Monster Hunter Wilds

Long Sword Weapon Guide and New Moves

Monster Hunter Wilds - Long Sword Weapon Guide and New Moves

The Long Sword is a fluid weapon that chains together combos and counterattacks in Monster Hunter Wilds. Find out what the new moves for the Long Sword are, how to use it, and what its controls are in this guide!

New Long Sword Moves

Spirit Charge

Combo Input
R Button
Combo Input
PS4 - R2 Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Right Trigger

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the Long Sword can now perform the Spirit Charge action by pressing and holding R2. If held down for the entire animation, the hunter will flash, indicating that the R2 button may now be let go.

If fully charged, the hunter will then perform a Spirit Roundslash, increasing the Spirit Gauge's charge level by one stage. This makes it a powerful tool for quickly charging the Spirit Gauge.

Spirit Release Slash

Combo Input
R Button + Mouse Left Button

W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Mouse Left Button

R Button
Combo Input
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button

PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle Button

PS4 - R2 Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button

XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Y Button

XBOX - Right Trigger

The Spirit Release Slash is another new move for the Long Sword, and can only be performed after a Spirit Helm Breaker. Pressing R2 after the previously mentioned move will execute the Spirit Release Slash.

The attack does a lot of damage, and additionally grants the hunter super armor while it is being performed.

Helm Breaker Cancel

A new functionality was added to the Spirit Helm Breaker where you can now cancel it by sheathing your weapon mid-air. This is a great addition as you can avoid using the move and waste your Spirit Gauge if the enemy moves away during your attack animation.

How to Use the Long Sword

Disclaimer: The guide presented here includes info from previous games in the series.

Long Sword Gameplay Tips

Charge the Spirit Gauge

Long Sword Spirit Gauge

The Long Sword makes use of the Spirit Gauge to amplify its damage, as well as perform stronger attacks. It has three stages: White, then Yellow, then Red.

Landing attacks like the Spirit Roundslash or the Iai Spirit Slash will fill up the gauge, increasing your damage.

Use Counters to Charge the Gauge

Making use of the Foresight Slash and Spirit Roundslash / Foresight Whirl Slash can quickly fill up the Spirit Gauge.

The former attack costs some of the Gauge to perform, but doing so successfully refills a lot more, and allows hunters to do the latter attack as a follow-up for more Spirit Gauge charging.

Helm Breaker Is One of Your Highest Damaging Move

Action Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker When the Spirit Gauge is White or Higher
R Button + Mouse Left ButtonMouse + Mouse Left Button
Spirit Thrust

Spirit Helm Breaker

Spirit Release Slash
When the Spirit Gauge is Red
R Button + Mouse Left ButtonMouse + Mouse Left ButtonR Button
Action Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker When the Spirit Gauge is White or Higher,
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle Button
Spirit Thrust

Spirit Helm Breaker

Spirit Release Slash
When the Spirit Gauge is Red
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - R2 Button
Action Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker When the Spirit Gauge is White or Higher
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Y Button
Spirit Thrust

Spirit Helm Breaker

Spirit Release Slash
When the Spirit Gauge is Red
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Right Trigger

The Long Sword has access to a powerful attack through the Spirit Helm Breaker. Performing it costs one whole level of the Spirit Gauge, meaning that players need to constantly refill the gauge to use the attack often.

If the gauge is Red, players can follow the Helm Breaker up with another powerful attack, the newly added Spirit Release Slash.

Use the Long Sword's Sheathe Combos

Some attacks in the Long Sword's kit have a large amount of delay after being performed, so it is recommended to follow these attacks up with the Special Sheathe to recover faster.

The Special Sheathe can then be succeeded by the Iai Slash to continue your combo and build up the Spirit Gauge or by Iai Spirit Slash to counter a monster's attack.

Long Sword Controls and Moves

Basic Controls

Regular Atttack Mouse Left Button
Thrust Attack Mouse Right Button
Downward Slash
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Regular Atttack PS4 - Triangle Button
Thrust Attack PS4 - Circle Button
Downward Slash
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Regular Atttack XBOX - Y Button
Thrust Attack XBOX - B Button
Downward Slash
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

Actions that Use the Spirit Gauge

Spirit Slash R Button
Directional Spirit Slash
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + R Button
Spirit Thrust
R Button + Mouse Left Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker When the Spirit Gauge is White or Higher
R Button + Mouse Left ButtonMouse + Mouse Left Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker → Spirit Release Slash When the Spirit Gauge is Red
R Button + Mouse Left ButtonMouse + Mouse Left ButtonR Button
Spirit Slash PS4 - R2 Button
Directional Spirit Slash
PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - R2 Button
Spirit Thrust
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker When the Spirit Gauge is White or Higher
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker → Spirit Release Slash When the Spirit Gauge is Red
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - R2 Button
Spirit Slash XBOX - Right Trigger
Directional Spirit Slash
XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Right Trigger
Spirit Thrust
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button
Spirit Thrust → Spirit Helm Breaker → Spirit Release Slash When the Spirit Gauge is Red
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Right Trigger

