Monster Hunter Wilds

How to Mount Monsters

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Monster Hunter Wilds - How to Mount Monsters

Mounting monsters allows you to deal a lot of damage in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how you can mount monsters, deal damage to them, and how you can hold on to them.

How to Mount Monsters

Slinger Functions

Perform a Jump Attack

Action Button
Jump Attack PS4 - Triangle Button.png While in the Air

To mount a monster, you must perform a Jump Attack on them. You can perform a Jump Attack by drawing your weapon while in the air. You can become airborne by jumping off a ledge, dismounting your Seikret while moving, or while swinging on a Wedge Beetle.

There is a Hidden Mount Meter

You will notice that you do not always mount on the first Jump Attack. This is because there is a hidden Mount Meter that must be filled up before you can mount a monster. You fill this meter up by continuously performing Jump Attacks on your target.

Attack the Monster While Mounted

Action Button
Light Knife Attack PS4 - Circle Button.png
Strong Knife Attack PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Weapon Attack/Finisher PS4 - R1 Button.png
Change Position/Target PS4 -  Left Stick.png

While mounting a monster, you can perform a variety of attacks on them. Using a Light Knife Attack on monsters will perform numerous quick attacks that deal minimal damage to the monster. The Strong Knife Attack, on the other hand, will have you perform slow attacks that deal even more damage.

Finally, the Weapon Attack will have you draw your weapon to deal a large amount of damage to the monster. Take note that performing a Weapon Attack will make you dismount the monster.

You can to move around on the monster if you want to switch the part that you are attacking.

Using Strong Knife Attacks Can Wound

When you perform a Strong Knife Attack on a monster part repeatedly, you will eventually inflict a Wound on it. Once you are off the monster, you can then use a Focus Attack on the Wound to deal a lot of damage.
Wounding Mechanic Explained

Perform a Finisher

Once you perform enough damage to the monster, your Weapon Attack will convert into a Finisher. Performing a finisher will deal a massive amount of damage to the monster and down them afterward.

Brace to Avoid Getting Dismounted

Action Button
Brace PS4 - R2 Button.pngHold

When the edges of your screen darken while on a monster, it signals that the monster will try to get you off its back. When that happens, press the Brace button to hold on. Failure to do so will drain a huge chunk of your Stamina. If your Stamina reaches 0, you will automatically be dismounted.

Changing Position Also Prevents DIsmounting

Alternatively, you can change position using the Left Analog Stick right before the monster tries to dismount you. Changing position prevents the Stamina reduction, while also allowing you to keep attacking the monster.

Can All Monsters be Mounted?

Only Large Monsters Can be Mounted

Although you can perform a Jumping Attack on all monsters in the game, you can only mount Large Monsters. Performing a Jumping Attack on a smaller monster will just deal damage to them.

Some Large Monsters May Be Unmountable

There is a chance that there will be Large Monsters introduced in the future that cannot be mounted. Similar to smaller monsters, performing a Jumping Attack on them will only result in damage.

What is Mounting?

Mounting Creates a Window of Opportunity

Mounting in Monster Hunter Wilds gives hunters the ability to ride a monster, forcing the monster to focus on the hunter mounting them. While mounted, the hunter can perform attacks on the monster.

Because the monster is focused on the hunter mounting it, it gives other hunters the opportunity to attack the monster without consequence. Additionally, as the monster goes down when the hunter performs a finisher, the hunters get an even bigger window to attack the monster.

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