Genshin Impact

How to Get to the Shakkei Pavilion Domain Guide

Genshin Impact - How to Unlock Shakkei Pavilion | Shakkei Pavilion Domain Guide

Shakkei Pavilion is a One-Time Domain found in Tatarasuna, Inazuma in Genshin Impact. See how to get to the Shakkei Pavilion Domain location, how to unlock the entrance, a full Domain and puzzle walkthrough, and a list of total rewards here in this guide!

How to Get to Shakkei Pavilion

Shakkei Pavilion Location

Location Kannazuka, Inazuma

AR and Unlock Requirements

Required AR Adventure Rank 30
How to Unlock Destroy the rock from the entrance with a cannon in Tatarasuna

Destroy the Rock Entrance in Tatarasuna

To get to the Shakkei Pavilion domain in Tatarasuna, destroy the rock blocking the entrance of the domain with a cannon ball while carrying an Electrogranum.

Before attempting to go to the domain, you must first do the first Tatara Tales quest to lower the barrier around Tatarasuna.

All Tatara Tales Quests

How to Unlock Shakkei Pavilion

Full Domain Unlock Walkthrough

How to Unlock Domain
Start and complete the first Tatara Tales quest to remove the Tatarasuna Barrier.
Teleport near the Waverider Waypoint in Tatarasuna.
Summon an Electrogranum with the nearby Thunder Sakura Bough and activate the Karuijima Cannon.
Aim the Karuijima Cannon at the marked location in the image and fire! A yellow flash will appear, meaning you've destroyed the rocks that block Shakkei Pavilion.
Summon the Waverider and sail towards the direction of Shakkei Pavilion.
Interact with Shakkei Pavilion to unlock the Domain!

Shakkei Pavilion - Tutelage: Castle of Scrolls

Basic Castle of Scrolls Domain Info

Domain Type One-Time
Resin Cost No Resin needed
Genshin Impact - Fatui Pyro Agent ImageGenshin Impact - Mirror Maiden ImageGenshin Impact - Nobushi: Jintouban ImageGenshin Impact - Nobushi: Hitsukeban Image
Domain Description This magnificent mansion was built by an ancient ascetic warrior in the depths of the earth using scenery borrowed from the outside world. In latter days, a deeply disheartened eccentric would be discovered within.

Shakkei Pavilion Enemies

List of Castle of Scrolls Enemies

List of All Enemies
Genshin - Fatui Pyro Agent ImageFatui Pyro Agent x 1 Genshin - Mirror Maiden ImageMirror Maiden x 1 Genshin - Nobushi: Jintouban ImageNobushi: Jintouban x 2
Genshin - Nobushi: Hitsukeban ImageNobushi: Hitsukeban x 2

Shakkei Pavillion Domain Walkthrough

How to Complete Castle of Scrolls Domain Puzzle

Domain Walkthrough
Do a Plunging Attack after jumping to open a path on the ground.
Defeat the two Nobushi: Jintouban.
Go upstairs and look for a switch that's nearby a ladder.
Climb up the ladder and open the door nearby. You will find one of three Amulets to pick up to use for later.
You will find the second Amulet nearby on your left.
Head back to the room with the Ladder, climb up then do a Plunge Attack on the breakable floor.
Upon heading down, defeat the two Nobushi: Hitsukeban.

Turn off the Electro altar to remove their persisting buff!
Collect the third and final Amulet in the same room.
Head to the marked area and use the Elevator to go up.
Use the three Amulets and open the door on the room.
Defeat the Fatui Pyro Agent and Mirror Maiden to complete the Domain!

Recommended F2P Party Members

Recommended Characters
Kaeya Kaeya Xiangling Xiangling Noelle Noelle Barbara Barbara

Cryo will be best to use in this domain, and so having characters like Kaeya can help you get through this domain smoothly. Have healers or shielders as well, as both the Pyro Fatui Agent and Mirror Maiden can suprise you with their devastating attacks!

List of All Cryo Characters

Best Elements to Use

Cryo ImageAnemo ImageElectro ImagePyro Image
Bad No Bad Elements

Best Characters to Use

Character Reasons to Use
Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu • Good against Pyro Fatui Agent and Mirror Maiden enemies, as well as Electro-infused enemies.
• High AoE Cryo damage with charged attacks.
Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli • Can protect you from taking damage even if you're locked inside the Mirror Maiden's cage.
Genshin - Ayaka Ayaka • Good against Pyro Fatui Agent and Mirror Maiden enemies, as well as Electro-infused enemies.
• High AoE Cryo damage with Elemental Burst.
Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha • Allows you to jump and plunge easier on breakable floors and hard to reach places.
Genshin - Kaeya Kaeya • Good F2P character you can use to safely defeat enemies not resistant to Cryo.

Best Characters in the Game

Shakkei Pavilion Rewards

Total Domain Rewards

One-Time Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x40 Genshin - ShimenawaShimenawa's Reminiscence x1 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x3
Genshin - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP x500 Genshin - Electro Sigil Image Electro Sigil x5 Genshin - Guide to Light Image Guide to Light x2
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30000 Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x5

Shakkei Pavilion will only give you rewards once, after clearing the Domain for the first time. You can challenge the Domain again at any time, but it won't give you anymore rewards.

''Jackpot'' Achievement

Achievement Rewards
Genshin - Blade of TataraJackpot

Use the Karuijima Cannon to reveal a treasure trove.
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image x5

In addition to the Domain rewards, using the Karuijima Cannon to unlock Shakkei Pavilion will also give you the Wonders of the World Achievement, Jackpot!
Achievement List and Rewards

Genshin Impact Domain Guides

One-Time Domains

Genshin Impact - List of All One Time Domain

List of All One-Time Domains

All One-Time Domain Guides

Mondstadt's One-Time Domains
Temple of the Falcon Temple of the Wolf
Temple of the Lion Eagle's Gate
Liyue's One-Time Domains
Domain of Forsaken Ruins Hidden Palace of Guizang Formula
Domain of the Wayward Path
Inazuma's One-Time Domains
Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates Shakkei Pavillion
Formation Estate Palace in a Pool
Moshiri Kara
Sumeru's One-Time Domains
Under the Umbrella's Shade The Dark Valley
Fragment of Childhood Dreams The Coordinates of Sun and Rain
Altar of Mirages Red Desert Threshold
Garden of Endless Pillars City of the Deceased
Fane of Panjvahe Purification Spring
Somalata Inland Sea

List of All Domains


11 Anonymous3 months

i cant activate the canon does anyone know why ?

1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I love your website!

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