Monster Hunter Wilds

List of Characters

Monster Hunter Wilds List of All Characters

Here's a list of all characters in Monster Hunter Wilds. See all the characters in the game, their roles and units, and all known information about them here!

List of All Characters

All Characters and Profiles

Avis Unit
HunterHunter PalicoPalico AlmaAlma
GemmaGemma NataNata -
Astrum Unit
OliviaOlivia AthosAthos ErikErik
WernerWerner - -
Hunter's Guild


Hunter Character Profile
HunterHunter Role:
Avis Unit
The protagonist and the character you play as. A hunter assigned to the Forbidden Lands Research Commission, their job is to help investigate this unexplored region.

The Hunter is the unnamed protagonist that you get to play as in Monster Hunter Wilds. The Hunter can be customized in the Character Creation screen and can assume any gender you prefer.

The Hunter will be tasked by the Hunter's Guild to explore the uncharted areas of the Forbidden Lands to look for a monster called the White Wraith, all while looking after a mysterious boy named Nata.


Palico Character Profile
PalicoPalico Role:
Avis Unit
A Felyne—a cat-like creature fully capable of speaking with people—who is the hunter's trusted "Palico" partner. They'll provide invaluable hunting AND moral support!

A Palico acts as your traveling companion throughout your journey in the Forbidden Lands. It is one of the staple members of a hunter unit, and yours is of the Felyne race.

They can speak human language and provide you with vital support through communications, intel, and moral support among other things!
Palico Guide


Alma Character Profile
AlmaAlma Role:
Quest Handler
Avis Unit
The hunter's "Handler"—one who manages monster hunt requests, permissions, and quests. She'll accompany you out on quests and provide valuable support and knowledge. A specialist in cultural anthropology and an avid archaeologist.

Each unit in the Hunter's Guild must contain people of certain specialties before they can proceed with exploring the Forbidden Lands, one of which is a Quest Handler. In the Avis Unit, Alma fills this position.

She is responsible for gathering tasks for you to undertake from quests and side quests to hunt requests. With her expertise, she can provide you with vital information to further support your unit.
Alma Guide & Location


Gemma Character Profile
GemmaGemma Role:
Avis Unit
A smithy with the Research Commission. She'll take care of all your weapon and armor crafting needs!

Another staple that a hunter unit must have before venturing into the Forbidden Lands is a blacksmith, and Gemma fills this spot in the Avis Unit.

She handles any and all matters relating to weaponry and armory, providing you with top-notch gear required for taking down even the most formidable of monsters in the Forbidden Lands.
Gemma Guide & Location


Nata Character Profile
NataNata Role:
Avis Unit
"I was still hoping that I imagined the whole thing..."
A mysterious young boy that accompanies you on your journey.

Very little is known about Nata other than the fact that he was discovered by Fabius, leading to the establishment of the Forbidden Lands Research Commission.

Throughout your excursions in the Forbidden Lands, one of your tasks is to look after Nata, who will choose to venture with you.
Nata Guide & Location


Olivia Character Profile
OliviaOlivia Role:
Astrum Unit
A hammer-wielding member of the Hunter's Guild Forbidden Lands Expedition Team. She previously took on special missions from the Guild, but has since been assigned to the Forbidden Lands. She can assist the Hunter as a Support Hunter during quests.

Olivia spearheads the Astrum Unit and is a veteran member of the Hunter's Guild.

Her unit, along with yours, has now been assigned to the Forbidden Lands Expedition Team. As colleagues, she and her unit will support you as best they can.
Olivia Guide & Location


Athos Character Profile
AthosAthos Role:
Astrum Unit
An elite Long-Haired Palico assisting Olivia.

Athos is the Astrum Unit's Palico and serves under Olivia's command. Just like their commander, Athos is also an elite member of the Guild and highly likely possesses significant on-field experience.
Athos Guide & Location


Erik Character Profile
ErikErik Role:
Quest Handler
Astrum Unit
Astrum Unit's Handler. An adroit biologist renowned throughout academia.

Just like Alma, Erik is Astrum Unit's Handler. Where Alma excels in archaeology and anthropology, Erik excels in all things biology.

This highly likely makes him knowledgable when it comes to salves to futher support the Astrum Unit.
Erik Guide & Location


Werner Character Profile
WernerWerner Role:
Astrum Unit
Astrum Unit's Smithy. A physics and engineering specialist, and a leading mind in weapon technology.

The one in charge of arming the Astrum Unit is Werner, who assumes the same role in his unit as Gemma does in yours. He ensures that the Astrum Unit is well maintained by giving them the highest quality gear.
Werner Guide & Location


Fabius Character Profile
FabiusFabius Role:
Hunter's Guild
As a leader of the Hunter's Guild, he established the Forbidden Lands Research Commission after discovering Nata, and took charge of forming each expedition unit.
A former hunter distinguished among the Guild.

Fabius is the leader of the Hunter's Guild and established the Forbidden Lands Expedition Team, which is comprised of several units dedicated to exploring the uncharted Forbidden Lands and eliminating any threats in the way.

Fabius founded the Forbidden Lands Expedition Team after having discovered Nata. Though the connection is vague, it is clear that the boy has significant meaning and has been assigned to the Avis Unit for safekeeping.
Fabius Guide & Location

Monster Hunter Wilds Related Guides

Monster Hunter Wilds Walkthrough Wiki
Monster Hunter Wilds Walkthrough Wiki

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PalicoPalico SkillsSkills
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