Genshin Impact

Diluc, Kaeya, and Sucrose, Starter Deck Build and How to Play

Genshin - Diluc, Kaeya, and Sucrose, Starter Deck Deck Build and How to Play

This is the Starter Deck build for Diluc, Kaeya, and Sucrose in Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG. We have a list of all character and action cards for the Starter Deck and a guide on how to play the deck!

Starter Deck Build

List of Cards for the Deck

Main Characters Cards
Genshin - Diluc CardDiluc Genshin - Kaeya CardKaeya Genshin - Sucrose CardSucrose
Action Cards
Genshin - Laurel Coronet CardLaurel Coronet
Genshin - Mask of Solitude Basalt CardMask of Solitude Basalt
Genshin - Viridescent VenererViridescent Venerer's Diadem
Genshin - Thunder SummonerThunder Summoner's Crown
Genshin - WitchWitch's Scorching Hat
Genshin - Wine-Stained Tricorne CardWine-Stained Tricorne
Genshin - Broken RimeBroken Rime's Echo
Genshin - Strategize CardStrategize
Genshin - Changing Shifts CardChanging Shifts
Genshin - The Bestest Travel Companion! CardThe Bestest Travel Companion!
Genshin - GuardianGuardian's Oath
Genshin - Send Off CardSend Off
Genshin - Quick Knit CardQuick Knit
Genshin - Blessing of the Divine RelicBlessing of the Divine Relic's Installation
Genshin - Master of Weaponry CardMaster of Weaponry
Genshin - CalxCalx's Arts
Genshin - Starsigns CardStarsigns
Genshin - When the Crane Returned CardWhen the Crane Returned
Genshin - Leave it to Me! CardLeave it to Me!
Genshin - I HavenI Haven't Lost Yet!
Genshin - Paimon CardPaimon
Genshin - Minty Meat Rolls CardMinty Meat Rolls
Genshin - Sweet Madame CardSweet Madame
Genshin - Favonius Cathedral CardFavonius Cathedral
Genshin - Dawn Winery CardDawn Winery
Genshin - Magic Guide CardMagic Guide
Genshin - TravelerTraveler's Handy Sword
Genshin - White Tassel CardWhite Tassel
Genshin - White Iron Greatsword CardWhite Iron Greatsword
Genshin - Raven Bow CardRaven Bow

Starter Deck How to Play

Starter Deck Explanation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Starter Deck Strengths
• Decent starting deck to get you through the early duels in the game.
• Has strong synergy with character swap playstyle.
• Can apply Cryo or Pyro Aura's on all enemies through the Swirl reaction, which lets you easily trigger Melt reactions.
Starter Deck Weaknesses
• Has unnecessary Action cards that can't be used by the Character cards.

Starter Deck Combo Cards

Combo Card 1 Combo Card 2 Result
Genshin - Kaeya CardKaeya Genshin - Dawn Winery CardDawn Winery - Dawn Winery gives you a free Active Character swap per turn, which lets you deal free Cryo DMG from Kaeya's Glacial Waltz passive.
Genshin - Kaeya CardKaeya Genshin - Changing Shifts CardChanging Shifts - Lets you swap to a new Active Character for free, letting you deal free Cryo DMG from Kaeya's Glacial Waltz.
Genshin - Kaeya CardKaeya Genshin - Sucrose CardSucrose - Sucrose Swirls the Cryo Aura to the standby enemy Character cards.
Genshin - Diluc CardDiluc Genshin - Kaeya CardKaeya - Diluc will deal Melt damage after applying Cryo on enemies either through Kaeya's Attacks or Swirling Cryo.

How to Play the Starter Deck

Start with Kaeya

Genshin - Play Kaeya as the opening Active Character
Your opening Active Character for this deck will be Kaeya. His job will be to apply Cryo on the first enemy. You will want to have at least three Cryo Elemental die for Kaeya to use a Cryo attack and then 1 Anemo die for Sucrose.

Also, try to have Dawn Winery or Changing Shifts in your opening hand.

