Genshin Impact

Lantern Rite, Big Business? World Quest Walkthrough and Rewards | Lantern Rite Tales II Requests

Genshin Impact - Lantern Rite Big Business? World Quest Guide

Lantern Rite, Big Business? is a Lantern Rite Tales world quest available in Genshin Impact during the Lantern Rite Event. See how to unlock the quest, the rewards, and a full quest walkthrough!

Lantern Rite Event Guides
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Lantern Rite, Big Business? Basic Information

Quest Details

Quest Type World Quest
Chapter Lantern Rite Tales: Stage II
Location Sea of Clouds, Liyue
Quest Giver Mr. Zhu

How to Unlock

Genshin - How To Unlock Lantern Rite World Quests

To unlock this quest, you have to complete both the main Event Quest, The Origin of the Lantern, and the first Lantern Rite Tales quest, City of Chores. Some quests are also time-locked, so check back once the event progresses!

Lantern Rite Event Guide

Lantern Rite Tales Request

This quest can be found under the Lantern Rite Tales part of the event where you have to complete requests all over Liyue Harbor to increase your Festive Fever level.

List of Lantern Rite Tales Quests

Lantern Rite, Big Business? Walkthrough and Rewards

Lantern Rite, Big Business?

Mr. Zhu seems to want to use the Lantern Rite to pick his business up a little...

Lantern Rite, Big Business? Objectives

  • Talk to Mr. Zhu
  • Give Xiao Lantern Materials to Dummy
  • Hang the Xiao Lantern on one side of the inn's door
  • Hang the Xiao Lantern on the other side of the inn's door
  • Meet Mr. Zhu the following afternoon
  • Talk to Mr. Zhu
  • Send out invitations to the people in the area
  • Report back to Mr. Zhu
  • Give Delicious Jewelry Soup to Mr. Zhu
  • Take a seat by the table
  • Talk to Jianqiu
  • Escort the two to a high point to release the Xiao Lantern
  • Talk to Mr. Zhu


Go to the quest marker and talk to Mr. Zhu to begin the request.
Collect the needed Xiao Lantern materials and give them to Dummy:
Hang one Xiao Lantern on one side of the inn. A glowing arrow will point to the location.
Hang the other Xiao Lantern on the other side of the inn. Another glowing arrow will appear and point to the location.
Meet Mr. Zhu the following afternoon by adjusting your time to 12:00 - 18:00 the next day. After you have adjusted the time, talk to him.
Invite the people in the area. Follow the quest markers on the map and talk to Zhenxiang and Uncle Liu to invite them.
Report back to Mr. Zhu at the quest marker. He will be with two other people.
Give Mr. Zhu some Delicious Jewelry Soup. If you don't have any Delicious Jewelry Soup, cook it with:
After giving Mr. Zhu the Delicious Jewelry Soup, take a seat at the table and talk to them.
After talking to Mr. Zhu and others at the table, talk to Jianqiu. He will ask you to escort them to a high place.
Go to the quest marker on the map and proceed to the glowing location to escort the Jianqiu.
Go back to the Inn and talk to Mr. Zhu to complete the request.


Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×30 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×20000 Genshin Impact - Festive Fever Image Festive Fever ×100

Lantern Rite, Big Business? Tips & Strategies

Meet Mr. Zhu the following afternoon

Genshin - Lantern Rite Big Business - Meet Mr. Zhu the Following Afternoon Tip
The quest will only continue if you adjust the time to 12:00 - 18:00 the next day. You might have to adjust your time twice to meet Mr. Zhu the following afternoon.

Genshin Impact Related Links

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Lantern Rite Tales Event Guide

Lantern Rite Tales Request Guides

Lantern Rite Tales I
City of Chores
Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part 1) Hammer and Wrench The Illumiscreen: I
A Festive First Adventure Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed Mondstadters in Liyue
Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei Outspoken Linling Little Lantern, Little Wish
Lantern Rite Tales II
Wangshu Once Again
The Illumiscreen: II Where the Light Wanes Promises Remembered as Lantern Rises
Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today A Very Festive Problem Lantern Rite, Big Business?
Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen Lantern of the Wayfarer When Scholar Meets Legend
Lantern Rite Tales III
Guests in Qingce
The Illumiscreen: III Guardians of the Countryside Qingce's Lanterns
The Gift of a Lantern Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part 2)

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