Genshin Impact

Monetoo Locations and How to Solve

Genshin Impact - Monetoo Locations and How to Solve

Monetoos are new exploration mechanics in Genshin Impact that will guide players to hidden rewards around Natlan. See where you can find all the Monetoos, their various types, and how to solve their puzzles.

All Monetoo Locations

Monetoo Interactive Map

Note: You can toggle the Area drop down menu to see all Natlan areas!

There are 12 additions to the monetoos in the three new areas in 5.2, Tezcatepetonco Range, Quahuacan Cliff, and Ochkanatlan bringing the total to 58 in all of Natlan!

Natlan Interactive Map Guide

Use Elemental Sight to Locate the Monetoo

Genshin - Use Elemental Sights

Similar to Seelie you can also utilize the elemental sight to find the direction of the Monetoo. When you try to use an elemental sight near the graffiti it will show you a faint elemental trail that will lead you to the Monetoo.

All Monetoo Types

Graffiti Monetoo

Genshin - What are the Monetoos

Graffiti Monetoos are the most common type of Monetoo seen across Natlan. These strange spirits are said to be born from ancient graffiti, and leading them back may reward you with treasures and such.

Hued Monetoo

Genshin - Hued Monetoo
Hued monetoos are those with unusual shapes and colors. Hued monetoo comes in three various colors: blue, yellow, and red; however, combining two of them will result in a new color, such as purple, orange, and green.

Peculiar Monetoo Puzzle Guide

Naughty Monetoo

Genshin - Naughty Monetoo
Naughty Monetoos are one of the new monetoos found in the new 5.2 area. They are the most michievous type of monetoo. You may stumble into this monetoo hopping around and unwilling to return to graffiti until you calm it down.

How to Solve Monetoo Puzzles

Guide Monetoo to Graffiti

Genshin - Follow Monetoo Around

Monetoo function similarly to Seelies; to solve their puzzles, simply follow them around until they reach the graffiti. Some Monetoo may hide among breakable objects and fissures, so keep an eye out for those when searching for one.

Monetoo, unlike Seelies, will stop moving when there is an enemy nearby, thus defeat the enemy first before continuing to move.

Use Phlogiston to Wake Monetoos

Genshin - Use Phlogiston to Wake Monetoos

Some Monetoo will also require you to infuse them with Phlogiston to get them moving.

Phlogiston of Natlan Guide

Throw Hued Monetoo onto Painted Stones

Genshin - Throw Hued Monetoo onto Painted Stones
Hued Monetoos are used to color painted stones or special graffiti. To use them, simply approach them and interact to extract the colors. And use your skill button to aim and launch it at a stone. Coloring the painted stone correctly will solve the puzzle.

Painted Stones Puzzle Guide

Use Wind Current to Catch Naughty Monetoo

Naughty Monetoo will sometimes float away when approached and move quickly, similar to Electro Seelies, so keep a watch on where they go to avoid losing them. When they stop moving, you can capture them with wind currents.

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Natlan Items

Natlan Local Specialties
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Natlan Materials
Genshin Impact - GrainfruitGrainfruit Genshin Impact - Candlecap MushroomCandlecap Mushroom Genshin Impact - Spinel FruitSpinel Fruit
Genshin - CacahuatlCacahuatl Genshin - Embercore FlowerEmbercore Flower
Other Items
Yellow Obsidian Rings Azure Obsidian Rings Green Obsidian Rings
Iridescent Inscription Fragment Key to Somewhere Red Metal Key
Night Jade Wooden Model Alpaca Strange Saurian Cart Key
Blazing Flint Ore Shiny Shell Broken, Graffiti-Marked Stone
Purple Obsidian Ring Crimson Obsidian Ring Pilgrim's Chronicle

Natlan Enemies

Natlan Bosses
Genshin - Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain KingGluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King Genshin - Goldflame Qucusaur TyrantGoldflame Qucusaur Tyrant Genshin - Secret Source Automaton Configuration DeviceSecret Source Automaton: Configuration Device
Genshin - Tenebrous PapillaTenebrous Papilla
Natlan Enemies
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Genshin - Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-SeekerSecret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker Gesnhin - Tenebrous MimifloraTenebrous Mimiflora

All Interactive Map Guides

Genshin Impact - Areas and Map Guides

All Interactive Map Guides


2 Anonymous5 months

Go to the pillars with the holes and line up the graffiti with the graffiti on the pillar across from you, once you do the monetoo should pop out

1 Anonymous5 months

I cant find monetoo 2 and 3, where are they?? i am looking around for them for ages

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