Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Beat Milo and Milo's Pokemon

This is a guide on how to beat Milo and obtain the 1st Badge in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to see the Gym Leader of the Turffield Gym's Pokemon and other walkthrough information on how to defeat Milo.

Previous Gym Next Gym
- NessaNessa

How to Beat the First Gym Challenge

Milo's Pokemon and Type Specialty

Type and Suggested Level

Gym Leader Milo.jpg
Type Specialty Grass Type
Suggested Level Lv. 19 ~ Lv. 21

Milo's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv. Type Known Moves
Gossifleur ImageGossifleur Lv. 19 Grass Type ・Rapid Spin
・Magical Leaf
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss Lv. 20 Grass Type ・Round
・Magical Leaf

Recommended Pokemon Against Milo

Pokemon used by the Sword and Shield Wiki Team

Pokemon Lv. Type Known Moves
Growlithe ImageGrowlithe Lv. 20 Fire Type ・Leer
・Flame Wheel
Rookidee ImageRookidee Lv. 16 Flying Type ・Peck
・Power Trip
・Hone Claws
Drizzile ImageDrizzile Lv. Water Type ・Water Gun
・Water Pulse
Yamper ImageYamper Lv. Electric Type ・Tackle
・Tail Whip

How to Beat Milo

Raise a Fire-type or Flying-type Pokemon to around Lv. 20

Gym Leader: Milo uses exclusively grass Pokemon. Challenge him with a Fire-type or Flying-type to have a type advantage. Milo's strongest Pokemon is a Lv. 20 Eldegoss, so raise your party Pokemon to around Lv. 20, and it should be an easy battle for you.

You should Dynamax from the 1st turn

Milo has only two Pokemon, so as long as you have a Pokemon with an advantageous type, you should not really struggle too much with this battle. After Dynamaxing, a Fire/Flying-type should be able to take out either of his Pokemon in one or two moves, so Dynamax right away and get the battle over with quickly.

If you are struggling, have a Pokemon that can tank some attacks

If you are underleveled and struggling, prepare a Pokemon that can endure Dynamax Eldegoss's attacks. Use this Pokemon to stall for three turns, at which point this battle should be a sure victory.

Related Links

Related Story Pages

Getting to the 1st Gym Getting to the 2nd Gym

Gym Challenges

Gym Challenge Category Banner.pngList of Gym Challenges

Gym Leader Battles

Gym LeadersGo Back to All Gym Leaders
1st Badge 2nd Badge 3rd Badge
MiloMilo NessaNessa KabuKabu
4th Badge 5th Badge
6th Badge
7th Badge 8th Badge
PiersPiers RaihanRaihan


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