Monster Hunter Wilds

List of All Fanged Beasts

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List of Fanged Beasts
Fanged Beasts are a class of monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds that are mammal-like monsters often covered in fur. Read on for a list of all Fanged Beasts, general tips on how to fight them, and more!

List of All Fanged Beasts

All Fanged Beasts

Monster Weakness
Type: Fanged Beast
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
First Encounter: Forest Findings
Description: Congalala are relatively docile Fanged Beasts, but are quick to anger when startled and can be very aggressive if hunters trigger their rage.
Type: Fanged Beast
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
First Encounter: A Hunter's Pride
Description: Doshaguma are large and territorial Fanged Beats that are most commonly seen in packs.
Type: Fanged Beast
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
First Encounter: Long-Forgotten Flame
Description: Ajarakan are aggressive Fanged Beasts that can hurl burning rocks at monsters and hunters alike.
Type: Fanged Beast
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
First Encounter: Blangonga Excursion
Description: Blangoga are large and aggresive Fanged Wyvern that function as leaders for packs of Blango.

Other Fanged Beasts

Monster Weakness
Guardian DoshagumaGuardian Doshaguma
Type: Construct
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
First Encounter: The Faithful Keepers
Description: TBD

Note: Guardian Doshaguma is considered a Construct in-game, but possesses the general physiology of a Fanged Beast.

How to Beat Fanged Beasts

Fanged Beast Fight Tips

Kill the Smaller Monsters that Accompany Them

Fanged Beasts such as Congalala and Blangonga are accompanied by Conga and Blango respectively. While these are small monsters and are not as big of a threat as their large monster counterpart, they can harass you and mob you which can make it difficult focusing on your hunt target.

To avoid getting mobbed or tripped while hunting these Fanged Beasts, we recommend killing the small monsters first to prevent them from regrouping with their alpha if they start moving around.

List of Small Monsters

Watch Out for Their Wind-Up and Slam Attacks

Fanged Beasts have a noticeable wind-up when they unleash their attacks, particularly their powerful slam attacks. You can use these as warnings so you can quickly dodge or evade the upcoming attack.

Alternatively, the wind-up is a good tell that you can use to better time your blocks or counter attacks! Blocking some of a Fanged Beasts attacks can even trigger a Power Clash!

How to Trigger a Power Clash

Focus on Breaking Their Forelimbs

Fanged Beasts often use their large and developed forelimbs to bludgeon and slash at hunters. Although breaking their limbs doesn't prevent them from attacking, it makes them more susceptible to your attacks which can speed up the hunt!

How to Break Monster Parts

Use Blunt Attacks to Stun Fanged Beasts

Fanged Beasts are susceptible to blunt damage and using weapons that inflict this damage type makes it easy to stun them during hunts.

Weapons such as the Hammer and Hunting Horn excel against Fanged Beasts since you can get a good uptime on stunning them thanks to their strong blunt attacks. The Sword and Shield, though not as strong, can dish out relatively fast blunt damage with its shield.

Blunt, Sever, and Shot: Weapon Damage Types Explained

What are Fanged Beasts?

Mammal-Like Monsters That Lack Wings

Fanged Beasts are monsters that are modeled after and possess the same characteristics as real-life mammals, and are either bipedal, quadrupedal, or both. These monsters lack wings and are completely terrestrial, though they make up for it for their fierceness and mobility.

Most Fanged Beasts are Found in Groups

Many Fanged Beasts are found in groups, either with the same species or small monster species which they lead.

Doshaguma travel in packs together and are led by a larger and stronger Alpha Doshaguma while Congalala and Blangonga rule over the smaller Conga and Blango respectively.

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