Genshin Impact

Tablet of Tona How to Unlock and Rewards

Genshin Impact Tablet of Tona How to Unlock and Rewards

The Tablet of Tona is the rewards system in Natlan where you can turn in Pyro Sigils for valuable resources in Genshin Impact. See how you can unlock the Tablet of Tona and Tona's Flame, their location, current max level, and the list of rewards here!

Tablet of Tona Rewards

Tona's Flame Rewards per Level

Lvl. Rewards
Mora Mora x2,000
Mora Mora x2,000
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Mora Mora x2,000
Mora Mora x2,000

This section is under construction. We will be adding more rewards here soon so stick around!

Tablet of Tona Max Level

For Version 5.2, you can turn in Pyro Sigils to the Tablet of Tona and level up Tona's Flame to Level 30! We can expect this cap to increase as we go through more version updates up to a maximum level of 50.

Tablet of Tona Location and How to Unlock

Found in the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

The Tablet of Tona is found within the confines of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. You will be able to access this location and start upgrading Tona's Flame automatically by simply following the Chapter V, Act I Archon Quest: Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn.

Unlock by Approaching the Tona's Flame

Tablet of Tona in the overworld

There are no special prerequisites to unlocking the Tablet of Tona. Simply approach Tona's Flame to trigger the unlock sequence! Once unlocked, you can teleport directly to the tablet for easy access.

Enter the Southwest Door from the Main Entrance

The easiest access to get to the Tablet of Tona is by entering the southwest door from the main entrance of the Stadium of the Sacred Flames. Just follow the corridor until you see a a clock-like altar near the blacksmith.

Natlan Map Guide

How to Raise the Level of the Tablet of Tona

Offer Pyro Sigils to the Tablet

Pyro Sigil

Each level of Tona's Flame requires 30 Pyro Sigils to be raised. You can get Pyro Sigils primarily from treasure chests and exploring the Natlan region!

How to Get and Use Pyro Sigils

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Natlan Materials
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Genshin - CacahuatlCacahuatl Genshin - Embercore FlowerEmbercore Flower
Other Items
Yellow Obsidian Rings Azure Obsidian Rings Green Obsidian Rings
Iridescent Inscription Fragment Key to Somewhere Red Metal Key
Night Jade Wooden Model Alpaca Strange Saurian Cart Key
Blazing Flint Ore Shiny Shell Broken, Graffiti-Marked Stone
Purple Obsidian Ring Crimson Obsidian Ring Pilgrim's Chronicle

Natlan Enemies

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4 Anonymous12 days

As of 5.4, is 270 max extra sigil? Cuz i suspected i missed some chest

3 Anonymous2 months

I had 750 extra tonas

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