Genshin Impact

Natlan Viewpoints and Location

Genshin Impact - Natlan Viewpoint Locations

Natlan has a total of 27 viewpoints, released in Version 5.2 in Genshin Impact. Find out their locations and how to unlock them in this guide!

Natlan 5.0 Viewpoint Locations

All 5.0 Viewpoints Location

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Viewpoint 1 Viewpoint 2 Viewpoint 3 Viewpoint 4
Viewpoint 5 Viewpoint 6 Viewpoint 7 Viewpoint 8
Viewpoint 9 Viewpoint 10 Viewpoint 11 Viewpoint 12
Viewpoint 13 Viewpoint 14

Viewpoint 1: Land of Many Echoes

Can be found in the Children of Echoes' entrance, next to the waypoint.

Viewpoint 2: Among the Painted Peaks

Can be discovered next to the Statue of the Seven in Children of Echoes.

Viewpoint 3: Mural of Sworn Pledges

Can be found in the Hall of Parting Vows while completing the Between Pledge and Forgettance questline.

Between Pledge and Forgettance Quest Guide

Viewpoint 4: Mother Tree of Fruitful Plenty

Can be found in the Tequemecan Valley, close to the Long-Necked Rhinos.

Viewpoint 5: Pins of Rock Entwined With Golden Runes

Located right next to the waypoint in Sulfruos Veins.

Viewpoint 6: Stone Chamber of Shifting Crystal Pillars

Can be found by completing the Shadows of the Mountains questline in the Land of Myriad Megaliths.

Shadows of the Mountains World Quest Guide

Viewpoint 7: Arena of Glory and Triumph

Can be found west of the Statue of Seven, near the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

Viewpoint 8: Trial Grounds of Restive Nightsouls

Can be found in the Chamber of Night Trial. To get to the location, go to the swamp south of the stadium, touch the black crystals, and submit a Night Jade.

Night Jade Location and How to Use

Viewpoint 9: Home of Hot Springs and Flowing Waters

Can be found near the People of the Springs, close to the waypoint.

Viewpoint 10: Plane of Pure Desolation

Can be found on a floating island while doing the Seeker No Finding quest line.

Seeker No Finding Quest Guide

Viewpoint 11: Canopy of the Clifftops

Located within the Scion of the Canopy, next to the waypoint.

Viewpoint 12: Temple of Ancient Forebears

Found north of the Ancestral Temple, near a waypoint.

Viewpoint 13: Venture to a Secret Isle

Can be found near a waypoint on the Firethief's Secret Isle.

Viewpoint 14: Where the Painted Realm Unfolds

Can be found under the Teticpac Peak. To enter the place, you must submit a broken, graffiti-marked stone.

Broken, Graffiti-Marked Stone Locations

Natlan 5.2 Viewpoint Locations

All 5.2 Viewpoints Location

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Viewpoint 15 Viewpoint 16 Viewpoint 17 Viewpoint 18
Viewpoint 19 Viewpoint 20 Viewpoint 21 Viewpoint 22
Viewpoint 23 Viewpoint 24 Viewpoint 25 Viewpoint 26
Viewpoint 27

Viewpoint 15: Before the Tezcatepetonco Range

Can be found at the entrance to Tezcatepetonco Range, north of the stadium, near the waypoint.

Viewpoint 16: The Foothills Where the Night-Wind and Riddles Grow

Found along the path to Masters of the Night-Wind, near the Statue of Seven.

Viewpoint 17: Great Nightspirit Graffiti

Southeast of Masters of the Night-Wind, in front of the massive bird graffiti.

Viewpoint 18: Cavern of Tranquil Light

Can be found underground in Malinalco Grotto. To find the location, enter the cave in Xalac Vale and turn right at the waypoint.

Viewpoint 19: The Story Recorded

Found within the Legendary Mural Cavern. To open the area, you must first solve a series of Monetoo puzzles.

Viewpoint 20: Ceremonial Site Lost in Night's Dim Light

Found within the Totem Altar of Masters of the Night-Wind.

Viewpoint 21: Lost Ceremonial Site

Found west of the Tezcatepetonco Range. This viewpoint is only available after completing the The Mystery of Tecoloapan Beach questline.

The Mystery of Tecoloapan Beach World Quest

Viewpoint 22: Where Feathers Are Intertwined Like Flowers

Found at the entrance of Flower-Feather Clan, near a waypoint.

Viewpoint 23: Collapse of the White Tower

Found in the Flower-Feather clan, on the hot-air balloon platform.

Viewpoint 24: The Unfinished Ashen City

Located within Ochkanatlan, near the Statue of the Seven.

Viewpoint 25: Old Core of Chu'ulel

Can be found within the Old Core of Chu'ulel, after completing the Open Your Heart to Me questline.

Open Your Heart to Me Quest Guide

Viewpoint 26: Satellite Floating Amongst the Clouds

Found on the sky island, near the waypoint. To unlock the location, you must progress in The Other Side of the Sky quest.

The Other Side of the Sky Quest Guide

Viewpoint 27: Bloodline's Control Hub

Can be found underground in the Core of Chu'ulel: Interior. To get to the location, you must progress through the Palace of the Vision Serpent quest.

Palace of the Vision Serpent Quest Guide

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Natlan Materials
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Genshin - CacahuatlCacahuatl Genshin - Embercore FlowerEmbercore Flower
Other Items
Yellow Obsidian Rings Azure Obsidian Rings Green Obsidian Rings
Iridescent Inscription Fragment Key to Somewhere Red Metal Key
Night Jade Wooden Model Alpaca Strange Saurian Cart Key
Blazing Flint Ore Shiny Shell Broken, Graffiti-Marked Stone
Purple Obsidian Ring Crimson Obsidian Ring Pilgrim's Chronicle

Natlan Enemies

Natlan Bosses
Genshin - Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain KingGluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King Genshin - Goldflame Qucusaur TyrantGoldflame Qucusaur Tyrant Genshin - Secret Source Automaton Configuration DeviceSecret Source Automaton: Configuration Device
Genshin - Tenebrous PapillaTenebrous Papilla
Natlan Enemies
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Genshin - Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-SeekerSecret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker Gesnhin - Tenebrous MimifloraTenebrous Mimiflora

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