Genshin Impact

Electro Seelie Locations and Walkthrough

Genshin Impact - Electro Seelie Locations and Walkthrough
Electro Seelie are Inazuma's Seelie Variant. Learn the Electro Seelie's information and locations in this guide!

Electro Seelie Information

Inazuma Version of Seelies

Genshin - Electro Seelie
Electro Seelie are little floating creatures that need to be guided back to their Courts, or used to connect Relay Stone puzzles! Guiding these Seelie to their destination will reward you with Treasure Chests!

How to Solve Relay Stone Puzzles

They're faster than other Seelie!

Unlike Seelie from Mondstadt and Liyue, the Electro Seelie moves at a high speed. You'll have to pay more attention to where the Electro Seelie is going if you want the Seelie rewards!

Electro Seelie Locations

Located in the Inazuma Region

Genshin - Inazuma Seelie Locations
Electro Seelie can only be found in the Electro Nation, Inazuma! Take a look at our guide for other Inazuma puzzles and features:

Electro Seelie Locations
Narukami Island Kannazuka
Yashiori Island Watatsumi Island
Seirai Island Tsurumi Island

Electro Seelie in Narukami Island

Electro Seelie in Narukami Island are scattered amongst its plains, mountainsides, and in secluded islets.

Narukami Island Guide

Electro Seelie in Kannazuka

Electro Seelie in Kannazuka can be found mostly near its coastal areas and near shallow bodies of water. Some of them are near the Mikage Furnace, so it is recommended that the barrier around it be dispelled first.

Tatarasuna Barrier Walkthrough

Electro Seelie in Yashiori Island

Electro Seelie in Yashiori Island are scattered in its rainy and thunderstruck areas. Some of the areas are saturated with Balethunder or Falling Thunder, vigilance against these elements are advised.

Yashiori Island Guide

Electro Seelie in Watatsumi Island

Finding and solving Electro Seelies in Watatsumi Island is straight-forward, with Phase Gates to help you traverse around the Island.

Electro Seelies are also an important component for the Suigestu Pool puzzle. To learn how to solve this intricate puzzle, check out our guide below!

Suigetsu Pool Water Puzzle Guide

Electro Seelie in Seirai Island

Similar to Kannazuka, Electro Seelies in some parts of Seirai Island are located in saturated Balethunder and harsh Thunderstorms. It is recommended that this barrier be dispelled first by doing the Seirai Stormchasers Main World Quest.

Seirai Stormchasers Walkthrough

Electro Seelie in Tsurumi Island

Electro Seelies in Tsurumi Island are often used to solve very important puzzles in the island. Some need specific items to unlock, and some are underground. To learn how to solve the main puzzles in Tsurumi Island, check our Tsurumi Island guide on the link below!

Tsurumi Island Guide

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2 Anonymousover 2 years

locations show where seelie end up, not where they start. Not the best guide if ur down to the last two seelie and you have no idea where to find them.

1 Anonymousover 3 years

update plzzz

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