Genshin Impact

Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen World Quest Walkthrough and Rewards | Lantern Rite Tales II Requests

Genshin Impact - Yanxiao

Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen is a Lantern Rite Tales world quest available in Genshin Impact during the Lantern Rite Event. See how to unlock the quest, the rewards, and a full quest walkthrough!

Lantern Rite Event Guides
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Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen Basic Information

Quest Details

Quest Type World Quest
Chapter Lantern Rite Tales: Stage II
Location Wangshu Inn, Liyue
Quest Giver Smiley Yanxiao

How to Unlock

Genshin - How To Unlock Lantern Rite World Quests

To unlock this quest, you have to complete both the main Event Quest, The Origin of the Lantern, and the first Lantern Rite Tales quest, City of Chores. Some quests are also time-locked, so check back once the event progresses!

Lantern Rite Event Guide

Lantern Rite Tales Request

This quest can be found under the Lantern Rite Tales part of the event where you have to complete requests all over Liyue Harbor to increase your Festive Fever level.

List of Lantern Rite Tales Quests

Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen Walkthrough and Rewards

Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen

Smiley Yanxiao from Wangshu Inn seems to be struggling with his workload during the lantern rite...

Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen Objectives

  • Talk to Smiley Yanxiao at night (19:00 - 23:00)
  • Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
  • Serve the dishes to Holderlin and Caspar
  • Report back to Smiley Yanxiao
  • Deliver the food to Aunt Qiao
  • Deliver the food to Zhuyu
  • Procure 3 portions of Almond, Tofu, and Rice
  • Report back to Smiley Yanxiao
  • Give a lantern to Smiley Yanxiao
  • Give a Xiao Lantern to Jiangxue


1 Genshin -Yanxiao
Go to Wangshu Inn's kitchen and talk to Smiley Yanxiao at 19:00 to 23:00.
2 Genshin -Yanxiao
Head down to the ground floor of Wangshu Inn and deliver two Delicious Mushroom Skewers to Holderlin and Caspar. They will also request you to order something that is seafood, and something with fowl respectively.
3 Genshin -Yanxiao
Head back to the kitchen and talk to Smiley Yanxiao again to and tell him what Holderlin and Caspar wants.
4 Genshin -Yanxiao
Teleport to the Stone Gate and deliver the food to Aunt Qiao
5 Genshin -Yanxiao
Walk a few hundred meters to deliver the food to Zhuyu
6 Genshin -Yanxiao
Head to Liyue Harbor and talk to Dongsheng to buy three portions of Almond, Tofu, and Rice
7 Genshin -Yanxiao
Head back to Wangshu Inn and go to Smiley Yanxiao, who is by the balcony, and give him the ingredients you bought earlier. He will also request you to give him a Xiao Lantern.
8 Genshin -Yanxiao
Glide down from Wangshu Inn and go to Jiangxue who is nearby. Give him a Xiao Lantern to finish the quest.

Do note that even if there is a 300 second time limit during the quest, it does not matter whether you finish on time or not. As you will get the same amount of rewards in the end.


Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×30 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×20000 Genshin Impact - Festive Fever Image Festive Fever ×100

Genshin Impact Related Links

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Lantern Rite Tales Event Guide

Lantern Rite Tales Request Guides

Lantern Rite Tales I
City of Chores
Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part 1) Hammer and Wrench The Illumiscreen: I
A Festive First Adventure Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed Mondstadters in Liyue
Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei Outspoken Linling Little Lantern, Little Wish
Lantern Rite Tales II
Wangshu Once Again
The Illumiscreen: II Where the Light Wanes Promises Remembered as Lantern Rises
Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today A Very Festive Problem Lantern Rite, Big Business?
Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen Lantern of the Wayfarer When Scholar Meets Legend
Lantern Rite Tales III
Guests in Qingce
The Illumiscreen: III Guardians of the Countryside Qingce's Lanterns
The Gift of a Lantern Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part 2)

Back to Lantern Rite

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Lantern Rite Event Guide


3 Anonymousabout 4 years

I restarted the game and it disappeared

2 Anonymousabout 4 years

I also got this glitch any fixes?

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