Genshin Impact

Relay Stone Puzzle Locations and How to Solve

Genshin Impact - How to Use Electro Mechanism - Inazuma Guide

Relay Stones from Electric Conduction mechanisms are Electro puzzles added in the Inazuma update of Version 2.0 in Genshin Impact. Learn more about how to use the Relay Stones, how to solve the electric current puzzles, locations, and other information in this guide!

How to Solve Relay Stone Puzzles

Connect to Form an Electric Current

Genshin Impact - Electro Mechanism

The Electric Conduction Relay Stone puzzle functions similarly to an electric circuit. The Discharge Stone acts as the starting point of the circuit and you have to connect the current to the Cumulation Stone with the help of Relay Stones.

Connect the Mechanisms to Unlock Treasure Chests

Once all Electro Mechanisms in the area are connected to each other, a Treasure Chest you can collect will spawn around the area.

Relay Stone Puzzle Components

Electro Mechanism Components
Genshin Impact - Electro Mechanism - Discharge StoneDischarge Stone The Discharge Stone shoots out a harmless electric current, and serves as the starting point of the current
Genshin Impact - Electro Mechanism - Relay StoneRelay Stone The Relay Stone receives the electric current from the Discharge Stone and passes it to any nearby Stones. You can pick up a Relay Stone to position it between two unoccupied stones.
Genshin Impact - Electro Mechanism - Cumulation StoneCumulation Stone The Cumulation Stone absorbs the electric current, and serves as the end point.

Players or Enemies Can Relay Electric Current

Genshin - Relay Stone Puzzle - Affected by Electro

Players or Enemies that are affected with the Electro element and Electro Seelies can conduct the electric current from the Discharge Stone and act as a Relay Stone. Use your environment to manipulate Electro energy so you can solve the puzzle easier!

Relay Stone Puzzle Locations

All Relay Stone Puzzle Locations

Relay Stone Puzzle Locations
Narukami Island Kannazuka
Yashiori Island Watatsumi Island
Seirai Island Tsurumi Island

Relay Stone Puzzles in Narukami Island

Relay Stone Puzzles in Narukami Island serve as your mini-tutorial on the basics of these Electric Conduction puzzles. Make sure to scour bushes to find hidden Relay Stones and connect the currents accordingly.

Narukami Island Guide

Relay Stone Puzzles in Kannazuka

From hereon out, the Relay Stone Puzzles will get tougher and more complicated as you explore Kannazuka and beyond. Use your wits and your environment to manipulate Electro and connect all mechanisms accordingly!

Kannazuka Area Guide

Relay Stone Puzzles in Yashiori Island

A Relay Stone puzzle near the Statue of the Seven in Yashiori Island employs the help of Electro Seelies to connect all the currents from a far starting point.

Yashiori Island Guide

Relay Stone Puzzles in Watatsumi Island

Unlocking the Suigetsu Pool in Watatsumi Island requires you to solve a myriad of puzzles located beneath it. You must employ the help of Electro Seelies to help you unlock and connect all the Relay Stones.

Suigetsu Pool Water Puzzle Guide

Relay Stone Puzzles in Seirai Island

An elaborate Relay Stone Puzzle can be seen underneath the caves near the ''Seiraimaru'' wreckage. It will involve clever usage of Phase Gates and precise Relay Stone placements to solve it.

Seiraimaru Boat Puzzle Guide

Relay Stone Puzzles in Tsurumi Island

Relay Stone Puzzles in Tsurumi Island on the surface are pretty straightforward. However, the Electro puzzle beneath Shirikoro Peak will need a very intricate solution to solve as it involves a new type of Conduction stone.

To learn more about the Shirikoro Peak puzzles, check out the guide below!
Shirikoro Peak Puzzles Guide

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