Monster Hunter Wilds

Gravios Weakness and Drops

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Gravios Monster Guide

Gravios is a Flying Wyvern located in Oilwell Basin in Monster Hunter Wilds. Check out our guide to learn how to Beat Gravios, its weaknesses, attack patterns, drops and more!

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Gravios Weakness

Basic Information

Gravios Icon
Type Roar Wind Pressure
Flying Wyvern Strong Minor
Tremor Status Effect Element
Weak Fireblight, Sleep, Poison Fire

Damage Type Weakness

Sever Icon Blunt Icon Shot Icon
Gravios Sever Weakness Gravios Blunt Weakness Gravios Shot Weakness
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Gravios Fire Weakness Gravios Water Weakness Gravios Thunder Weakness Gravios Shot Weakness Gravios Shot Weakness

Hitzone Values and Weakness Breakdown

※ Click the tabs to switch between Damage Type and Elemental Damage Hitzone effectiveness.

Weapon Damage
Part Sever Symbol Blunt Symbol Ammo Symbol
Head Gravios Head Weakness Gravios Head Weakness Gravios Head Weakness
Neck Gravios Neck Weakness Gravios Neck Weakness Gravios Neck Weakness
Belly Gravios Belly Weakness Gravios Belly Weakness Gravios Belly Weakness
Back Gravios Back Weakness Gravios Back Weakness Gravios Back Weakness
Left Wing Gravios Left Wing Weakness Gravios Left Wing Weakness Gravios Left Wing Weakness
Right Wing Gravios Right Wing Weakness Gravios Right Wing Weakness Gravios Right Wing Weakness
Left Leg Gravios Left Leg Weakness Gravios Left Leg Weakness Gravios Left Leg Weakness
Right Leg Gravios Right Leg Weakness Gravios Right Leg Weakness Gravios Right Leg Weakness
Tail Gravios Tail Weakness Gravios Tail Weakness Gravios Tail Weakness
Overall Gravios Overall Weakness Gravios Overall Weakness Gravios Overall Weakness
Part Fire Symbol Water Symbol Thunder Element Ice Element Dragon Element
Head Gravios Head Weakness Gravios Head Weakness Gravios Head Weakness Gravios Head Weakness Gravios Head Weakness
Neck Gravios Neck Weakness Gravios Neck Weakness Gravios Neck Weakness Gravios Neck Weakness Gravios Neck Weakness
Belly Gravios Belly Weakness Gravios Belly Weakness Gravios Belly Weakness Gravios Belly Weakness Gravios Belly Weakness
Back Gravios Back Weakness Gravios Back Weakness Gravios Back Weakness Gravios Back Weakness Gravios Back Weakness
Left Wing Gravios Left Wing Weakness Gravios Left Wing Weakness Gravios Left Wing Weakness Gravios Left Wing Weakness Gravios Left Wing Weakness
Right Wing Gravios Right Wing Weakness Gravios Right Wing Weakness Gravios Right Wing Weakness Gravios Right Wing Weakness Gravios Right Wing Weakness
Left Leg Gravios Left Leg Weakness Gravios Left Leg Weakness Gravios Left Leg Weakness Gravios Left Leg Weakness Gravios Left Leg Weakness
Right Leg Gravios Right Leg Weakness Gravios Right Leg Weakness Gravios Right Leg Weakness Gravios Right Leg Weakness Gravios Right Leg Weakness
Tail Gravios Tail Weakness Gravios Tail Weakness Gravios Tail Weakness Gravios Tail Weakness Gravios Tail Weakness
Overall Gravios Overall Weakness Gravios Overall Weakness Gravios Overall Weakness Gravios Overall Weakness Gravios Overall Weakness

Damage Weakness Summary

※ Click the tabs to switch between Damage Types.

Charge Blade Icon Dual Blades Icon Great Sword Icon Gunlance Icon Insect Glaive Icon Lance Icon Long Sword Icon Switch Axe Icon Sword and Shield Icon
The Sever damage against Gravios is equal across all its body parts!
Hammer Icon Hunting Horn Icon Sword and Shield Icon
The Blunt damage against Gravios is equal across all its body parts!
Bow Icon Heavy Bowgun Icon Light Bowgun Icon
The Shot damage against Gravios is equal across all its body parts!

Best Element Against Gravios

Water SymbolWater Water is the best element to use against Gravios. You can aim for all parts of the monster's body except the head to take advantage of its elemental weakness.

