Monster Hunter Wilds

Charge Blade Weapon Guide and New Moves

Monster Hunter Wilds Charge Blade Guide

The Charge Blade is a weapon that balances offense and defense and can morph between two modes in Monster Hunter Wilds. See what new actions the Charge Blade can perform, how to use it, sample and recommended combos, and what its controls are in this guide!

New Charge Blade Moves

Focus Slash: Double Rend

Focus Slash: Double Rend is the weapon's Focus Attack. Your character will perform a double slash that will transition into Savage Axe Mode if it hits a wound. This is the Charge Blade's primary way of getting into Savage Axe Mode.

Guard Point Indicators

guard point indicators
Guard Point indicators are now available and much easier to see for the Charge Blade. The Charge Blade's guard point timings will now cause the shield to glow which indicates that these specific set of frames are guard points or frames where the the player can block enemies when hit.

How to Use the Charge Blade

Disclaimer: The guide presented here includes info from previous games in the series.

Charge Blade Gameplay Tips

Charge Phials with Sword Mode

The main gimmick of Charge Blade is accumulating Sword Energy by attacking enemies while in Sword Mode, charging the phials with the Sword Energy, and using them to enhance the Axe Mode attacks.

Check the phial icons on the top left of your screen to see how much Sword Energy you've accumulated, which also indicates how many phials will be filled after charging.

Charge Blade Phial No Charge No Charge
Charge Blade Yellow Phial Charge 3 Phials
Charge Blade Red Phial Charge 5 Phials
Charge Blade Phial Overcharge Overcharged
Your attacks will bounce off when overcharged. Charge immediately to transfer the energy to your phials.

Dish Out Damage with Axe Mode

Once you have charged phials ready, you can morph your weapon to Axe Mode and start dishing out damage! You can then use enhanced attacks in Axe Mode to deal increased damage by consuming phials.

The number of phials consumed by these attacks depends on the move used, as some Axe Mode attacks, like the Super Amped Elemental Discharge (SAED), empties all five phials in one go. When you're out of phials, make sure to switch back to Sword Mode to charge them again.

Understand the Phial Types

Phial Type Effect
Element Enhances elemental attacks in Axe Mode for a longer time.
Impact Enhances physical attacks in Axe Mode for a short time.

There are two types of Charge Blade phials: the Element Phials and Impact Phials.

Charge Blades with Element Phials allow you to deal more elemental damage in Axe Mode and usually have playstyles that revolve around SAED spams. Using Impact Phials, on the other hand, boosts physical damage, which also makes it easier to stun enemies especially when hitting weakpoints.

Charge Blade Controls

Sword Mode Controls

Weak Slash Mouse Left Button
Forward Slash
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Morph Slash
R Button + Mouse Left Button
R Button + Mouse Right Button
Guard R Button
Charged Double Slash Mouse Right Button (Press and Hold
Flade Slash
S Button + Mouse Right Button
Weak Slash PS4 - Triangle Button
Forward Slash
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Morph Slash
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button
PS4 - R2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Guard PS4 - R2 Button
Charged Double Slash PS4 - Circle Button (Press and Hold
Flade Slash
PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - Circle Button
Weak Slash XBOX - Y Button
Forward Slash
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Morph Slash
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - Y Button
XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button
Guard XBOX - Right Trigger
Charged Double Slash XBOX - B Button (Press and Hold
Flade Slash
XBOX - Left Stick + XBOX - B Button

Axe Mode Controls

Rising Slash Mouse Left Button
Element Discharge Mouse Right Button
Amped Element Discharge
Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button
Morph Slash R Button
Rising Slash PS4 - Triangle Button
Element Discharge PS4 - Circle Button
Amped Element Discharge
PS4 - Triangle Button + PS4 - Circle Button
Morph Slash PS4 - R2 Button
Rising Slash XBOX - Y Button
Element Discharge XBOX - B Button
Amped Element Discharge
XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button
Morph Slash XBOX - Right Trigger

Charge Blade Combos

Charge Blade Combos

Basic Combo Poke

Combo Input
(Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button) → Mouse Left ButtonMouse Left Button → (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button)
(PS4 - Triangle Button.png+PS4 - Circle Button.png)→PS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.png→(PS4 - Triangle Button.png+PS4 - Circle Button.png)
(XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button) → XBOX - Y ButtonXBOX - Y Button → (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button)

This is a basic rotation combo that ends in the Shield Thrust command. It's a quicky way to dish out DPS while also charging up your phial and can be perpetually looped for a slow but continuou source of damage.

Charge into Shield Boost Transition

Combo Input
Mouse Right ButtonMouse Right Button (hold) → (R Button + Mouse Right Button) → Mouse Right Button → (Mouse Right Button + Mouse Left Button)
PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.png (hold) →(PS4 - R2 Button.png+PS4 - Circle Button.png) →PS4 - Circle Button.png →(PS4 - Circle Button.png+PS4 - Triangle Button.png)
XBOX - B ButtonXBOX - B Button (hold) → (XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button) → XBOX - B Button → (XBOX - B Button + XBOX - Y Button)

This is a short combo loop that you can use if you're aiming to quickly fill up your Phials with a short poke. This will allow you to replenish three bars of Phials on use while also consuming it to enter a shield:boost state which gives you access to SAED attacks.

Charge into SAED Combo

Combo Input
(R Button + Mouse Right Button) → (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button) → (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button) → Mouse Right Button → (Mouse Left Button + Mouse Right Button)
(PS4 - R2 Button.png+PS4 - Circle Button.png) →(PS4 - Triangle Button.png+PS4 - Circle Button.png)→
(PS4 - Triangle Button.png+PS4 - Circle Button.png) →PS4 - Circle Button.png →(PS4 - Triangle Button.png+PS4 - Circle Button.png)
(XBOX - Right Trigger + XBOX - B Button) → (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button)→ (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button) → XBOX - B Button → (XBOX - Y Button + XBOX - B Button)

Requires shield:boost and a minimum count of 3 phials.

This is a combo thats perfect to use if you have a shield:boost state and charged up phials. It's a good transition after using Charge if you're presented with a vulnerable monster as you can launch your full AED string into SAED.

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