Monster Hunter Wilds

List of Nameplates

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Players are able to customize their Hunter Profiles with Nameplates in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). See a list of Hunter Profile Backgrounds, how to get them, and learn what they are used for.

List of Nameplates

Nameplate How to Get
Russet Dawn Purchase the Deluxe Edition.
Extra Frame - World MH World Save Data Bonus
Extra Frame - Iceborne MH World: Iceborne Save Data Bonus
Expedition Colors: Cyan Available from the beginning.
Expedition Colors: Lilac Available from the beginning.
Expedition Colors: Marigold Available from the beginning.
Expedition Colors: Lime Green Available from the beginning.
Expedition Colors: Magenta Available from the beginning.
Classic Looks: Brown Complete mission: New Ecosystems.
Classic Looks: Aqua Use Binoculars to spot a gold-crown large monster.
Classic Looks: Yellow Cook a Well-Done Steak for the first time.
Classic Looks: Blue Complete your first Investigation.
Item Medley: Strawberry Customize a Pop-Up Camp for the first time.
Item Medley: Lemon Complete mission: Long-forgotten Flame.
Item Medley: Melon Successfully mount a monster for the first time.
Item Medley: Tropic Blue Complete 100 quests with your Palico deployed.
Item Medley: Grape Follow someone for the first time.
Tasteful Threads: Wine Red Complete mission: Beyond the Deluge.
Tasteful Threads: Navy Blue Complete your first Side Mission.
Tasteful Threads: Amber Customize your Seikret for the first time.
Tasteful Threads: Viridian View 30 different Hunter Profiles.
Tasteful Threads: Purple Land 50 successful attacks on weak points or wounds in Focus Mode.
Celestial Wonder: Pink Complete mission: A World Turned Upside Down.
Celestial Wonder: Yellow Complete your first Field Survey.
Celestial Wonder: Green Perform your first successful Sneak Attack.
Celestial Wonder: Purple Establish Pop-Up Camps in 10 places.
Celestial Wonder: Blue Complete 50 quests.
Lightning: Ruby Possess 1,000,000 Zenny.
Lightning: Sapphire Successfully fish for the first time.
Lightning: Topaz Capture a giant squid while fishing.
Lightning: Emerald Complete mission: Wyvern Sparks and Rose Thorns.
Lightning: Amethyst Complete a quest via multiplayer.
Harlequin Prints: Silver Hunt 100 large monsters.
Harlequin Prints: Gold Capture 50 monsters.
Harlequin Prints: Blue Complete mission: The Desert Trotters.
Harlequin Prints: Brown Cook with the BBQ Grill for the first time.
Harlequin Prints: Ivory Complete 100 quests via multiplayer.
Motifs: Kunafa Obtain your first silver crown or higher in the Hunting Log.
Motifs: Wudwud Reel in 30 whoppers while fishing.
Motifs: Azuz Forge five different pieces of armor with Rarity 7 or higher.
Motifs: Suja Forge five different weapons with Rarity 7 or higher.
Motifs: Sild Obtain your first miniature crown in the Hunting Log.
Motifs: Rey Dau Hunt many different large monsters.
Motifs: Uth Duna Hunt 50 Tempered Monsters.
Motifs: Nu Udra Obtain an Artian Weapon of Rarity 8.
Motifs: Jin Dahaad Reach Hunter Rank 100.
Motifs: Arkveld Hunt 50 apex predators.
Folding Screens: Gold Obtain a gold crown for 10 or more monsters in the Hunting Log.
Folding Screens: Silver Obtain a miniature crown for 10 or more monsters in the Hunting Log.
Ribbon Dream: Strawberry Catch a creature that bears an Ancient Wyvern Coin.
Ribbon Dream: Amber Catch a creature Sandstar.
Goth Cloth: Purple Complete mission: Monster Hunter.
Goth Cloth: Amber Complete mission: What Lies Ahead.
Animal Kingdom Complete 30 different Side Missions.
Special Frame: Wyvern Obtain a miniature crown for many monsters in the Hunting Log.
Special Frame: Avis Unit Obtain a gold crown for many monsters in the Hunting Log.
Premium Frame: Wilds Obtain all other Awards.

This list is a work in progress. If you have a Nameplate that isn't listed here, feel free comment down below!

What Are Nameplates?

Used to Customize Hunter Profile

Used to Customize Hunter Profile

Nameplates are used to customize your Hunter Profile, which can be shared with other players. Note that Nameplates can also be repositioned to your liking.

Hunter Profile Features Explained

Monster Hunter Wilds Related Guides


List of Cosmetics

Hunter Cosmetics

Hunter Cosmetics
Layered WeaponsLayered Armor PendantsPendants
MH Wilds Titles Titles NameplatesNameplates
Sticker Sets Banner No TextSticker Sets Profile BackgroundsProfile Backgrounds
Gestures BannerGestures

Palico and Seikret Cosmetics

Palico and Seikret Cosmetics
Palico Layered WeaponsPalico Layered Equipment Palico Layered WeaponsSeikret Decorations


3 Walkthrough Team@Game8about 3 hours

Thanks for your submission Tahlitha! We'll add your Nameplate to our list!

2 Tahlithaabout 7 hours


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