Monster Hunter Wilds

Investigation Quests Guide

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Monster Hunter Wilds - Investigation
Gather clues to trigger an Investigation in Monster Hunter Wilds. Find out how to unlock Investigations, their rewards, and more in this guide.

What are Investigations?

Repeatable Field Survey Quests

Monster Hunter Wilds - What are Investigations

Investigations are converted Field Survey Hunts, which are done by paying a certain amount of guild points to allow the monster to be hunted at a later time.

The cost of guild points depends on how many stars the survey quest has. More stars means a higher cost.

Once the Field Survey quest is converted to an Investigation, the quest can be completed up to three times. This gives hunters a way to farm the same monster over and over again, with bonus rewards.

Monsters can leave the locale at any time, so turning targets into Investigations is a great way to preserve the bonus rewards and give the hunter the agency to hunt at their leisure.

Field Survey Quest Guide

How to Unlock Investigations

Capture a High Rank Yian Kut-Ku

Monster Hunter Wilds - Capture a High Rank Yian Kut-Ku

As an introduction to high rank quests, the hunter is tasked with capturing a high-level Yian Kut-ku in Chapter 4, Ecosystems. Upon completion, this will unlock the Field Survey quest feature, as well as Investigations.

Yian Kut-Ku Weakness and Drops

Investigation Rewards

Obtain Bonus Rewards

Investigations provide bonus rewards in addition to the target rewards the hunter receives upon completion. This makes Investigations a great way to farm specific monster parts that the Hunter needs.

It's repeatable nature allows hunters to farm the same monsters faster, while providing bonus rewards such as decorations.
How Do Quest Rewards Work?

Get More Rewards With Lucky Voucher

Monster Hunter Wilds - Earn More Rewards with Lucky Voucher
Lucky Vouchers can be used to increase the rewards you receive from the investigation. Although they are scarce, Lucky Vouchers increase the rewards you receive from the investigation, so use them as needed.

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Monster Hunter Wilds - InvestigationInvestigation Quests -


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