Monster Hunter Wilds

List of Maps and Locations

Monster Hunter Wilds Maps and Locations
A list of locations and ecosystems in Monster Hunter Wilds. See an overview of the different locales and the monsters you can hunt in each location.

List of Locations

All Confirmed Locations

Windward Plains

Windward Plains
Windward Plains is the first locale from the Forbidden Lands. This area contains grasslands, deserts, savannahs, and rock formations.

Monsters in Windward Plains

Monsters in Windward Plains
Rey DauRey Dau BalaharaBalahara DoshagumaDoshaguma
ChatacabraChatacabra QuematriceQuematrice

List of Monsters

Kunafa, Windsong Village

Kunafa Windsong Village
Kunafa is a settlement located within the Windward Plains. It is the home of the Seikret.

Scarlet Forest

Scarlet Forest

Scarlet Forest is the second locale revealed in the game's trailers. The locale get its name from the plant life and rivers that have a deep red color features ancient civilization ruins, large red webs, and continuous rainstorms and monsoons.

Monsters in Scarlet Forest

Monsters in Scarlet Forest
Lala Barina IconLala Barina Uth Duna IconUth Duna

List of Monsters

Wudwud Hideout

Wudwud Hideout
Deep within the Scarlet Forest lies an area called Wudwud Hideout. It is here that the Wudwuds, a Lynian tribe, reside.

Oilwell Basin

Oilwell Basin
The third locale in the Forbidden Lands is the Oilwell Basin. This is the home of the Azuz people, the Everforge, and monsters such as the Black Flame.

Monsters in Oilwell Basin

Monsters in Oilwell Basin
The Black FlameThe Black Flame Rompopolo IconRompopolo Ajarakan IconAjarakan

Azuz Village

The village of Azuz is located within the Oilwell Basin and was formed around the Everforge. Its people are skilled craftsmen that utilize the unique materials of the region and techniques passged down through the ages.

Base Camp

The base camp serves as the main headquarters of the expedition. It is here where can merchants to buy and sell items as well as the members of the Avis unit such as Gemma and Alma.

List of Monsters

Monster Hunter Wilds Related Guides

Monster Hunter Wilds Walkthrough Wiki
Monster Hunter Wilds Walkthrough Wiki

Monster Hunter Wilds Wiki Contents
WeaponsWeapons Armor SetsArmor Sets
MonstersMonsters Tips and Tricks HeaderTips and Tricks
CharactersCharacters Story Walkthrough Monster Hunter WildsStory Walkthrough
Monster Hunter Wilds Items and MaterialsItems and Materials Maps and LocationsMaps and Locations
PalicoPalico SkillsSkills
Endemic Life Monster Hunter WildsEndemic Life Monster Hunter Wilds - QuestsQuests
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