Genshin Impact

The Illumiscreen: III World Quest Walkthrough and Rewards | Lantern Rite Tales III Requests

Genshin Impact - The Illumiscreen: III World Quest Guide

The Illumiscreen: III is a Lantern Rite Tales world quest available in Genshin Impact during the Lantern Rite Event. See how to unlock the quest, the rewards, and a full quest walkthrough!

Lantern Rite Event Guides
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The Illumiscreen: III Basic Information

Quest Details

Quest Type World Quest
Chapter Lantern Rite Tales: Stage III
Location Liyue Harbor, Liyue
Quest Giver Brother Qian

How to Unlock

Genshin - How To Unlock Lantern Rite World Quests

To unlock this quest, you have to complete both the main Event Quest, The Origin of the Lantern, and the first Lantern Rite Tales quest, City of Chores. Some quests are also time-locked, so check back once the event progresses!

Lantern Rite Event Guide

Lantern Rite Tales Request

This quest can be found under the Lantern Rite Tales part of the event where you have to complete requests all over Liyue Harbor to increase your Festive Fever level.

List of Lantern Rite Tales Quests

The Illumiscreen: III Walkthrough and Rewards

The Illumiscreen: III

Brother Qian from the Adventurers' Guild is still inviting people to try playing with the Illumiscreen

The Illumiscreen: III Objectives

  • Talk to Brother Qian at night (21:00 - 05:00)
  • Complete Illumiscreen: Crane
  • Examine Illumiscreen: Crane
  • Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen (0/3)
  • Talk to Brother Qian
  • Open the chest just opposite of Brother Qian


1 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Talk to Brother Qian
Talk to Brother Qian at night to begin the quest.
2 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Puzzle Solution 1
Rotate the lanterns in the following order:
  • Rotate the Central Lantern twice.
  • Rotate the Right Lantern once.
  • 3 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Crane
    Once you have managed to to show a full image of a Crane, examine the Illumiscreen for the treasure points.
    4 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - First Treasure
    The first treasure area can be found at Lingju Pass inside a small tower. You will find a Mitachurl inside so be prepared.
    The second treasure area is just northeast from Liyue Harbor. You have to light up four torches to gain access to the treasure.
    6 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Third Treasure
    The third and final treasure area is at the Guyun Stone Forest. You will encounter two Geovishaps along the way. The treasure is dug around the stony area. Once dug up, you will have to fight a ruin hunter.
    7 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Talk to Brother Qian 2
    After collecting all the treasure, head back to Liyue Harbor and talk to Brother Qian again.
    8 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Three Chests
    After talking to Brother Qian, collect the three treasure chests nearby to finish the quest.


    Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×30 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×20000

    The Illumiscreen: III Tips & Strategies

    Lantern Puzzle Mechanics

    Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Cluepng

    Keep in mind that the lanterns are linked to each other; meaning when you rotate a lantern, another one that is linked to it will also rotate.

    • The left lantern links to the central lantern.
    • The central lantern links to the right lantern.
    • The right lantern links to the left lantern.

    Illumiscreen: Crane Solution

    1 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Puzzle Start
    You should start out with this picture.
    2 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Puzzle Solution 1
    Rotate the central lantern twice until you see this an image of Mora on both sides, while the Crane should be in the middle.
    3 Genshin - The Illumiscreen III - Puzzle Solution 2
    Lastly, rotate the right lantern once to complete the puzzle.

    Genshin Impact Related Links

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    Lantern Rite Tales Event Guide

    Lantern Rite Tales Request Guides

    Lantern Rite Tales I
    City of Chores
    Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part 1) Hammer and Wrench The Illumiscreen: I
    A Festive First Adventure Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed Mondstadters in Liyue
    Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei Outspoken Linling Little Lantern, Little Wish
    Lantern Rite Tales II
    Wangshu Once Again
    The Illumiscreen: II Where the Light Wanes Promises Remembered as Lantern Rises
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    Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen Lantern of the Wayfarer When Scholar Meets Legend
    Lantern Rite Tales III
    Guests in Qingce
    The Illumiscreen: III Guardians of the Countryside Qingce's Lanterns
    The Gift of a Lantern Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part 2)

    Back to Lantern Rite

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