Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Beat Allister and Allister's Pokemon

This is a guide on how to beat Allister and obtain the 4th Badge in Pokemon Shield (Shield Exclusive). Read on to see the Gym Leader of Stow-on-Side's Pokemon and other walkthrough information on how to defeat Allister.

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KabuKabu OpalOpal

How to Beat the Fourth Gym Challenge

Allister's Pokemon and Type Specialty

Type and Suggested Level

Type Specialty Ghost Type
Suggested Level Lv. 34 ~ Lv. 36

Allister's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv. Type Known Moves
Galarian Yamask ImageGalarian Yamask Lv.34 Ghost Type ・Brutal Swing
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Lv.34 Ghost Type Fairy Type ・Shadow Sneak
・Baby-Doll Eyes
・Hone Claws
Cursola ImageCursola Lv.35 Ghost Type ・Ancient Power
Gengar ImageGengar Lv.36 Ghost Type Poison Type ・Venoshock

Recommended Pokemon Against Allister

Here are some Pokemon that are obtainable up to this point in the game that could help you turn the tides of battle!

Pokemon Type Moves
Galarian Yamask ImageGalarian Yamask Ghost Type ・Hex
Dugtrio ImageDugtrio Ground Type ・Sucker Punch

How to Beat Allister

Raise a Ghost or Dark-type Pokemon to Level 35

Allister, the Gym Leader of Stow-on-Side, uses Ghost-type Pokemon, so it's advisable to take him on with a strong Ghost or Dark-type Pokemon in your party.

Allister's strongest Pokemon is a Gengar at Level 36, so having a Ghost or Dark-type Pokemon at Level 35 or higher will make the battle easier to handle.

Catch a Yamask or a Dugtrio on Route 6

Galarian Yamask ImageGalarian Yamask Dugtrio ImageDugtrio

If you haven't caught any Pokemon with Ghost or Dark-type Moves up to this point, catching a Yamask or a Dugtrio on Route 6 can add balance to your team. Yamask will learn the Ghost-type Move Hex, while Dugtrio will learn the Dark-type Move Sucker Punch, which can be useful for players of Pokemon Shield in taking on Allister's Ghost-type Pokemon.

Have a Pokemon who can handle Gengar's attacks

If your Pokemon's levels are low coming in to the fight, put in a Pokemon who can withstand Gengar's Dynamax attacks. If one of your Pokemon can withstand 3 attacks from Gengar's Dynamax form, it will return to its normal form and become easier to handle for the rest of the battle.

Stock up on Revives, Super Potions, and X Special Defend

Allister's Pokemon deal heavy damage, so have these items along as insurance to help make it through the fight. X Special Defend can also be handy for your lead Pokemon to help them weather special attacks.

Related Links

Related Story Pages

Getting to the 4th Gym Getting to the 5th Gym

Gym Challenges

Gym Challenge Category Banner.pngList of Gym Challenges

Gym Leader Battles

Gym LeadersGo Back to All Gym Leaders
1st Badge 2nd Badge 3rd Badge
MiloMilo NessaNessa KabuKabu
4th Badge 5th Badge
6th Badge
7th Badge 8th Badge
PiersPiers RaihanRaihan


1 kiokoover 2 years

so i need a ground type a ghost type and a dark type right?


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