Genshin Impact

Ancient Watchtower Domain Guide

Genshin Impact - Ancient Watchtower Guide

Ancient Watchtower is a forgery domain found in Natlan in Genshin Impact 5.0. See where to find the domain, how to unlock it, and the list of rewards here!

Ancient Watchtower Location

How to Unlock Ancient Watchtower

Location Coatepec Mountain

The Ancient Watchtower is located just southwest of the first Statue of the Seven in Tequemecan Valley, Natlan.

Simply head south along the main road towards Coatepec Mountain. Take the middle path in Tepeacac Rise then head west along this path till you reach the Ancient Watchtower, which is directly west of Blazing Ruins.

Natlan Map Guide and How to Enter

AR and Unlock Requirements

Required AR Adventure Rank 22
How to Unlock Complete the Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"

Prologue: Act 3 Story Walkthrough

Ancient Watchtower Information

Ancient Watchtower Basic Info

Domain Type Challenge (Weapon Materials)
Resin Cost
Unique Rewards
Blazing Sacrificial HeartBlazing Sacrificial Heart's Terror
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred LordDelirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord
Night-WindNight-Wind's Mystic Consideration
Domain Description The great dragon erected many peculiar structures across the land. In the ancient legends, the great dragon's outstretched wings could together blot out the light of the sky. Perhaps such descriptions were not hyperbole, or perhaps such wording was a metaphor for their desire to see beyond the sky. But now, the traces of said ancient dragon have already vanished, and the people of today can only but glimpse the forging techniques of that ancient civilization through the shattered remnants of those massive structures and their patterns.

List of Weapon Ascension Materials

Ancient Watchtower Ley Line Disorders

Ancient Watchtower Ley Line Disorder
After Nightsoul Burst is triggered, all party members will deal 35% more DMG for 10s.

Ancient Watchtower Rewards

Natlan Talent Book Rewards

Mon & Thu Tue & Fri Wed & Sat
Genshin - Blazing Sacrificial Heart Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Terror Genshin - Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord Icon Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord Genshin - Night-Wind Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration

You can ascend Natlan Weapons with the Ascension Materials rewarded in this domain. The rewards from Ancient Watchtower change every day. On Sunday, all Weapon Ascension Materials from the Domain are available and you get to choose which reward you want!

Ancient Watchtower Rewards for Each Level

Lv. Mon/Thu Tue/Fri Wed/Sat
Genshin - Blazing Sacrificial Heart
Genshin - Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord Image
Genshin - Night-Wind
Genshin - Blazing Sacrificial HeartGenshin - Blazing Sacrificial Heart
Genshin - Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord ImageGenshin - Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord Image
Genshin - Night-WindGenshin - Night-Wind
Genshin - Blazing Sacrificial HeartGenshin - Blazing Sacrificial HeartGenshin - Blazing Sacrificial Heart
Genshin - Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord ImageGenshin - Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord ImageGenshin - Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord Image
Genshin - Night-WindGenshin - Night-WindGenshin - Night-Wind
Genshin - Blazing Sacrificial HeartGenshin - Blazing Sacrificial HeartGenshin - Blazing Sacrificial HeartGenshin - Blazing Sacrificial Heart
Genshin - Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord ImageGenshin - Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord ImageGenshin - Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord ImageGenshin - Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord Image
Genshin - Night-WindGenshin - Night-WindGenshin - Night-WindGenshin - Night-Wind

Other Ancient Watchtower Rewards at Each Level

1 100 1125 10
2 100 1550 15
3 100 1850 15
4 100 2200 20

Ancient Watchtower Release Date

Released on August 28, 2024

Genshin Impact Version 5.0
Genshin - Version 5.0
Release Date August 28, 2024

Ancient Watchtower, along with the new nation of Natlan, was released on August 28, 2024 in Version 5.0!

Version 5.0 Release Date and Details

Genshin Impact Domain Guides

All Domains

Genshin Impact - List of Domains

List of Domains

Domain Walkthroughs & Guides

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Natlan Artifact Domains
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All One-Time Domain Guides

Region One-Time Domains
Mondstadt Temple of the Falcon Temple of the Wolf
Temple of the Lion Eagle's Gate
Liyue Domain of
Forsaken Ruins
Hidden Palace of Guizang Formula
Domain of the Wayward Path
Inazuma Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates Shakkei Pavillion
Formation Estate Palace in a Pool
Moshiri Kara
Sumeru Under the Umbrella's Shade The Dark Valley
Fragment of Childhood Dreams The Coordinates of Sun and Rain
Altar of Mirages Red Desert Threshold
Garden of Endless Pillars City of the Deceased
Fane of Panjvahe Purification Spring
Somalata Inland Sea
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