Other Advanced Actions

Foresight Slash

Foresight Whirl Slash
R Button + Mouse Right Button

After a successful Foresight Slash, R Button
Special Sheathe After attacking,
R Button + Space Button
Iai Slash After Special Sheathe, Mouse Left Button
Iai Spirit Slash When the Spirit Gauge is White or Higher
R Button + Mouse Left ButtonMouse + Mouse Left Button
Foresight Slash

Foresight Whirl Slash
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button

After a successful Foresight Slash, PS4 - R2 Button
Special Sheathe After attacking,
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - X Button
Iai Slash After Special Sheathe, PS4 - Triangle Button
Iai Spirit Slash After Special Sheathe, PS4 - R2 Button
Foresight Slash

Foresight Whirl Slash
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button

After a successful Foresight Slash, XBOX - Right Trigger
Special Sheathe After attacking,
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - A Button
Iai Slash After Special Sheathe, XBOX - Y Button
Iai Spirit Slash After Special Sheathe, XBOX - Right Trigger

Spirit Gauge Explained

Actions that Increase Spirit Gauge Level
Foresight Slash

Foresight Whirl Slash
R Button + Mouse Right Button

After a successful Foresight Slash, R Button
Spirit Blade Slash I → II → III → Spirit Roundslash After attacking,
R Button + Space Button
Charge, then Release for Spirit Roundslash
R Button
Special Sheathe → Iai Spirit Slash After attacking,
R Button + Space ButtonR Button
Actions that Increase Spirit Gauge Level
Foresight Slash

Foresight Whirl Slash
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button

After a successful Foresight Slash, PS4 - R2 Button
Spirit Blade Slash I → II → III → Spirit Roundslash
PS4 - R2 Button, PS4 - R2 Button, PS4 - R2 Button, PS4 - R2 Button
Charge, then Release for Spirit Roundslash
PS4 - R2 Button
Special Sheathe → Iai Spirit Slash After attacking,
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - X ButtonPS4 - R2 Button
Actions that Increase Spirit Gauge Level
Foresight Slash

Foresight Whirl Slash
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button

After a successful Foresight Slash, XBOX - Right Trigger
Spirit Blade Slash I → II → III → Spirit Roundslash
XBOX - Right Trigger, XBOX - Right Trigger, XBOX - Right Trigger, XBOX - Right Trigger
Charge, then Release for Spirit Roundslash
XBOX - Right Trigger
Special Sheathe → Iai Spirit Slash After attacking,
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - A ButtonXBOX - Right Trigger

The Spirit Gauge is a Long Sword mechanic indicated by a color-changing bar that fills up as you land the above attacks and combos.

Long Sword Combos

Basic Overhead Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left Button
Combo Input
PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y Button

This is your standard poke and the move you'll want to start your fight with the monster as you'll need to fill up your Spirit Gauge to use Spirit-related slash type moves.

Spirit Slash Combo

Combo Input
R ButtonR ButtonR ButtonR Button
Combo Input
PS4 - R2 ButtonPS4 - R2 ButtonPS4 - R2 ButtonPS4 - R2 Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Right TriggerXBOX - Right TriggerXBOX - Right TriggerXBOX - Right Trigger

This is a standard combo that allows you to consume your Spirit Gauge to unleash a Spirit Roundslash. Hitting an enemy will increase the level of your Spirit Gauge by 1 which makes your next set of attacks stronger.

Iai Spirit Slash to Spirit Helm Breaker

Combo Input
From Iai Stance
R Button→ (R Button + Mouse Left Button)→ R Button or Mouse Left Button
Combo Input
From Iai Stance
PS4 - R2 Button→ (PS4 - R2 Button+PS4 - Triangle Button)→ PS4 - R2 Button or PS4 - Triangle Button
Combo Input
From Iai Stance
XBOX - Right Trigger→ (XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button)→ XBOX - Right Trigger or XBOX - Y Button

This is a short counter that you can use if you'll anticipate that a monster will land an attack on your. Counter their attack with Iai Spirit Slash's invulnerability frames (I-frames) to increase your Spirit Gauge level by 1 then consume it with a Spirit Helm Breaker for a burst of damage.

Spirit Helm Breaker to Spirit Release Slash

Combo Input
Requires a red Spirit Gauge
(R Button + Mouse Left Button)→ R Button or Mouse Left ButtonR Button
Combo Input
Requires a red Spirit Gauge
(PS4 - R2 Button+PS4 - Triangle Button)→ PS4 - R2 Button or PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - R2 Button
Combo Input
Requires a red Spirit Gauge
(XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button)→ XBOX - Right Trigger or XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Right Trigger

Once you have a red Spirit Gauge, you can use the Helm Breaker then follow it up with another R2 input to use Spirit Release Slash which is a new follow up move to the Spirit Helm Breaker. It also consumes 1 Spirit Gauge level and can only be used if Spirit Helm Breaker was used with a red gauge.

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