Monster Hunter Wilds

Gunlance Weapon Guide and New Moves

MH Wilds - Gunlance Guide
Monster Hunter Wilds' Gunlance is a defensive weapon that utilizes Shells to fire shots alongside standard thrust attacks. Check out the new moves for Gunlance, how to use it, and the controls for it in this guide!

New Gunlance Moves and Mechanics

Wyrmstake Full Blast

Wide Sweep ▶︎ Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Move Input
Wide Sweep ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Wide Sweep ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

The Wyrmstake Full Blast is a powerful attack that consumes all Shells and a Wyrmstake Shot. If you use triangle or circle after this move, you can combo it into a Multi Wyrmstake Full Blast.

Focus Strike: Drake Auger

Mouse Right Button + Shift
Move Input
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R1 Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Right Bumper

This new move is used to deal extra damage to a monster's wound. When you do this, you'll also launch a Wyrmstake into the monster, dealing extra damage. Just make sure to Reload afterwards to replenish your Wyrmstake Shot.

How to Use Gunlance

Gunlance Tips and Tricks

Learn What Each Gauge is Used For

Gauge Explanation
Shells Ammo required to use Shelling. Deals fire damage that cuts through the thickness of the monster's hide. They can be recovered by using Reload or Quick Reload.
Wyrmstake Shot Ammo required to use Wyrmstake Cannon. Consumed each time Wyrmstake Cannon is fired and can be recovered with Reload.
Wyvern Gauge A gauge used to unleash Wyvern's Fire, which is a powerful attack that deals fire damage that cuts through the monster's hide. The gauge will recover automatically over time and by landing attacks. Each attack consumes one segment of the gauge and up to two can be stored.

Compared to other weapons, Gunlance has a bunch of gauges that you need to keep track of. It's best to familiarize yourself with the gauges so you know which one does what.

Burst Fire Consumes All Shell Charges

As a note, whenever you use Burst Fire, it will consume all of your Shells. Whenever you use this powerful move, make sure to Reload right away so you can regain your Shells.

Shelling Damage Scales with Attack

MH Wilds - Gunlance
Unlike previous installations, this game looks to scale the damage of your Shells with your Attack. Before, the damage used to be fixed, meaning it was strong early but weaker later. However, now it looks like Gunlance's damage will scale so that it can compete in the late game.

Utilize the Different Shelling Types

Type Information
Normal ・Can hold a large number of Shells
・Strong Burst Fire
Wide ・Can hold a small number of Shells
・Short but wide range
・Strong Shelling
Long ・Can use Shelling from a distance
・Strong Wyvern's Fire
・Strong Wyrmstake Cannon

In the older titles, the Gunlance would have a different Shelling type depending on the exact weapon you're using. It's best to familiarize yourself with the different Sheling types since each one has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Use a Counterattacking Playstyle

Similar to the Lance, the Gunlance excels at defending attacks using its large shield. This means you want to take on a more defensive playstyle that relies on guarding and counterattacking when there's an opening to do so.

Gunlance Controls

Basic Actions

Lateral Thrust
Mouse Left Button
Lunging Upthrust

Overhead Smash

Wide Sweep / Burst Fire
W Button + Mouse Left Button
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Mouse Left Button / Mouse Right Button
Wyrmstake Cannon Wide Sweep

Mouse Left Button
Wyrmstake Full Blast Wide Sweep

Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button

Moving Widesweep
Mouse Right Button

W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Mouse Left Button
Charged Shelling Mouse Right Button
Burst Fire Overhead Smash

Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Rising Slash
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Guard R Button
R Button + Mouse Right Button
Quick Reload During Combo

R Button + Mouse Right Button
Guard Thrust
R Button + Mouse Left Button
Wyvern's Fire
R Button + Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Focus Strike: Drake Auger
Mouse Right Button + Shift
Lateral Thrust PS4 - Triangle Button
Lunging Upthrust

Overhead Smash

Wide Sweep / Burst Fire
PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle Button
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
PS4 - Triangle Button / PS4 - Circle Button
Wyrmstake Cannon Wide Sweep

PS4 - Triangle Button
Wyrmstake Full Blast Wide Sweep

PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button

Moving Widesweep
PS4 - Circle Button

PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle Button
Charged Shelling PS4 - Circle Button
Burst Fire Overhead Smash

PS4 - Circle Button
Rising Slash
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Guard PS4 - R2 Button
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Quick Reload During Combo

PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Guard Thrust
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button
Wyvern's Fire
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Focus Strike: Drake Auger
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R1 Button.png
Lateral Thrust XBOX - Y Button
Lunging Upthrust

Overhead Smash

Wide Sweep / Burst Fire
XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Y Button
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
XBOX - Y Button / XBOX - B Button
Wyrmstake Cannon Wide Sweep

XBOX - Y Button
Wyrmstake Full Blast Wide Sweep

XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

Moving Widesweep
XBOX - B Button

XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Y Button
Charged Shelling XBOX - B Button
Burst Fire Overhead Smash

XBOX - B Button
Rising Slash
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Guard XBOX - Right Trigger
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button
Quick Reload During Combo

XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button
Guard Thrust
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button
Wyvern's Fire
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Focus Strike: Drake Auger
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Right Bumper

Recommended Gunlance Combos

Gunlance Combos

Wyrmstake Cannon Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Left Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button
Move Input
PS4 - Triangle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button
XBOX - Y Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button

This is the basic combo that ends with you sticking a Wyrmstake into the monster. Remember to Reload after doing this since you'll need to restore your Wyrmstake Shot.

Burst Fire Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button ▶︎ Mouse Right Button
Move Input
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button ▶︎ XBOX - B Button

This combo is used to quickly unload all of your Shells into a monster in a single hit. Similar to the Wyrmstake Cannon Combo, make sure that you Reload or Quick Reload afterwards so you can replenish your ammo.

Wyrmstake Full Blast Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Right Button ▶︎ W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Mouse Left Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button / Mouse Right Button
Move Input
PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button / PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Y Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button / XBOX - B Button

This combo is a mix of the previous two in that it fires off all your Shells in one hit and sticks two Wyrmstakes into the monster in one combo. Again, make sure to Reload afterwards so you can replenish your ammo and Wyrmstake Shot.

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