Monster Hunter Wilds

How to Use Focus Mode and Focus Strike

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How to Use Focus Mode and Focus Strike
Focus Mode is a new mechanic for targeting wounds and weak points in Monster Hunter Wilds. Learn more about how to use Focus Mode, how to perform a Focus Strike, and all its effects here!

How to Use Focus Mode

Hold Down L2 to Enter Focus Mode

Hold Down L2 to Enter Focus Mode

Press and Hold PC - Mouse 4 Input
Press and Hold PS4 - L2 Button
Press and Hold XBOX - Left Trigger

In order to use Focus Mode, you have to press and hold down L2/LT which will transition into a stance that can also highlight wounds and weak points.

How to Use Focus Strike

Perform a Focus Strike by Holding Down R1

Press and Hold PC - Mouse 4 Input + PC - Shift Button
Press and Hold
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R1 Button
Press and Hold
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Right Bumper

After entering Focus Mode, you can press R1 to perform a Focus Strike, which deals huge damage and destroys a wound, causing the monster to get stunned. Make use of this huge opening to perform high damage attacks without any interruption.

You Can Get Monster Materials

Wounds and Materials

Destroying wounds will net you materials, which will be useful if you are farming for monster parts. Whenever you see a wound, try to destroy it quickly to get some extra materials!

List of All Items and Materials

Focus Mode Effects

Highlights Wounds in Red

During Focus Mode, all the monster's wounds and weak points are highlighted in red. Wounds can be inflicted by attacking the same part of the body so try to focus on a specific part.

Wounding Mechanic Explained

Attacking Wounds Deals Increased Damage

Make sure to keep attacking wounds as doing so will deal more damage compared to attacking a normal part. Additionally, attacking wounds will also destroy it, which will stun the monster for a brief moment, giving you enough time to perform big moves.

Change Direction of Attacks

During Focus Mode, you can move the camera while winding up your attacks, which is useful if you need to adjust the direction of your move to avoid missing a huge blow towards your target.

