Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Beat Raihan and Raihan's Pokemon

This is a guide on how to beat Raihan and obtain the 8th Badge in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to see the Gym Leader of the Hammerlocke Gym's Pokemon and other walkthrough information on how to defeat Raihan.

Previous Gym Next Gym
PiersPiers -

How to Beat the Last Gym Challenge

Raihan's Pokemon and Type Specialty

Type and Suggested Level

Type Specialty Rock Type Ground Type Dragon Type
Suggested Level. Lv. 46 ~ Lv. 50

Raihan's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv. Type Known Moves
Gigalith ImageGigalith Lv. 46 Rock Type ・Body Press
Flygon ImageFlygon Lv. 47 Dragon Type Ground Type ・Breaking Swipe
・Thunder Punch
Sandaconda ImageSandaconda Lv. 46 Ground Type ・Glare
・Fire Fang
Duraludon ImageDuraludon
Lv. 48 Dragon Type Steel Type ・Max Steelspike

Recommended Pokemon Against Raihan

Here are some Pokemon that are obtainable up to this point in the game that could help you turn the tides of battle!

Pokemon Lv. Type Known Moves
Drednaw ImageDrednaw Lv. 44 Water Type Rock Type ・Rock Tomb
・Water Gun
・Jaw Lock
Vanillish ImageVanillish Lv. 41 Ice Type ・Icicle Spear
・Acid Armor
・Mirror Coat
Dugtrio ImageDugtrio Lv. 43 Ground Type ・Bulldoze
Lampent ImageLampent Lv. 44 Fire Type Ghost Type ・Night Shade
・Shadow Ball
Gurdurr ImageGurdurr Lv. 44 Fighting Type ・Slam
・Dynamic Punch
・Rock Throw
・Bulk Up

Hammerlocke Gym Walkthrough

Prepare for a Double Battle!

In the Hammerlocke Gym Challenge, you simply must defeat three trainers. You can use recovery items in between battle, so bring several items that you can use to heal in between battle for a smoother challenge. Since the battles in Hammerlocke Gym will all be double battles, you should prepare at least 2 Pokemon who can counter the types of the ones below.

Pokemon Used by Trainers

Pokemon Lv. Type
1st Battle Sliggoo ImageSliggoo Lv. 45 Dragon Type
Pelipper ImagePelipper Lv. 45 Water Type Flying Type
2nd Battle Turtonator ImageTurtonator Lv. 45 Fire Type Dragon Type
Ninetales ImageNinetales Lv. 45 Fire Type
3rd Battle Hakamo-o ImageHakamo-o Lv. 45 Dragon Type
Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow Lv. 45 Grass Type Ice Type

Bring a team that can deal with multiple types!

Raihan, the leader of Hammerlocke Gym, is a Dragon-type leader, although he also uses Rock and Ground-type Pokemon. Additionally, you will be up against Fire, Grass, and Water-types in the Gym Challenge, so in addition to a powerful Fairy or Ground-type, try and vary your Pokemon types. Since you will have to battle Raihan in the midst of a Sandstorm, Ground-types can avoid this.

Recommended Pokemon for countering Raihan

Example Fairy-types Example Ground-types
Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl Falinks ImageFalinks Dugtrio ImageDugtrio Runerigus ImageRunerigus

Dynamax at the same time as Duraludon

Raihan's Gigantimax Pokemon Duraludon has a very high defense, so unless you are extremely over-leveled, you will not be able to one or two shot it. When it uses Gigantimax, its HP will also increase, making it difficult to chip away from, so Dinamax when this Pokemon comes out to increase your chances of surviving and finishing him off.

Related Links

Related Story Pages

Getting to the 8th Gym Champion Cup Semifinals

Gym Challenges

Gym Challenge Category Banner.pngList of Gym Challenges

Gym Leader Battles

Gym LeadersGo Back to All Gym Leaders
1st Badge 2nd Badge 3rd Badge
MiloMilo NessaNessa KabuKabu
4th Badge 5th Badge
6th Badge
7th Badge 8th Badge
PiersPiers RaihanRaihan


7 Anonymousover 2 years

Ok thanks I’ll try that!! 😁

6 Anonymousabout 3 years

Yes you're right


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