Monster Hunter Wilds

Dual Blades Weapon Guide and New Moves

MH Wilds - Dual Blades Guide
Monster Hunter Wilds' Dual Blades are a rapid attacking weapon that can do multiple hits in a short period of time. Check out the Dual Blades' new moves, how to use them, and its best combos and their controls in this guide!

New Dual Blades Moves

Demon Dodge

Space Button
PS4 - X Button
XBOX - A Button

When you perfectly dodge a monster's attack while in Demon Mode, you will perform a Demon Dodge. This will cause you to enter a powered-up state for a short period of time.

Blade Dance Extensions and Demon Flurry

Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button/ R Button
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button/ PS4 - R2 Button
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button/ XBOX - Right Trigger

Note: Triangle + Circle will always continue your chosen string while using R2 will cause you to switch to the other combo string.

The Dual Blades's demon and arch demon mode now have multiple options for a full combo. Instead of relying on a single input for Blade Dance, you can now transition between two sets of combos, mainly Blade Dance I, II, and III, and/or Demon Flurry I and II. Instead of being commited to a full attack animation with Blade Dance, you can now transition this move into either one of the two strings above for a wider array of attack options.

Focus Mode: Turning Tide

Monster Hunter Wilds - Mouse 4 Input + Shift
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - R1 Button.png
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Right Bumper

Turning Tide, while not exactly a “new” move, is the Dual Blade's Focus Strike which is the same move as its predecessor heavenly blade dance. Instead of jumping from a high elevation, it's now a move that you can execute by targeting a monster's weakspot with your focus strike.

How to Use Dual Blades

Use Demon Mode Allows to gain Access to Stronger Moves

Demon Mode is an additional form or stance that Dual Blade users can use to execute stronger and faster moves. This will come at a cost of gradual stamina drainso be sure to turn off this mode by pressing R2 once again to avoid unwanted stamina loss.

Fill Up the Demon Gauge

MH Wilds - Demon Gauge
The core mechanic for Dual Blades is that it uses the Demon Gauge to enable the Demon and Archdemon Modes. To fill up the demon gauge, you must use attacks that are not Blade Dance nor Demon Flurry (Demon Flurry Rush is a different move).

Once the gauge is filled up, you'll be able to trigger Archdemon Mode which allows you additional moves exclusive to this stance.

Archdemon Mode and Demon Mode can be used Simultaneously

Despite being 2 different modes, you can leave both modes activated. This will allow you to use better moves from both modes simultaneously such as the stronger basic combo from Demon Fangs instead of Double slash, Blade Dance, and Demon Flurry at the same time.

Equip Sharpness Enhancing Skills to Avoid Sharpness Loss

Skill Effect
Handicraft Extends the weapon sharpness gauge. However, it will not increase the gauge past its maximum.
Master's Touch Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness during critical hits.
Protective Polish Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.
Razor Sharp Halves sharpness loss.

Note: These Skills are from previous games, and may not be included in Monster Hunter Wilds.

One of the major downsides of Dual Blades is that its Sharpness rapidly depletes with how often it attacks. Make sure to use skills like Handicraft, Master's Touch, Protective Polish, or Razor Sharp so you don't have to waste time constantly sharpening your blades.

Dual Blades Controls

Basic Controls

Double Slash
Mouse Left Button
Lunging Strike Mouse Right Button
Demon Mode R Button
Double Slash PS4 - Triangle Button
Lunging Strike PS4 - Circle Button
Demon Mode PS4 - R2 Button
Double Slash XBOX - Y Button
Lunging Strike XBOX - B Button
Demon Mode XBOX - Right Trigger

Demon Mode Controls

Blade Dance
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Demon Flurry
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button

During Archdemon Mode
Demon Dodge Space Button
Blade Dance
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Demon Flurry
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button

During Archdemon Mode
Demon Dodge PS4 - X Button
Blade Dance
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Demon Flurry
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

During Archdemon Mode
Demon Dodge XBOX - A Button

Recommended Dual Blade Combos

Basic Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Left ButtonMouse Left ButtonMouse Left Button
Combo Input
PS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle ButtonPS4 - Triangle Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y Button

There will be extremely rare moments where this is your only option but it can be great when trying to hit small monsters for quick carves in the open world.

Alternatively, if you find a quick hit opportunity while you neither have Demon Mode nor Archdemon Mode then it can be a choice you can take and can be chained into a Blade Dance.

Demon Mode Combo

Combo Input
(Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button)→ (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button)→ (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button)
Combo Input
(PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button)→ (PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button)→ (PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button)
Combo Input
(XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button)→ (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button)→ (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button)

A quick high-burst combo for the Dual Blades. It can actively be used while in Demon Mode or Archdemon Mode and is a great option to use if you have a short window of time to unleah damage (eg, a monster gets downed but you need to walk near it before using a combo.)

Archdemon Mode Combo

Combo Input
(Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button) → R ButtonR ButtonR Button
Combo Input
(PS4 - Triangle Button+PS4 - Circle Button) → PS4 - R2 ButtonPS4 - R2 ButtonPS4 - R2 Button
Combo Input
(XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button) → XBOX - Right TriggerXBOX - Right TriggerXBOX - Right Trigger

A stronger combo burst that you can use against monsters that are vulnerable for an extended period of time. This will allow you to use both of the combos from Blade Dance and Demon Flurry which are its highest damaging combo string.

Demon Flurry Rush Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Right ButtonMouse Right ButtonMouse Right Button → (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button) → (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button) → (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button)
Combo Input
PS4 - Circle ButtonPS4 - Circle ButtonPS4 - Circle Button→(PS4 - Triangle Button+PS4 - Circle Button)→(PS4 - Triangle Button+PS4 - Circle Button)→(PS4 - Triangle Button+PS4 - Circle Button)
Combo Input
XBOX - B ButtonXBOX - B ButtonXBOX - B Button → (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button) → (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button) → (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button)

This is the perfect combo to use if you quickly need to dish out DPS while moving. The range that Demon Flurry Rush can cover is quite far and it allows you to enter the monster's range while dishing damage and it can also transition into a full Demon Mode or Archdemon Mode combo.

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