Genshin Impact

Keqing, Collei, and Fischl, Low-Budget Quicken Deck Build and How to Play

Genshin - Keqing, Collei, and Fischl, Summon Quicken Deck Deck Build and How to Play

This is the Summon Quicken Deck build for Keqing, Collei, and Fischl in Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG. We have a list of all character and action cards for the Summon Quicken Deck and a guide on how to play the deck!

Summon Quicken Deck Build

List of Cards

Main Characters Cards
Genshin - Keqing CardKeqing Genshin - Collei CardCollei Genshin - Fischl CardFischl
Action Cards
Genshin - Laurel Coronet CardLaurel Coronet
Genshin - Thunder SummonerThunder Summoner's Crown
Genshin - Thundering Fury CardThundering Fury
Genshin - Strategize CardStrategize
Genshin - The Bestest Travel Companion! CardThe Bestest Travel Companion!
Genshin - Toss-Up CardToss-Up
Genshin - Katheryne CardKatheryne
Genshin - Wagner CardWagner
Genshin - Timmie CardTimmie
Genshin - Liben CardLiben
Genshin - Elemental Resonance: Woven Thunder CardElemental Resonance: Woven Thunder
Genshin - Elemental Resonance: High Voltage CardElemental Resonance: High Voltage
Genshin - Mondstadt Hash Brown CardMondstadt Hash Brown
Genshin - Favonius Cathedral CardFavonius Cathedral
Genshin - Dawn Winery CardDawn Winery
Genshin - Liyue Harbor Wharf CardLiyue Harbor Wharf
Genshin - Knights of Favonius Library CardKnights of Favonius Library
Genshin - Knights of Favonius Library CardKnights of Favonius Library
Genshin - Jade Chamber CardJade Chamber
Genshin - Stellar Predator CardStellar Predator
Genshin - Thundering Penance CardThundering Penance
Genshin - Floral Sidewinder CardFloral Sidewinder
Genshin - Sacrificial Bow CardSacrificial Bow
Genshin - Aquila Favonia CardAquila Favonia

Summon Quicken Deck How to Play

Summon Quicken Deck Explanation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Summon Quicken Deck Strengths
• Deck is easy to build, use, and obtain
• Speedy deck that can quickly finish a duel
• Gives consistent damage through Quicken effect that gives Catalyzing Field buff
Low-Budget Quicken Deck Weaknesses
• Doesn't have any heal or damage reduction buffs
• May start slow depending on the cards you get on the first phase
• Prolonged duel may cause you to run out of cards

Summon Quicken Deck Combo Cards

Combo Card 1 Combo Card 2 Result
Genshin - Keqing CardKeqing Genshin - Thundering Penance CardThundering Penance - Allows to instantly use Elemental Skill, dealing electro damage.
- Switch out and then use the Action Card that will appear after using the Skill or the Thundering Penance Card for a quick switch back without losing a turn.
Genshin - Katheryne CardKatheryne Genshin - Dawn Winery CardDawn Winery - Supports the swapping of characters without losing a turn or spending a die once per battle.
Genshin - Timmie CardTimmie Genshin - Liben CardLiben - These cards make it possible to combo and take out one character on the opponent's side in a single phase.

How to Play

Starting Cards

Recommended Starting Hand
Genshin - Timmie CardTimmie Genshin - Liben CardLiben Genshin - Dawn Winery CardDawn Winery Genshin - Wagner CardWagner
Genshin - Toss-Up CardToss-Up Genshin - Jade Chamber CardJade Chamber Genshin - Strategize CardStrategize Genshin - Katheryne CardKatheryne

As the duel starts, you will want to have these cards at the beginning to set up your combo in the second and third phases. You can start by not attacking and setting up the support cards, like Katheryne, Timmie, Liben, or Wagner. You can attack if there are leftover dice you can use before ending the turn.

After that, you can start with Keqing and use her skill, then swap to Collei for the Quicken elemental reaction. Swap back Keqing using the Lightning Stiletto Card and attack opponents with increased damage.

Use Keqing as the Main Damage Dealer

Genshin - Keqing CardKeqing Genshin - Aquila Favonia CardAquila Favonia Genshin - Wagner CardWagner

Keqing is the main DPS for this deck. Try to equip her with the Aquila Favonia as early as possible to increase her damage output in the first three phases. It will also keep Keqing alive as it heals her everytime she takes damage. If you have the Wagner card, you can set up it first before equipping the Aquila Favonia, so you won't have to spend any dice to equip it.