Swap to Sucrose and Swirl Cryo

Genshin - Use Sucrose to Swirl Cryo
After dealing Cryo damage to the first enemy, swap to Sucrose. With Sucrose, you will simply need to deal any kind of attack for her to swirl Cryo on the enemies. This will be your main one-two combo.

If you can afford it, try to use Sucrose's Elemental Skill (Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308) to force the enemy to swap their Active character to one that has a Cryo Aura applied.

Play Diluc as the Main Damage Dealer

Genshin - Play Diluc as the Main Damage Dealer
With Cryo applied to the enemies, you are now free to deal huge damage through Melt reactions with Diluc. After this point, you're free to swap back and forth to do your one-two combo

Use Sucrose's Elemental Burst on Cryo Auras

Genshin - Use Sucrose Elemental Burst on Cryo Auras
If possible, use Sucrose's Elemental Burst (Elemental Burst: Forbidden Creation – Isomer 75) on enemies with a Cryo Aura. This will make the summon deal Cryo DMG at the end phase, which can help set up Diluc to deal Melt damage in the next round.

Kaeya Elemental Burst and Active Character Swapping

Genshin - Kaeya Passive Effect
Kaeya's Elemental Burst, Glacial Waltz, creates an Icicle on the Active Character card. This Icicle will deal Cryo damage on the active enemy whenever you swap your Active character.

When combined with Dawn Winery or Changing Shifts, this lets you deal free Cryo DMG on the enemy. This will apply a Cryo Aura on the enemy, letting you either Swirl Cryo DMG on enemies or set up Diluc to deal Melt damage..

Starter Deck Best Used Against

List of NPCs

NPCs Weak Against this Deck
Genshin Impact - Swan ImageSwan Genshin Impact - Ellin ImageEllin Genshin Impact - Marjorie ImageMarjorie Genshin Impact - Timmie ImageTimmie
Genshin Impact - Wagner ImageWagner Genshin Impact - Blanche ImageBlanche Genshin Impact - Timaeus ImageTimaeus Genshin Impact - Patton ImagePatton
Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose Genshin Impact - Fischl ImageFischl

What does this Deck Counter?

This deck is sufficiently average across the board. However, it has strengths against other deck types like control or setup decks given how fast this deck can deal combo-based damage!

How to Counter the Starter Deck: How to Beat

Use Rushdown or Aggro Deck Types

Since this deck needs some setup to be effective, the best way to defeat the Starter deck is to use Aggro or Rushdown Decks. An Aggro or Rushdown deck will put pressure on your enemy to discourage them from setting up their combos.

Focus on Defeating Diluc

Diluc is the Main damage dealer in this deck, so an effective way to cripple this deck is by defeating their Main damage dealer! Without Diluc, the deck will be hard-pressed to deal big damage against you.

Genshin Impact Related TCG Guides

Genshin - Genius Invokation Deck Related Guides.png

Genius Invokation Deck Building Guide

List of Decks

List of the Best Decks

List of Decks
Starter Deck Token Overloaded Deck International Freeze Deck
Mona in Liyue Deck Crystallized Hydro Deck Trailblazer Deck
Summon Quicken Deck Superconduct Quickswap Deck Summon and Swirl Deck
Liyue Freeze Deck Ayamiya Melt Deck Noelle Hypercarry Deck
Beidou Stall Deck Klee and Mona Vaporize Deck Itto Ultracarry Deck
Piercing Quicken Deck Ayato Vaporize Deck Buff Electro-Charged Deck
Electro-Charged Nuke Deck Quicken-Swirl Chain Deck Mono-Geo Tank Deck
All-Archon Swirl Deck Piercing Swirl Deck Zhongli Hypercarry Deck
Burning Summon Deck Cryo Hypercarry Deck Swap, Swirl, Summon Deck
Inazuma Quick-Swap Deck Monster Mash Deck Alhaitham Quicken Deck
FiNaLy Burning Quicken Deck Yashiro Commission Vape-Melt Deck


1 SIMΩMEGAalmost 2 years

We should remove and add cards that are direct upgrades to have a better optimized-deck, still remains one of the worst decks tho lol.

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