Pokemon Sword and Shield

Inner Focus Effect and Pokemon With this Ability

This is a page on the Pokemon ability Inner Focus, its effect, as well as a list of Pokemon that have this ability. If you would like to know more about this ability, such what it does and how to obtain a Pokemon with it, please read on.

Inner Focus - Effect

Ability Description
Inner Focus The Pokemon is protected from flinching.

Pokemon with the Ability Inner Focus

Pokemon with the Ability Inner Focus

Pokemon SWSH - SawkSawk Pokemon SWSH - LucarioLucario Pokemon SWSH - RioluRiolu Pokemon SWSH - GlalieGlalie
Pokemon SWSH - SnoruntSnorunt Pokemon SWSH - SneaselSneasel Pokemon SWSH - BisharpBisharp Pokemon SWSH - PawniardPawniard
Pokemon SWSH - CrobatCrobat Pokemon SWSH - ThrohThroh Pokemon SWSH - OranguruOranguru Pokemon SWSH - IndeedeeIndeedee
Pokemon SWSH - KubfuKubfu Pokemon SWSH - MienfooMienfoo Pokemon SWSH - FarfetchFarfetch'd Pokemon SWSH - MienshaoMienshao
Pokemon SWSH - AbraAbra Pokemon SWSH - KadabraKadabra Pokemon SWSH - AlakazamAlakazam Pokemon SWSH - DragoniteDragonite
Pokemon SWSH - GolbatGolbat Pokemon SWSH - ZubatZubat

Pokemon with the Hidden Ability Inner Focus

Pokemon SWSH - MudsdaleMudsdale Pokemon SWSH - MudbrayMudbray Pokemon SWSH - UmbreonUmbreon Pokemon SWSH - HitmonchanHitmonchan
Pokemon SWSH - Galarian DarumakaGalarian Darumaka Pokemon SWSH - RaikouRaikou Pokemon SWSH - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon SWSH - EnteiEntei
Pokemon SWSH - DarumakaDarumaka Pokemon SWSH - KangaskhanKangaskhan

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List of All Abilities


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