Pokemon Sword and Shield

Mark Charm Effect and How to Get It

Mark Charm

Mark Charm is a Key Item in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Find out its effects, how to get it, as well as tips on when and how to use it.

Mark Charm Effect

Mark Charm ImageMark Charm
Effect A mysterious and unique charm that increases the chance of finding a Pokémon with a mark.

Find Pokemon with Marks more Easily

Once you get the Mark Charm, you'll be able to find Pokemon with Marks (sort of like titles) a lot more easily.

Find Pokemon with Marks at 3 Times Faster

Mark Charm will triple your chances of encountering a Pokemon with a Mark.

With Mark Charm Without Mark Charm
3 Pokemon out of 30 10 Pokemon out of 30

How to Get Mark Charm

Complete the Isle of Armor Pokedex

Mark Charm.jpeg
You can get the Mark Charm by completing your Isle of Armor Pokedex and showing it to the professor at Armor Station in Fields of Honor.

Finding Pokemon with marks is already pretty difficult, so you should complete your Pokedex if you want to search for them!

How to Complete the Isle of Armor Pokedex

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