Status Ailment and Item Weakness

Status Ailment Items
Monster Hunter Wilds - PoisonPoison
Gravios Poison Effectiveness
Pitfall Trap Pitfall Trap
Gravios Pitfall Trap Effectiveness
Monster Hunter Wilds - StunnedStun
Gravios Stun Effectiveness
Shock Trap Shock Trap
Gravios Shock Trap Effectiveness
Monster Hunter Wilds - ParalysisParalysis
Gravios Paralysis Effectiveness
Raw Meat Meats
Gravios Meat Effectiveness
Gravios Sleep Effectiveness
Flash Pod Flash Pod
Gravios Flash Pod Effectiveness
Gravios Blast Effectiveness
Sonic Pod Sonic Pod
Gravios Sonic Pod Effectiveness
Gravios Exhaust Effectiveness
Dung Pod Dung Pod
Gravios Dung Pod Effectiveness

Breakable Parts

Breakable ・Head
・Tail (Severable)

Gravios Locations and Quests

Known Habitats

Region Starting Area Visited Areas Resting Area
Monster Hunter Wilds - Oilwell Basin Icon Oilwell Basin
Oilwell Basin 16
Oilwell Basin 13 Oilwell Basin 15
Oilwell Basin 16

Quest Appearances

Quest Type Lvl. Quest Name
Assignment 5★ Armor Like A Mountain
Optional Quest 5★ Succulent Scraps

List of Quests

How to Beat Gravios

Attacking from the Side is Safest

Gravios utilizes its head and tail a lot for attacking, so attacking its sides will keep you the safest from damage. Just be careful when it does its Body Check, Body Smash, Gas Release, and Flame Release moves.

Bring Energy Drinks, Antidotes, and Nulberries

Gravios is able to inflict Sleep, Poison, and Fireblight. If you don't have skills equipped to prevent these status ailments, make sure you're stocked up on Energy Drinks, Antidotes, and Nulberries before the fight!

Best Items to Bring on Hunts

Use Weapons with Blue Sharpness

Make sure to bring a weapon that at least has Blue Sharpness to avoid your weapon bouncing off Gravios and focus on hitting its more vulnerable parts.

While Gravios' back and neck are valid targets, focus more on attacking its belly as its easier to reach, though make sure you're ready to evade just in case it does a roll or body check.

Weapon Sharpness Explained

Bring Whetfish Fin+

Even with high sharpness weapons, your weapon will eventually get worn down fast due to Gravios' thick armor. For this fight, we recommend bringing extra Whetfish Fin+ as they sharpen weapons faster than the regular Whetstone.

How to Get and Use Whetfish Fin+

Gravios Attack Patterns

Moveset and Openings

Move Explanation
Fire Beam
Gravios will unleash a beam of fire, either directly in front, side to side, or directly down. You can tell it's coming when it looks like it's taking a deep breath. Dodge the frontal beam by moving to the sides, go beside it for the side to side beam, and dodge the downward beam by moving away from Gravios.
Gas Release
Gravios will release either a purple or white gas from its belly, affecting those in close proximity. Getting hit by the white gas will put you to sleep, while getting hit by the purple gas will likely poison you. Avoid this by moving away from Gravios once you see gas leaking from his belly.
Flame Release
Similar to the gas release, Gravios will unleash flames from its belly, burning those in close proximity. Avoid this the same way you would the Gas Release, by running or dodging away from the monster as soon as you see it expelling gas.
Body Check
After a short windup, Gravios will use its body to quickly attack either its left or right side. Either block the attack with a shield, or dodge towards the monster to roll under the body check.
Gravios will charge forward after a brief windup. Either block the charge with a shield, or dodge to the side to avoid the charge.
The Gravios will roll either to the left or to the right, crushing anything that gets caught in the roll. Get out of the Gravios' path to avoid damage.
Body Smash
Gravios will flap its wings before flying upwards. It will proceed to drop down to smash its body to the ground afterwards. Dodge or run away as soon as you see it flying up.
Fire Balls
The Gravios will slowly move, shooting fireballs at targets in front of it every few steps. Get out of the Gravios' path and dodge sideways from the fireballs to avoid damage.

Gravios Drops

High Rank Materials

Broken Parts
Wound Destroy
Monster Hunter Wilds Firecell Stone IconFirecell Stone [40% (Back), 40% (Left Leg), 40% (Right Leg)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Skull IconGravios Skull [100% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Wing IconGravios Wing [100% (Left Wing), 100% (Right Wing)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Pleura+ IconGravios Pleura+ [100% (Belly)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Carapace IconGravios Carapace [60% (Back), 60% (Left Leg), 60% (Right Leg)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Wing IconGravios Wing [23% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Carapace IconGravios Carapace [30% (Body), 78% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Skull IconGravios Skull [13% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Pleura+ IconGravios Pleura+ [18% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Gravios Medulla IconGravios Medulla [11% (Body), 22% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Wilds Wyvern Gem IconWyvern Gem [5% (Body)]

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