All Focus Strike Weapon Moves

Focus Strike Moves

Weapon Focus Strike
Follow Up Move
Great SwordGreat Sword Perform a sweeping slash that drags across the monster. Hitting an open wound will destroy it and stun the monster.
Additional Move: Press and hold PC - Left Mouse Button to start a True Charged Slash.
Long SwordLong Sword Perform a thrusting attack. Hitting an open wound will do another slash attack that can destroy wounds as well.
Dual BladesDual Blades Perform a leaping overhead slash. Hitting an open wound will cause you to latch on, jump into the air, and perform the Heavenly Blade Dance.
Sword and ShieldSword & Shield Perform a short stab attack. Hitting an open wound will cause you to latch on to the monster part.
Additional Move: Press PC - Right Mouse Button or PC - Left Mouse Button while latched on perform either an uppercut or a downward slash.
HammerHammer Perform a spinning attack that that slams into the ground. Hitting an open wound will accumulate any charges kept.
Additional Move: Press and hold PC - R Button to start charging into a Mighty Charge.
Hunting HornHunting Horn Perform a short stab with your hunting horn. Hitting an open wound will start a guitar solo to input 5 notes.
LanceLance Perform an upward shield bash to stun the monster. Hitting an open wound will start a charging attack that can hit multiple times.
GunlanceGunlance Perform a drilling attack that can open and destroy wounds and release a Wyrmstake.
Additional Move: Press PC - Shift Button while drilling to release the Wyrmstake earlier.
Switch AxeSwitch Axe Perform a forward slash. Hitting an open wound will transition into a fast Wild Swing.
Additional Move: Press PC - R Button for a Power Axe Finisher while in Axe Mode or an Elemental Discharge Finisher while in Sword Mode.
Charge BladeCharge Blade Performs a two-hit slash attack. Hitting an open wound will automatically transition into Savage Axe Mode.
Additional Move: Continue pressing Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button for SAED combo.
Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive Perform a leaping forward thrust followed by a kick back. Hitting an open wound will shoot your kinsect out to deal damage and gain all 3 essences upon returning.
Light BowgunLight Bowgun Shoots out a grenade that explodes on impact and can open wounds.
Additional Move: Hold down PC - Shift Button to charge up your shot and deal more damage.
Heavy BowgunHeavy Bowgun Shoots a small missile that explodes after a delay, dealing piercing damage and opening wounds.
Additional Move: During Ignition Mode, hold down PC - Shift Button to charge up your Wyvern Howl Shot and consume some of your gauge.
BowBow Shoots a series of arrows that tracks your target's wounds and any attached Tracer arrows, followed up by a Dragon Piercer.
Weapon Focus Strike
Follow Up Move
Great SwordGreat Sword Perform a sweeping slash that drags across the monster. Hitting an open wound will destroy it and stun the monster.
Additional Move: Press and hold PS5 - Triangle Button to start a True Charged Slash.
Long SwordLong Sword Perform a thrusting attack. Hitting an open wound will do another slash attack that can destroy wounds as well.
Dual BladesDual Blades Perform a leaping overhead slash. Hitting an open wound will cause you to latch on, jump into the air, and perform the Heavenly Blade Dance.
Sword and ShieldSword & Shield Perform a short stab attack. Hitting an open wound will cause you to latch on to the monster part.
Additional Move: Press PS5 - Circle Button or PS5 - Triangle Button while latched on perform either an uppercut or a downward slash.
HammerHammer Perform a spinning attack that that slams into the ground. Hitting an open wound will accumulate any charges kept.
Additional Move: Press and hold PS5 - R2 Button to start charging into a Mighty Charge.
Hunting HornHunting Horn Perform a short stab with your hunting horn. Hitting an open wound will start a guitar solo to input 5 notes.
LanceLance Perform an upward shield bash to stun the monster. Hitting an open wound will start a charging attack that can hit multiple times.
GunlanceGunlance Perform a drilling attack that can open and destroy wounds and release a Wyrmstake.
Additional Move: Press PS5 - R1 Button while drilling to release the Wyrmstake earlier.
Switch AxeSwitch Axe Perform a forward slash. Hitting an open wound will transition into a fast Wild Swing.
Additional Move: Press PS5 - R2 Button for a Power Axe Finisher while in Axe Mode or an Elemental Discharge Finisher while in Sword Mode.
Charge BladeCharge Blade Performs a two-hit slash attack. Hitting an open wound will automatically transition into Savage Axe Mode.
Additional Move: Continue pressing PS5 - Triangle Button + PS5 - Circle Button for SAED combo.
Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive Perform a leaping forward thrust followed by a kick back. Hitting an open wound will shoot your kinsect out to deal damage and gain all 3 essences upon returning.
Light BowgunLight Bowgun Shoots out a grenade that explodes on impact and can open wounds.
Additional Move: Hold down PS5 - R1 Button to charge up your shot and deal more damage.
Heavy BowgunHeavy Bowgun Shoots a small missile that explodes after a delay, dealing piercing damage and opening wounds.
Additional Move: During Ignition Mode, hold down PS5 - R1 Button to charge up your Wyvern Howl Shot and consume some of your gauge.
BowBow Shoots a series of arrows that tracks your target's wounds and any attached Tracer arrows, followed up by a Dragon Piercer.
Weapon Focus Strike
Follow Up Move
Great SwordGreat Sword Perform a sweeping slash that drags across the monster. Hitting an open wound will destroy it and stun the monster.
Additional Move: Press and hold XBOX - Y Button to start a True Charged Slash.
Long SwordLong Sword Perform a thrusting attack. Hitting an open wound will do another slash attack that can destroy wounds as well.
Dual BladesDual Blades Perform a leaping overhead slash. Hitting an open wound will cause you to latch on, jump into the air, and perform the Heavenly Blade Dance.
Sword and ShieldSword & Shield Perform a short stab attack. Hitting an open wound will cause you to latch on to the monster part.
Additional Move: Press XBOX - B Button or XBOX - Y Button while latched on perform either an uppercut or a downward slash.
HammerHammer Perform a spinning attack that that slams into the ground. Hitting an open wound will accumulate any charges kept.
Additional Move: Press and hold XBOX - RT Button to start charging into a Mighty Charge.
Hunting HornHunting Horn Perform a short stab with your hunting horn. Hitting an open wound will start a guitar solo to input 5 notes.
LanceLance Perform an upward shield bash to stun the monster. Hitting an open wound will start a charging attack that can hit multiple times.
GunlanceGunlance Perform a drilling attack that can open and destroy wounds and release a Wyrmstake.
Additional Move: Press XBOX - Shift Button while drilling to release the Wyrmstake earlier.
Switch AxeSwitch Axe Perform a forward slash. Hitting an open wound will transition into a fast Wild Swing.
Additional Move: Press XBOX - RT Button for a Power Axe Finisher while in Axe Mode or an Elemental Discharge Finisher while in Sword Mode.
Charge BladeCharge Blade Performs a two-hit slash attack. Hitting an open wound will automatically transition into Savage Axe Mode.
Additional Move: Continue pressing XBOX - Y Button or XBOX - B Button for SAED combo.
Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive Perform a leaping forward thrust followed by a kick back. Hitting an open wound will shoot your kinsect out to deal damage and gain all 3 essences upon returning.
Light BowgunLight Bowgun Shoots out a grenade that explodes on impact and can open wounds.
Additional Move: Hold down XBOX - RT Button to charge up your shot and deal more damage.
Heavy BowgunHeavy Bowgun Shoots a small missile that explodes after a delay, dealing piercing damage and opening wounds.
Additional Move: During Ignition Mode, hold down XBOX - RT Button to charge up your Wyvern Howl Shot and consume some of your gauge.
BowBow Shoots a series of arrows that tracks your target's wounds and any attached Tracer arrows, followed up by a Dragon Piercer.

Aside from wounding monsters, there are also specific follow-up attacks that certain weapons can do after their Focus Strike in order to maximize their uses. These are useful for performing your main damage moves faster such as True Charged Slash, Savage Axe Mode, and other various moves.

Keep in mind that not all weapons have follow up attacks after their Focus Strike.

All Weapons and Guides

What is Focus Mode?

Targeting System for Attacks and Guarding

Focus Mode is a state in which you can aim for more accurate attacks and guards. During Focus Mode, wounds and weak points are highlighted in red, making it easier to aim for specific parts.

Focus Mode Activates a Crosshair

Focus Mode Crosshair

During Focus Mode, a crosshair will appear in the middle of your screen which indicates the direction of your attacks and guards. Make full use of this to help target certain parts of the body for easier wounding or breaking.

Different from Target Locking

Focus Mode is a separate mechanic from using the camera's target locking function when hunting.

The target locking feature locks the camera on a targeted monster during a hunt, while Focus Mode highlights wounds and allows the use of Focus Strikes.

You do not need to lock on a monster to use Focus Mode.

How to Lock On Using Target Lock

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