Genshin Impact

How to Beat Chongyun in a Genius Invokation Duel

Genshin Impact - How to Get Chongyun and Effects

Challenge Chongyun to a Genius Invokation Duel in Genshin Impact. See where to find Chongyun, how to beat Chongyun, recommended deck, and all rewards here!

How to Unlock Chongyun TCG Battle

Can invite on bulletin board in Cat's Tail

Genshin - Cat

How to Unlock Invite in The Cat's Tail

You can repeatedly invite Chongyun to a Genius Invokation battle once you reach Player Level 2! You must use a Match Invitation Letter when inviting him for the first time.

How to Increase Player Level

How to Beat Chongyun in Genius Invokation

Best Deck Against Chongyun

Recommended Character Cards

Main Character Cards
Genshin - Fischl CardFischl Genshin - Sucrose CardSucrose Genshin - Diluc CardDiluc

Recommended Action Cards

Best Action Cards
Genshin - Favonius Cathedral CardFavonius Cathedral Genshin - Changing Shifts CardChanging Shifts Genshin - The Bestest Travel Companion! CardThe Bestest Travel Companion! Genshin - Leave it to Me! CardLeave it to Me! Genshin - Liben CardLiben

How to Beat Chongyun in a Friendly Fracas

Beat Chongyun Quickly

Chongyun's Deck relies on enhancing his cards' Normal Attacks, meaning that their attacks may be slow at the start of the duel. Take the chance to deal as much damage as possible and end the battle faster!

Force Chongyun to Switch Cards

Triggering Electro-Charged or using Sucrose's Elemental Skill can also force Chongyun to keep switching Character Cards and use up their turns and dice.

Use Summons to Deal More Damage

Using Fischl and Sucrose's summons can also give additional damage in between rounds! This can help pile up the damage and Elemental Reactions, as well.

How to Beat Chongyun in a Serious Showdown

Take Razor Out First

Chongyun's deck is one of the most difficult to deal with, amongst all Serious Showdown matches. Razor and Chongyun deal massive damage on their own, but their Superconduct with Chongyun's buffs make them a force to be reckoned with.

That's why rendering this pair unable to build momentum from their synergy by taking our Razor can help you secure that win. Also, Razor is the main DPS of this card, and thus the biggest threat.

You can then target Chongyun which could become a monster, especially when equipped with a greatsword and sustained by Noelle thru her shields.

Chongyun Duel Information

Genius Invokation Duel Information

#ChongyunImage Chongyun
Challenge Type Character Invite Challenge
Main Element Used
Cryo Image
Special Rule No Special Rule

I've only just read the rules for this card, but I think it should do fine with the right deck...

Chongyun's TCG Deck

Chongyun's Character Cards

Main Character Cards
Genshin Impact - Chongyun ImageChongyun Genshin Impact - Razor ImageRazor Genshin Impact - Noelle ImageNoelle

Chongyun uses the same set of Character Cards in both his Character Invitation Challenge and Weekly Guest Challenge!

Chongyun Duel Location

Where to Find Chongyun

Find Chongyun in The Cat's Tail, Mondstadt

Chongyun can be fought as a Character Invite Challenge, which means you have to go to The Cat's Tail tavern in Mondstadt City to find and challenge them!

Likely to Show up in Weekly Guest Challenges

Chongyun is also likely to show up as one of the Weekly Guest Challenges at The Cat's Tail tavern!

Weekly Guest Challenge Guide

Duel Objectives and Rewards

All Objectives and Rewards

Objective Rewards
Achieve victory
Genshin Impact - Chongyun ImageChongyun Card x1
Achieve victory within 6 rounds
Win with less than 2 characters defeated

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - List of NPC Duels and Duel Types

TCG Character and NPC List

List of Character Invite Challenge Duels

List of Character Invite Challenge Duels
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Genshin Impact - Keqing ImageKeqing Genshin Impact - Ganyu ImageGanyu Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya Genshin Impact - Chongyun ImageChongyun
Genshin Impact - Kamisato Ayaka ImageKamisato Ayaka Genshin Impact - Barbara ImageBarbara Genshin Impact - Xingqiu ImageXingqiu Genshin Impact - Mona ImageMona
Genshin Impact - Xiangling ImageXiangling Genshin Impact - Bennett ImageBennett Genshin Impact - Yoimiya ImageYoimiya Genshin Impact - Razor ImageRazor
Genshin Impact - Cyno ImageCyno Genshin Impact - Noelle ImageNoelle Genshin Impact - Collei ImageCollei Genshin Impact - Ningguang ImageNingguang
Genshin Impact - Fischl ImageFischl Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose

Duel Types and Location Guides

All Duel Types and Guides
Genshin Impact - Genius Invokation TCG PvP GuideCo-Op Matches Genshin Impact - How to Unlock Weekly Guest Challenges GuideWeekly Guest Challenges
Genshin - Character Invitation Challenges in Genius InvokationCharacter Invitations Genshin - Ascension Challenges in Genius InvokationAscension Challenges
Genshin - Tavern Challenges in Genius InvokationTavern Challenges Genshin - Genius Invokation Open World Matches SlimOpen World Matches

Genius Invokation Gameplay Guide

Genshin Impact - Genius Invokation Guides Slim
Genius Invokation TCG Guide

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