Pokemon Sword and Shield

Bach's Food Tin Effect and How to Get It

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Bach's Food Tin is an Ingredient used in cooking curry in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. See where to find it and what kind of curry you can make with it.

Bach's Food Tin Effect

BachBach's Food Tin
Effect One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The tinned food that Bach sells is curiously popular in Galar.

How to Get Bach's Food Tin

Curry Ingredient Seller

Curry Ingredients.jpg
You can get Bach's Food Tin from the curry ingredient seller at Rolling Fields and Hammerlocke.

Be reminded that the ingredients in the store change every other day. Be sure to check every other day if you want a specific ingredient.

Shining Drop

Shining Drop Ingredient

You can get Bach's Food Tin as one of the possible items from shining drops in the Wild Area. Be sure to check out and pick up all shining drops you see to get this ingredient!

Type of Curry Bach's Food Tin is Used in

Rich Curry

Rich Curry

Bach's Food Tin is the main ingredient used to make Rich Curry. The taste of the Curry depends on the assortment of Berries you put in along with the main ingredient.

How to Make the Best Curry

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Please note that Bach's Food Tin is version exclusive to Shield. The Sword equivalent is Bob's Food Tin.


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