Genshin Impact

Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah

Genshin Impact - Five Sinners of Khaenri

The Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah are Vedrfolnir, Hroptatyr, Rhinedottir, Surtalogi, and Rerir. See who are the Five Sinners, who the Vinster King is, what they do, and all info about them here in this guide!

All Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah


  • Vedrfolnir, “The Visionary”
  • Hyroptatyr, “The Wise”
  • Rhinedottir, “Gold”
  • Surtalogi, “The Foul”
  • Rerir, “Rächer of Solnari”

Vedrfolnir, “The Visionary”

Genshin Impact - Five Sinners of Khaenri

Vedrfolnir is “The Visionary”, and is also Dainsleif's older brother. He was first mentioned by Skirk during The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur quest, along the names of Rhinedottir, and her own master, Surtalogi, “The Foul”. Vedrfolnir is also the voice of the Sinner, and is likely the prime mover of the Abyss Order.

According to Mona, during the Hunters, Prophets quest, a Visionary is an extremely powerful oracle who can read the prophecies of the world. The Prophecy of Fontaine, for instance, was attributed to Vedrfolnir himself according to Dainsleif. Another named Visionary is Mona's master, Barbeloth.

Vedrfolnir, “The Visionary”

Hroptatyr, “The Wise”

Genshin Impact - Five Sinners of Khaenri

Hyroptatyr is “The Wise”, which alludes to a character brimming with wisdom and poise. Dainsleif didn't say anything at all about who they are, but it's safe to assume that this figure holds authority over the aspect of wisdom, just like the other named Sinners over their associated Sins.

Hyroptatyr, “The Wise”

Rhinedottir, “Gold”

Genshin Impact - Five Sinners of Khaenri

Rhinedottir is “Gold”, who's also a named member of the Hexenzirkel. Among the five Sinners, Rhinedottir is the most commonly known, especially when it comes to the Art of Khemia, the pinnacle of Khaenri'ahn alchemy.

It's believed that Art of Khemia is the same form of Alchemy Rhinedottir used to create Albedo, as well as other creations attributed to her such as the fallen dragon, Durin.

Rhinedottir, “Gold”

Surtalogi, “The Foul”

Genshin Impact - Five Sinners of Khaenri

Surtalogi, or “The Foul”, is Skirk's master. According to Tartaglia, his master can easily defeat him with just a single hand, which means Surtalogi's combat prowess is in a close of its own. And while unconfirmed, it's likely Childe's Foul Legacy is inherited from Surtalogi, passed to him under Skirk's tutelage.

The All-Devouring Narwhal, the giant whale that Childe had to fight for days, was also referred to as a pet of Skirk's master, Surtalogi.

Surtalogi, “The Foul”

Rerir, “Rächer of Solnari”

Genshin Impact - Five Sinners of Khaenri

Rerir is the “Rächer of Solnari”, which loosely translates to “Avenger of Solnari” in German. As with Hroptatyr, there's zero trail about the identity of Rerir, or what or who could be the Solnari, but it's possible that we'll know more about them in future updates!

Rerir, “Rächer of Solnari”

What are Sinners of Khaenri'ah

Transcent Beings from Khaenri'ah

Genshin Impact - Five Sinners of Khaenri

Before the Cataclysm, the Five Sinners are outstanding individuals in their own respective fields. However, they all chose to kept to themselves instead of stopping an entity, that Dainsleif referred to as the Vinster King, who had the power to change the very foundation of the world.

It is unclear who the Vinster King was, but according to Dainsleif, the Five Sinners all inherited and divided among themselves a power that “could destroy the world”, which likely alludes to the same type of power that the Vinster King possessed.

Vinster King Story and Profile

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