Monster Hunter Wilds

Sword & Shield Weapon Guide and New Moves

MH Wilds - Sword and Shield Guide

Monster Hunter Wilds' Sword & Shield is a versatile weapon that can attack quickly, guard, and use items while unsheathed. Find out what the new moves for the Sword & Shield are, how to use it, its controls, and its pre-launch update in this guide.

Sword and Shield Adjustments (December 19, 2024)

Improved Rising Slash, More Mobility, and Better Responsiveness

Numerous changes were made to Sword and Shield. For starters, Rising Slash is now usable while guarding, giving players more options for combos. The responsiveness for numerous moves have also been improved. This applies to the Chop and Side Slash combo, as well as the Guard Slash and Perfect Rush.

The effectiveness of the evasion from Backstep and Sliding Swipe have also been improved, giving players more mobility and evasion.

Lastly, the parameters of various attacks were improved, especially Normal Attacks and Perfect Rush.

Sword & Shield New Moves

Charged Chop

Move Input
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Combo Input
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

The Charged Chop is a powerful move that can be easily slotted into your standard combo rotations. If it hits a soft spot on the monster, it will transition into a carving attack that deals multiple instances of damage.

How to Use the Sword & Shield

Sword & Shield Gameplay Tips

A Balanced and Versatile Weapon

The Sword & Shield is a versatile weapon that's fast and strong, plus it can block attacks. This makes it a great weapon for beginners since it's very well-balanced and teaches the basics of hunting before you swap to a different weapon.

Stun Monsters with Shield Bash

One of the Sword & Shield's moves, Shield Bash, can stun monsters if you hit them on the head. Look to do this in between your combo rotations so that you can knock down a monster and get free attacks off while it's down.

Use Perfect Rush for Massive Damage

Whenever you have a large opening to attack, like when a monster's been knocked down, use Perfect Rush to deal a ton of damage to the enemy. Time it when the hunter's body glows red to chain your onslaught of attacks.

Dodge Attacks with Backstep

Since the Sword & Shield's blocks are weaker than other weapons, you should look to use Backstep to dodge enemy attacks. This move has a lot of invincibility frames but requires some practice for beginners to perfectly time it.

Use Items Without Sheathing

The unique feature of a Sword & Shield is that you can use items without sheathing your weapon first! This means you can quickly use an item and go back on the offensive straight away.

This is also extremely useful in multiplayer since you can take on a more supportive role, being able to assist your team at a moment's notice!

List of All Items and Materials

Sword & Shield Controls

Basic Controls

Chop Mouse Left Button
Lateral Slash Mouse Right Button
Advancing Slash
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Guard Slash
R Button + Mouse Right Button
Sliding Swipe
R Button + Mouse Left Button
Use Item
R Button + E Button
Chop PS4 - Triangle Button
Lateral Slash PS4 - Circle Button
Advancing Slash
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Guard Slash
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Sliding Swipe
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button
Use Item
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Square Button
Chop XBOX - Y Button
Lateral Slash XBOX - B Button
Advancing Slash
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Guard Slash
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button
Sliding Swipe
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button
Use Item
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - X Button

Combo Actions

Round Slash
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Charged Chop
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button

Perfect Rush
S Button + Mouse Right Button
Mouse Left Button
Charged Slash

Jumping Slash
S Button + Mouse Right Button
Mouse Left Button
Charged Slash

Falling Bash
S Button + Mouse Right Button
PS4 - Circle Button
Round Slash
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Charged Chop
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button

Perfect Rush
PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Circle Button
PS4 - Triangle Button
Charged Slash

Jumping Slash
XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B Button
XBOX - Y Button
Charged Slash

Falling Bash
PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Circle Button
PS4 - Circle Button
Round Slash
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Charged Chop
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

Perfect Rush
XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B Button
XBOX - Y Button
Charged Slash

Jumping Slash
XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B Button
XBOX - Y Button
Charged Slash

Falling Bash
XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B Button
XBOX - B Button

All these actions must be performed during a combo.

Recommended Sword & Shield Combos

List of Sword & Shield Combos

Quick Damage Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Right ButtonMouse Right ButtonMouse Right Button
Combo Input
PS4 - Circle ButtonPS4 - Circle ButtonPS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
XBOX - B ButtonXBOX - B ButtonXBOX - B Button

The Lateral Slash Combo is a simple and quick, but versatile combo. Players can extend the combo by opening with an Advancing Slash to close the distance, or ending with a Roundslash for more damage.

Charged Chop Element Damage Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left Button → (Hold) Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Combo Input
PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle Button → (Hold) PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y Button → (Hold) XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

Using the Chop Combo followed by the new Charged Chop becomes effective when paired with elemental damage due to this string's high hit count. The combo itself is also relatively quick to execute.

Shield Bash Combo

Combo Input
(Keep Holding W) W Button + Mouse Right ButtonW Button + Mouse Right ButtonW Button + Mouse Right Button
Combo Input
(Keep Tilting the Left Stick Forwards) PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Circle ButtonPS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Circle ButtonPS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
(Keep Tilting the Left Stick Forwards) XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B ButtonXBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B ButtonXBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B Button

The Shield part of the weapon can also be used in combos, and deals stun damage. Aiming to land Shield hits on the monster's head every so often can lead into a knockdown, meaning a bigger opportunity to do damage.

Perfect Rush Combo

Combo Input
(Hold S) S Button + Mouse Right ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left Button or Mouse Right Button
Combo Input
(Tilt the Left Stick Backwards) PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Circle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle Button or PS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
(Tilt the Left Stick Backwards) XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y Button or XBOX - B Button

Note: This combo is only accessible after a basic attack input.

The Perfect Rush remains the Sword & Shield's most damaging attack. Players must remember that it can only be performed after a Basic Attack input, and that succceeding inputs for the rush must be timed for max damage.

Sword & Shield Combo Flexibility

One benefit that the Sword & Shield possesses is that many of its moves flow seamlessly into one another. For example, players can perform one Chop, followed instantly by a Backstep into Perfect Rush to deal lots of damage quickly.

Another example is that players can string together a Backstep and Rising Slash into a dodge roll to quickly create distance. Players may experiment with chaining the weapon's moves to find rotations they are comfy with.

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