Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Beat Opal and Opal's Pokemon

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Competitive Battle Guide

This is a guide on how to beat Opal and obtain the 5th Badge in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to see the Gym Leader of Ballonlea's Pokemon and other walkthrough information on how to defeat Opal.

Previous Gym Next Gym

How to Beat the Fifth Gym Challenge

Opal's Pokemon and Type Specialty

Type and Suggested Level

Type Specialty Fairy Type
Suggested Level Lv. 37 ~ Lv. 39

Opal's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv Type Weak
Galarian Weezing ImageGalarian Weezing Lv.36 Poison Type Fairy Type Psychic Type Steel Type
Mawile ImageMawile Lv.36 Steel Type Fairy Type Ground Type Fire Type
Togekiss ImageTogekiss Lv.37 Flying Type Fairy Type Electric Type Ice Type Poison Type Rock Type Steel Type
Alcremie ImageAlcremie Lv.38 Fairy Type Poison Type Steel Type

Recommended Pokemon Against Opal

Here are some Pokemon that are obtainable up to this point in the game that could help you turn the tides of battle!

Pokemon Type Known Moves
Corviknight ImageCorviknight Flying Type Steel Type ・Steel Wing

If you've evolved your Rookidee up to a Corviknight, you can take it to a Move Rememberer at a Pokemon Center to teach it Steel Wing, which will be super effective against all of Opal's Pokemon except Mawile.

How to Beat Opal

Opal Quiz Boost.jpg

If you answer her questions correctly, she's easier to defeat

While fighting Opal, if you answer the questions she gives during the battle correctly, your Pokemon's stats will be boosted. Simply by answering the questions correctly, the battle will become significantly easier.

However, if you answer her questions incorrectly, your Pokemon's stats will get lowered.

Opal's Quiz Answers

Make sure the leader of your party is at Level 40

Opal's strongest Pokemon is her Alcremie at Level 38. You'll want to bring your Pokemon up to at least the same point to ensure that the battle goes off without a hitch.

Bring a Pokemon who can handle at least 3 Max Strikes

If your Pokemon's levels are low coming in to the fight, put in a Pokemon who can withstand Alcremie's Dynamax attacks. If one of your Pokemon can withstand 3 attacks from Alcremie's Dynamax form, it will return to its normal form and become easier to handle for the rest of the battle.

Stock up on Revives and Super Potions

Opal's Pokemon deal heavy damage, so have these items along as insurance to help make it through the fight.

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Gym Challenges

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Gym Leader Battles

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