Genshin Impact

Temple of Silence

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Temple of Silence

The Temple of Silence is a secret organization in Genshin Impact that contains information about King Deshret and his Technology. Learn more about the Temple of Silence, its members, and what they represent here!

What is the Temple of Silence?

Followers of Hermanubis

Genshin - Temple of Silence Hermanubis

The Temple of Silence is an organization that follows Hermanubis, one of the priests under King Deshret during his era over the Sumeru desert, and served as a secret affiliation of the Akademiya in recent history.

This group was in possession of the Ba Fragments, pieces of the priest himself that allowed them to tap into a portion of his power in order to defend themselves and their allies during times of strife.

Conducted the Ba Fragment Ritual

Genshin - Temple of Silence Experiment

The previous leader Bamoun, and Cyrus were responsible for orchestrating the Ba Fragment Ritual, which sought to implant the power of Hermanubis into a suitable vessel to bring back the group's glory days.

However, only children were suitable vessels, forcing Bamoun to implant the fragments to Sethos and Cyno. After the experiment succeeded, Cyrus later took Cyno and fled the organization.

Secretive Organization

Genshin - Temple of Silence Entrance

The Temple of Silence's base of operations and members are incredibly exclusive, with the Traveler only being able to find the entrance through Sethos during Cyno's Story Quest Act 2.

However, those that do know the true Temple of Silence refrain from even speaking about them in public, as the organization's goal is to keep their knowledge as exclusive as possible due to the events of King Deshret's era.

Cyno Story Quest Lupus Aureus Act 2 Guide

Collectors of Knowledge on King Deshret

Genshin - Temple of Silence Knowledge Collection

As this group had already existed prior to the pre-modern Sumeru era, they have a compendium of knowledge about King Deshret, his exploits, and technology.

This is referenced by several of their members, who speak highly of their collection, and their written works, which carry nearly prehistoric and unknown symbols.

Perpetual Exiles in the Desert

Genshin - Temple of Silence Exiles

The Temple of Silence had been in contact with the Akademiya prior to the events of Genshin Impact, but had retreated to the desert due to differences in philosophy.

Despite setting up permanently in the desert, opposing factions would seek to acquire the knowledge they had, leading the organization to amass enemies from the rainforest and desert alike.

Temple of Silence Known Members


Genshin - Sethos

Sethos is the adoptive grandson of Bamoun, the previous leader of the Temple of Silence, and was one of the two bearers of the Ba Fragments, and allowed him to access Hermanubis' power during combat.

Following the Rite of Duels against Cyno, he is no longer in possession of his Hermanubis Fragment, but currently serves as the Organization's Leader.

Sethos Release Date and Details


Genshin - Cyno

Cyno is the other wielder of the Hermanubis Fragment, who was sold to the Temple of Silence at an early age to be used in the Hermanubis experiment, but was taken to the Akademiya by Cyrus instead.

Even though Cyno currently serves as the General Mahamatra of the Akademiya, he is still affiliated to the Temple of Silence, and now serves as the middle ground between the Temple and the Akademiya.

Cyno Best Builds and Artifacts


Genshin - Bamoun

Bamoun is the adoptive grandfather of Sethos, and was the previous leader of the Temple of Silence. He is the one who volunteered Sethos to be taken as part of the Hermanubis Fragment experiment.

As a man who was already past his prime, Bamoun was already set in his ways, and wanted to see the might of Hermanubis once more, even if it meant seeing the Hermanubis experiment through, despite its moral ambiguity.


Genshin - Cyrus

Cyrus is a retired professor of the Akademiya, but is also one of the Temple of Silence's members, being there with Bamoun when the Hermanubis experiment was conducted.

Unlike the other members, Cyrus deemed that it was unfair to leave the children to this fate, and decided to stop the experiment from completing, taking Cyno with him back to the Akademiya to raise him.

Temple of Silence Location

Hidden South of Aaru Village

Genshin - Temple of Silence Location

True to their secretive nature, the entrance to their base of operations is just south of Aaru Village, but can only be entered after it is found during Cyno's Story Quest Act 2.

After the quest, players are free to visit this location whenever they want. The closest teleporter to this location is the one west of the Dendro Hypostasis, as it is within walking distance.

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