Monster Hunter Wilds

Bow Weapon Guide and New Moves

MH Wilds Bow Weapon Guide

The Bow is a versatile ranged weapon, effective at both close and long distances, and offers high mobility in Monster Hunter Wilds. See all the new moves for the Bow, how to use it, its controls, as well as the pre-launch update.

Bow Adjustments (December 19, 2024)

Improved Focus Strike and Rebalanced Damage

The Bow will be receiving some balance adjustments, particularly in its damage. The damage and responsiveness of Normal Attacks and Arch Shots will increase, while the power of the Tracer Shots will be decreased.

Additionally, an update was made to the Bow's Focus Strike. While charging the Focus Strike, instead of locking on to all of the wounds at once, they will now be locked on to one by one, with a short delay in between lock ons.

New Bow Moves and Mechanics


Combo Input
Mouse Left Button + E Button
Combo Input
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Square Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - X Button

Tracer is a new move that sticks a Tracer arrow in a monster, and it causes subsequent arrows to home in on it. This is very useful against aggressive monsters that like to move around often or if you want to target a specific body part.

Focus Fire: Hailstorm

Combo Input
Mouse Right Button + Shift
Combo Input
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R1 Button.png
Combo Input
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Right Bumper

Once you've applied a wound or a Tracer on a monster, you can use Focus Fire: Hailstorm to fire a barrage of arrows that will hone in on them. Doing this will deal increased damage to the monster so make sure to use this move whenever you can.

After using Focus Fire: Hailstorm on a monster, you'll automatically follow up with a Dragon Piercer so make sure you're positioned properly to maximize the damage of this attack.

Thousand Dragons

Mouse Left Button + R Button + F Button
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - Right Trigger +XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

This move is an alternative to the Dragon Piercer. Instead of the usual pierce attack that goes through the entire body of a monster, this is a powerful spread shot that shoots more arrows than normal.

Arc Shots Apply Tracers

A new mechanic added to Arc Shots in this game is that it will now apply Tracers onto a target. Use this when a monster is staying still so you can detonate multiple Tracers with homing attacks or a Focus Fire: Hailstorm.

Trick Arrow Gauge

MH Wilds - Trick Arrow Gauge
A gauge required to load Tracers and coatings. Landing attacks or successfully performing Discerning Dodge will fill the gauge. Loading a Tracer or coating will consume the gauge.

Coatings are No Longer Items

MH Wilds - Coatings

Select Coating
Ctrl Button + Up / Down
Apply Coating R Button
Select Coating
PS4 - L1 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button / PS4 - X Button
Apply Coating PS4 - Triangle Button
Select Coating
XBOX - Left Bumper + XBOX - Y Button / XBOX - A Button
Apply Coating XBOX - Y Button

Unlike previous games, coatings are no longer items that you need to craft and store in your pouch. Instead, it uses the new Trick Arrow Gauge to refill your selected coating.

Coatings will only apply to 8 shots now, but one gauge segment will refill your coatings to full. Just remember to constantly reapply your coatings, especially if you're used to having a higher amount of coatings from previous games.

How to Use a Bow

Bow Tips and Tricks

Take Note of Critical Distance

MH Wilds - Critical Distance
Critical Distance is the effective range from your target where you deal the most damage. You can determine you're at Critical Distance when the reticle glows orange when aiming, but this can change depending on the Coating you've applied.

If the reticle isn't orange, it means that you're out of range and will do less damage to the monster with your arrows.

Critical Distance isn't an Indicator of Max Damage

Even if the reticle is orange, you may not be maximizing the damage of your attacks. For example, if you're using Power Shot or Thousand Dragons, you will want to be up close to the monster so that all your arrows hit, even if the reticle is orange when you're further away.

Stamina Management Is Crucial

Mastering Stamina management is crucial when wielding a Bow. Rapidly firing arrows and constantly dashing around can quickly drain your stamina if you're not careful. Make sure you always have extra Stamina in case you need to dodge away from an incoming attack.

Utilize Dashes to Charge Attacks

Instead of standing still and attacking, it's recommended to use a Charging Sidestep to increase your Bow's Charge Levels. This helps you constantly reposition and swiftly charge your attacks at the same time.

Just be mindful of your Stamina when doing this since you can quickly get exhausted and get hit by an attack if you're not careful.

Learn the Effects of Each Coating Type

Coating Effect
Power Increases arrow damage
Close-Range Reduces arrow range but increases their damage
Pierce Allows arrow to pierce
Poison Arrows inflict poison
Paralysis Arrows inflict paralysis
Sleep Arrows inflict sleep
Blast Arrows inflict blast
Exhaust Arrows inflict stun/exhaust

Coatings are an important aspect of the bow that can increase damage or apply status effects depending on the coating used. It's recommended to learn which types of coating you should use against certain monsters, especially if they're weak to a specific ailment.

