Genshin Impact

Natlan Shrine of Depths Locations and Keys

Genshin Impact - Natlan Shrine of Depths Locations

There are a total of 8 Shrine of Depths found across Natlan in Genshin Impact 5.5. See where to find all Natlan Shrine of Depths, all map locations, and how to obtain the Natlan shrine keys!

Shrine of Depths Guides
Genshin - Mondstadt Shrine of Depths KeyMondstadt Genshin - Liyue Shrine of Depths KeyLiyue Genshin - Inazuma Shrine of Depths KeyInazuma
Genshin - Sumeru Shrine of Depths KeySumeru Genshin Impact - Fontaine Shrine of Depths KeyFontaine Genshin Impact - Natlan Shrine of Depths KeyNatlan

Natlan Shrine of Depths Locations

Natlan Shrine of Depths Locations Map

Natlan Shrine of Depths Locations
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8

As of Version 5.5, travelers can find 8 shrines of depth across the Natlan region.

Natlan Map Guide

Shrine of Depths 1 Location - Tepeacac Rise

This Shrine of Depths can be found by a pond on top of a plateau near Tepeacac Rise in the Coatepec Mountain region. The plateau has high cliff walls on every side except its southeastern side, which you can easily climb.

Shrine of Depths 2 Location - Sulfurous Veins

This Shrine of Depths can be found on a plateau in the Sulfurous Veins area of Tequemecan Valley. To get up here, you will need to Indwell a Tepetlisaurus and ride it all the way to the top. You can also go an alternate path and glide over from the nearby cliff to the west.

How to Get Up Using a Tepetlisaurus

You must first obtain the chest that is being protected by spikes. You can obtain the chest by gliding to it from a higher spot. Then, indwell a nearby Tepetlisaurus, reveal the Molten Fissure that was hidden under the chest, and ride the Tepetlisaurus up the plateau walls.

Shrine of Depths 3 Location - Huitztli Hill

This Shrine of Depths can be found on top of Huitztli Hill in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames area of Natlan. To get up here, simply head to the northern side of the plateau, climb up a small hill on the northeastern side, and cross the bridge to Huitztli Hill.

Shrine of Depths 4 Location - Ameyalco Waters

This Shrine of Depths can be found on ground level, just southwest of the Statue of the Seven in Ameyalco Waters.

Shrine of Depths 5 Location - Quahuacan Cliff

This Shrine of Depths can be found between the gorges of the island just southeast of the Statue of the Seven in Ochkanatlan. To get there, you have fly across using the Qucusaur by the north waypoint of Flower-Feather Clan.

Shrine of Depths 6 Location - Ochkanatlan

This Shrine of Depths can be found on an island directly far west of the Statue of the Seven in Ochkanatlan.

Shrine of Depths 7 Location - Fallingstar Fields

This Shrine of Depth can be found northwest, at the coast of the slanted mountain spike in the Atocpan region.

Shrine of Depths 8 Location - Remnants of Tetenanco

This Shrine of Depth can be found in the Remnants of Tetenanco situated southwest of the Statue of Seven in the Atocpan region.

Natlan Shrine of Depths Key Locations

How to Get Natlan Shrine Keys

Location Level Keys
Natlan Statues of the Seven Lvl. 1
Natlan Statues of the Seven Lvl. 4
Natlan Statues of the Seven Lvl. 6
Natlan Statues of the Seven Lvl. 8
Tablet of Tona Lvl. 8
Tablet of Tona Lvl. 18
Tablet of Tona Lvl. 28
Tablet of Tona Lvl. 38

This section is under construction. We will find more ways to get Shrine Keys here soon so stick around!

Reward from the Statue of the Seven

Shrine Key Statue Reward

Natlan Shrine of Depth Keys can be obtained by leveling up the Statue of the Seven in Natlan. Simply offer all Pyroculus you find on your journeys all across Natlan to the Statue!

Pyroculus Locations and How to Use

Reward from Tablet of Tona

Shrine Key Tona

Natlan's Tablet of Tona, which is Natlan's version of the Fountain of Lucine from Fontaine, also rewards Shrine of Depths Keys to Travelers among many other things!

Offer all the Pyro Sigils you've obtained from chests, quests, and overall exploration of Natlan to the Fountain to get all the rewards it has to offer!

Tablet of Tona How to Unlock and Rewards

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Natlan Items

Natlan Local Specialties
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Genshin - Brilliant ChrysanthemumBrilliant Chrysanthemum Genshin - Glowing HornshroomGlowing Hornshroom Genshin - Withering PurpurbloomWithering Purpurbloom
Natlan Materials
Genshin Impact - GrainfruitGrainfruit Genshin Impact - Candlecap MushroomCandlecap Mushroom Genshin Impact - Spinel FruitSpinel Fruit
Genshin - CacahuatlCacahuatl Genshin - Embercore FlowerEmbercore Flower
Other Items
Yellow Obsidian Rings Azure Obsidian Rings Green Obsidian Rings
Iridescent Inscription Fragment Key to Somewhere Red Metal Key
Night Jade Wooden Model Alpaca Strange Saurian Cart Key
Blazing Flint Ore Shiny Shell Broken, Graffiti-Marked Stone
Purple Obsidian Ring Crimson Obsidian Ring Pilgrim's Chronicle

Natlan Enemies

Natlan Bosses
Genshin - Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain KingGluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King Genshin - Goldflame Qucusaur TyrantGoldflame Qucusaur Tyrant Genshin - Secret Source Automaton Configuration DeviceSecret Source Automaton: Configuration Device
Genshin - Tenebrous PapillaTenebrous Papilla Genshin - Wayward Hermetic Spiritspeaker Wayward Hermetic Spiritspeaker
Natlan Enemies
Genshin - Wayob ManifestationWayob Manifestation Genshin - Sauroform TribalSauroform Tribal Warriors Genshin - Avatar of LavaAvatar of Lava
Genshin - Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-SeekerSecret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker Gesnhin - Tenebrous MimifloraTenebrous Mimiflora

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