Monster Hunter Wilds

List of Appraisal Items

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Appraisal Items are quest rewards that can become decorations and relics in Monster Hunter Wilds. See a list of Appraisal Items and how to get them here.

List of Appraisal Items

Item Description
Ancient Orb - ArmorAncient Orb - Armor A sphere with incredible power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes a defensive decoration.
Ancient Orb - SwordAncient Orb - Sword A sphere with incredible power that can be revealed through appraisal. Becomes an offensive decoration.
Ancient Weapon FragmentAncient Weapon Fragment Part of an ancient weapon. Needs to be appraised.
Damaged Weapon ShardDamaged Weapon Shard An old, damaged weapon part. Needs to be appraised.
Glowing Orb - ArmorGlowing Orb - Armor A sphere with hidden power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes a defensive decoration.
Glowing Orb - SwordGlowing Orb - Sword A sphere with hidden power that can be revealed through appraisal. Becomes an offensive decoration.
Mystery Orb - ArmorMystery Orb - Armor A sphere with faint power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes a defensive decoration.
Mystery Orb - SwordMystery Orb - Sword A sphere with faint power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes an offensive decoration.
Old Weapon Shard - BladeOld Weapon Shard - Blade A piece of a discarded, old blade. Needs to be appraised.
Old Weapon Shard - DeviceOld Weapon Shard - Device A part of an old weapon that has some sort of device on it. Needs to be appraised.
Old Weapon Shard - DiscOld Weapon Shard - Disc A disc-like part of an old weapon that's been thrown away. Needs to be appraised.
Old Weapon Shard - TubeOld Weapon Shard - Tube A cylindrical part of an old weapon that's been thrown away. Needs to be appraised.
Rusted Weapon ShardRusted Weapon Shard An old, rusted weapon part. Needs to be appraised.

How to Get Appraisal Items

Obtain as Quest Rewards

Appraisal Box.png

Appraisal Items can be obtained as quest and bonus rewards, usually through Field Surveys and Investigations. Optional Quests may also reward them.

Orbs are converted to randomly generated decorations and weapon shards are converted to Artian weapon parts immediately after the quest in the Appraisal Box.

Investigation Quests Guide

Weapon Shards are Exclusive to Tempered Monsters

How to Use Damaged Weapon Shards

Damaged Weapon Shard Rusted Weapon Shard Ancient Weapon Fragment

Weapon Shards are only obtainable as rewards from hunting tempered monsters. The rarity of the obtained Artian parts depends on the Weapon Shard, which scales with the number of stars for the quest.

Tempered Monsters Guide

Use the Melding Pot

Melding Pot Ancient Weapon Fragments

Appraisal Items can also be obtained by using the Melding Pot. You can use this facility to convert unwanted decorations or relics into potentially more powerful ones. This is also the only way to get Old Weapon Shards that guarantee a Rarity 8 Artian part of a specific type.

How to Use the Melding Pot

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List of Rarity 6 Special Items


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