

Concealed Talon ImageConcealed Talon Rarity 4
Type Character Development Items
Effect None

A sharp nail left behind by one of the Riftwolves.
All the marvels in the world must pale before ''Cretaceus,'' the greatest work of them all.

Concealed Talon Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 2.2
Genshin - 2.2 Into the Perilous Labyrinth
Release Date October 13, 2021

Concealed Talon was released on October 13, 2021 as Version 2.2 went live!
Update 2.2 Release Date & Patch Notes

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List of Items and Materials

List of Character Level Up Materials

List of Items
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Juvenile Jade ImageJuvenile Jade Crystalline Bloom ImageCrystalline Bloom Marionette Core ImageMarionette Core
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Spectral Heart ImageSpectral Heart Concealed Claw ImageConcealed Claw Concealed Unguis ImageConcealed Unguis
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Desiccated Shell ImageDesiccated Shell Pseudo-Stamens ImagePseudo-Stamens Sturdy Shell ImageSturdy Shell
Marked Shell ImageMarked Shell A Flower Yet to Bloom ImageA Flower Yet to Bloom Evergloom Ring ImageEvergloom Ring
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Mechanical Spur Gear ImageMechanical Spur Gear Meshing Gear ImageMeshing Gear Xenochromatic Crystal ImageXenochromatic Crystal
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Still-Smoldering Hilt ImageStill-Smoldering Hilt Mark of the Binding Blessing ImageMark of the Binding Blessing SentrySentry's Wooden Whistle
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Sheath of the Secret Source ImageSheath of the Secret Source Heart of the Secret Source ImageHeart of the Secret Source Overripe Flamegranate ImageOverripe Flamegranate
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