Manage the Dice Better

Recommended Cards
Genshin - Elemental Resonance: Woven Thunder CardElemental Resonance: Woven Thunder Genshin - The Bestest Travel Companion! CardThe Bestest Travel Companion! Genshin - Toss-Up CardToss-Up Genshin - Knights of Favonius Library CardKnights of Favonius Library

If you're currently in the third phase, getting all the required elemental dice is a must to unleash all possible combos. You can use the Toss-Up, The Bestest Travel Companion!, Elemental Resonance: Woven Thunder, and Knights of Favonius Library, to get a better dice roll.

Summon Quicken Deck Best Used Against

Friendly Fracas

Genshin Impact - Ganyu ImageGanyu Genshin Impact - Razor ImageRazor Genshin Impact - Yoimiya ImageYoimiya

Quicken Deck is a good deck against decks similar to Ganyu, Razor, and Yoimiya. These decks usually start slow and require several turns for their combo or high-damaging attack to push through. Since they are slow, they can become an easy target for the speedy Quicken Deck and disrupt their turn.

What does this Deck Counter?

This deck is a great counter against a slow start deck and requires a build-up from Equipment and other Action cards. It will let them go on the defensive against the Quicken Deck to prevent their characters from dying, abruptly messing up their turn.

It's also a good counter to Force-Swap decks as it might help out with the combo from the Low-Budget Quicken Deck.

How to Counter Summon Quicken Deck: How to Beat

Countered by Frozen Decks (Best)

Genshin - Mona CardMona Genshin - Kamisato Ayaka CardKamisato Ayaka Genshin - Ganyu CardGanyu

The Frozen Deck can stop the momentum of the Quicken Deck since the Quicken Deck rely on swapping to inflict Quicken and get the Catalyzing Field damage buff. Even with a good roll of dice or cards, it will be hard to keep the flow going and attack if the characters are frozen on the Quicken Deck.

Use Defense-Focused Decks to Counter

Genshin - Ningguang CardNingguang Genshin - Noelle CardNoelle Genshin - Diona CardDiona

A defensive Deck is another build you can use to counter the Quicken Deck. Quicken Deck relies on the early turns (first 2-3 turns) to punish the enemy characters, but a defense-focused deck can survive those turns if played correctly and drag the duel longer.

It might also cause the players using the Quicken Deck to run out of cards if the duel gets too lengthy.

Genshin Impact Related TCG Guides

Genshin - Genius Invokation Deck Related Guides.png

Genius Invokation Deck Building Guide

List of Decks

List of the Best Decks

List of Decks
Starter Deck Token Overloaded Deck International Freeze Deck
Mona in Liyue Deck Crystallized Hydro Deck Trailblazer Deck
Summon Quicken Deck Superconduct Quickswap Deck Summon and Swirl Deck
Liyue Freeze Deck Ayamiya Melt Deck Noelle Hypercarry Deck
Beidou Stall Deck Klee and Mona Vaporize Deck Itto Ultracarry Deck
Piercing Quicken Deck Ayato Vaporize Deck Buff Electro-Charged Deck
Electro-Charged Nuke Deck Quicken-Swirl Chain Deck Mono-Geo Tank Deck
All-Archon Swirl Deck Piercing Swirl Deck Zhongli Hypercarry Deck
Burning Summon Deck Cryo Hypercarry Deck Swap, Swirl, Summon Deck
Inazuma Quick-Swap Deck Monster Mash Deck Alhaitham Quicken Deck
FiNaLy Burning Quicken Deck Yashiro Commission Vape-Melt Deck


18 SIMΩMEGAover 1 year

Narukami Shrine or Parametric Transformer. If ALL of the 3 above conditions are met, then you’re better off using ONLY 1 copy of Library, in EVERY other case Chamber has more value ON AVERAGE.

17 SIMΩMEGAover 1 year

TL;DR: When to use Chamber: 1) When you have Reroll Artifacts or when you already have another Chamber in your deck. 2) Less than 3 different Elements in party. If any of the above conditions above is met, use Chamber and remove Library. When to use Library: 1) If it’s the only copy in your deck (law of diminishing returns, if you want 2 then put 2 Chambers instead). 2) If you don’t have Chamber in your deck or reroll artifacts. 3) If you have random dice-generating cards like>>>

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