As a note, each Bow can only use specific coatings. Before crafting a new Bow, always check what coatings it can use since some Bows can become significantly worse if they can't use specific coatings.

Prioritize the Bow Charge Plus Skill

Skill Effect
Bow Charge Plus Increases max bow charge level by one.

Bows by default have 3 Charge Levels. Look to add the Bow Charge Plus Skill on your equipment to add a 4th Charge Level and drastically improve your damage output!

Bow Controls

Basic Bow Controls


Mouse Left Button(Hold)

Aim / Focus Mouse Right Button(Hold)
Quick Shot F Button
Power Shot

Power Volley
During Combo
F Button

F Button
Arc Shot
Mouse Right Button + Mouse Left Button + F Button
Charging Sidestep

Flying Swallow Shot
Mouse Right Button + Space Button
R Button
Dragon Piercer
R Button + F Button
Instant Dragon Piercer During Combo
R Button + F Button
Thousand Dragons
Mouse Left Button + R Button + F Button
Select Coating
Ctrl Button + Up / Down
Apply Coating R Button
Ready Tracer
Mouse Left Button + E Button
Focus Fire: Hailstorm
Mouse Right Button + Shift

PS4 - R2 Button (Hold)

Aim / Focus PS4 - L2 Button(Hold)
Quick Shot PS4 - Circle Button
Power Shot

Power Volley
During Combo
PS4 - Circle Button

PS4 - Circle Button
Arc Shot
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Charging Sidestep

Flying Swallow Shot
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - X Button
PS4 - Triangle Button
Dragon Piercer
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Instant Dragon Piercer During Combo
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Thousand Dragons
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Select Coating
PS4 - L1 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button.png / PS4 - X Button
Apply Coating PS4 - Triangle Button
Ready Tracer
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Square Button
Focus Fire: Hailstorm
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R1 Button

XBOX - Right Trigger (Hold)

Aim / Focus XBOX - Left Bumper(Hold)
Quick Shot XBOX - B Button
Power Shot

Power Volley
During Combo
XBOX - B Button

XBOX - B Button
Arc Shot
XBOX - Left Bumper + XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button
Charging Sidestep

Flying Swallow Shot
XBOX - Left Bumper + XBOX - A Button
XBOX - Y Button
Dragon Piercer
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Instant Dragon Piercer During Combo
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Thousand Dragons
XBOX - Right Trigger +XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Select Coating
XBOX - Left Bumper + XBOX - Y Button / XBOX - A Button
Apply Coating XBOX - Y Button
Ready Tracer
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - X Button
Focus Fire: Hailstorm
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Right Bumper

Recommended Bow Combos

Bow Combos

Dragon Piercer Combo

Combo Input
Charged Shot ▶︎ F Button ▶︎ F Button ▶︎ R Button + F Button
Combo Input
Charged Shot ▶︎ PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
Charged Shot ▶︎ XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

This combo is best used against long monsters since the Dragon Piercer will travel the entire length of the monster. It can also be used against wide monsters, but it is harder to succesfully land since you need to fire at their sides and they can turn away and cause the move to end early.

Thousand Dragons Combo

Combo Input
Charged Shot ▶︎ F Button ▶︎ F Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button + R Button + F Button
Combo Input
Charged Shot ▶︎ PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
Charged Shot ▶︎ XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - Right Trigger +XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

This combo is best used against wide monsters or monsters with large weak spots. Just be careful when using this combo since you want to be up close the monster and Thousand Dragons has a long recovery animation.

Tracer Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Left Button + E Button ▶︎ F Button ▶︎ F Button ▶︎ Mouse Right Button + Space Button ▶︎ R Button
Combo Input
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Square Button ▶︎ PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - X Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - X Button ▶︎ XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - Left Bumper + XBOX - A Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button

This is a general combo that you want to use to target a monster's weak spot. The combination of the multiple spread shots and the Tracer's homing effect will send a barrage of arrows on the exact spot you want to focus on.

Arc Shot Combo

Combo Input
Mouse Right Button + Mouse Left Button + F Button ▶︎ Mouse Right Button + Space Button ▶︎ Mouse Left Button + R Button + F Button
Combo Input
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button ▶︎ PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - X Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button ▶︎ PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Combo Input
XBOX - Left Bumper + XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button ▶︎ XBOX - Left Bumper + XBOX - A Button ▶︎ XBOX - Y Button ▶︎XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button

This combo is best used once a monster has already been knocked down. Arc Shot will apply a bunch of Tracers on the monster and the full combo can easily be landed since the monster won't be moving around.

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