Genshin Impact

Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 2 Guide | Place of Interest: Tianqiu Valley

Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 2 Tianqiu Valley
Place of Interest: Tianqiu Valley is the second act of the Energy Amplifier Fruition event in Genshin Impact. Learn the best teams and characters for Act 2, all Mutation Stone locations, tips and tricks for Places of Interest, and total event rewards in this Energy Amplifier Fruition guide!

Fruition Event Guide
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 1Act 1 Guide Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 2Act 2 Guide Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 3Act 3 Guide
Genshin - Deceitful Domain - Sea of Wandering Souls Deceitful Domain 1 Genshin - Deceitful Domain - Where Bloodhounds Gather Deceitful Domain 2 Genshin - Deceitful Domain - Whirling Judgment Deceitful Domain 3

Best Teams for Energy Amplifier Fruition: Act 2

Recommended Teams

Best Party
Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu Genshin - Venti Venti Genshin - Mona Mona Genshin - Diona Diona
Free-to-Play Party
Genshin - Noelle Noelle Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Thoma Thoma Genshin - Bennett Bennett

Other Recommended Characters

Recommended Characters
Main DPS
Genshin - Xiao ImageGenshin - Tartaglia ImageGenshin - Ganyu ImageGenshin - Hu Tao ImageGenshin - Itto Image
Genshin - Sucrose ImageGenshin - Zhongli ImageGenshin - Albedo ImageGenshin - Gorou ImageGenshin - Raiden Image
Genshin - Jean ImageGenshin - Barbara ImageGenshin - Qiqi ImageGenshin - Sayu ImageGenshin - Kokomi Image

See Character Tier List

Freeze the Enemies in Place

Genshin - Freeze the Enemies in Place
The three prevalent elements that enemies will use will be Pyro, Electro, and Geo, so it's best to use opposing elements against them. Gathering enemies in a single area with Anemo and freezing them is a sure way to quickly defeat them!

Bring Claymore Users

Genshin - Bring Claymore Users
Some Mutation Stones during the places of interest are below a hill or mounds where you can plunge down on it! So using Claymore users like Noelle, or Arataki Itto to plunge down will deal more damage.

Places of Interest in Energy Amplifier Fruition: Act 2

Tianqiu Valley Locations

Click to jump to a guide!
Location 1 Location 2 Location 3

Unlocks Deceitful Domain for Act 2

Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition - Act 2 Deceitful Domain
After clearing all enemies in all Places of Interest, you'll unlock Deceitful Domain: Where the Bloodhounds Gather.

Place of Interest 1 Guide

Location Mt. Hulao

Plunge Down on the Mutation Stone

Genshin - Plunge Down on the Mutation Stone
From the Teleport Waypoint in Mt. Hulao on a cliff, you can spy the location of the Mutation Stone and plunge down to deal significant damage to it! The enemies also won't notice you as they would be facing the opposite direction.

All Enemies in Place of Interest 1

List of Enemies
Blazing Axe Mitachurl ImageBlazing Axe Mitachurl x1 Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl ImageRock Shieldwall Mitachurl x1 Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard ImageRock Shield Hilichurl Guard x2

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Place of Interest 2 Guide

Location South of Tianqiu Valley

Observe From A Distance

Genshin - Observe From A Distance
To efficiently beat the challenge, it's best to observe the locations of the two Mutation Stones from a far and stealthy destroy them before any of the enemies notice you!

All Enemies in Place of Interest 2

List of Enemies
Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl ImageRock Shieldwall Mitachurl x1 Pyro Hilichurl Shooter ImagePyro Hilichurl Shooter x2 Electro Hilichurl Shooter ImageElectro Hilichurl Shooter x2

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Place of Interest 3 Guide

Location Northeast of Tianqiu Valley

Destroy Three Mutation Stones

Genshin - Destroy Three Mutation Stones
In the challenge area, there will be two Mutation Stones visible on top of Hilichurl Watch Towers, but there's a third one inside the Hilichurl Hut! Destroy all of them, then beat the enemies.

All Enemies in Place of Interest 3

List of Enemies
Blazing Axe Mitachurl ImageBlazing Axe Mitachurl x2 Pyro Hilichurl Shooter ImagePyro Hilichurl Shooter x1 Electro Hilichurl Shooter ImageElectro Hilichurl Shooter x1
Hilichurl Fighter ImageHilichurl Fighter x1

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Energy Amplifier Fruition: Act 2 Rewards

Total Rewards from Act 2

All Realm of Light Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x80 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x4 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x20000
Genshin - Wanderer Wanderer's Advice x16 Genshin - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x16

Breakdown of Act 2 Rewards

Trial Objectives & Rewards
1 Defeat All Enemies in Place of Interest 1
2 Defeat all Enemies in Place of Interest 2
3 Defeat all Enemies in Place of Interest 3
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000

Energy Amplifier Fruition: Act 2 Event Information

How to Unlock Act 2 Places of Interest

Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 1 West of Wangshu Inn

Complete the Act 1 Places of Interest

To unlock Act 2: Tianqiu Valley, you need to complete Act 1: West of Wangshu Inn! It's the first places of interest challenge, where you also needed to destroy Mutation Stones and clear enemy camps.
Act 1: West of Wangshu Inn Guide

Part of the Energy Amplifier Rerun in Version 2.3

Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Event
This Energy Amplifier guide is part of Energy Amplifier Fruition, which is a Version 2.3 rerun of the original Energy Amplifier event in Version 1.5. Take a look at our full event guide for more details:
Energy Amplifier Fruition Event Guide

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier

Energy Amplifier Event Guide

All Energy Amplifier Events

All Energy Amplifier Events
Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier Initiation Event GuideInitiation (1.5) Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier Fruition Event GuideFruition (2.3) Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier LemmaLemma (4.8)

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Other Energy Amplifier Guides

2.3 Fruition Stage Guides

Energy Amplifier Fruition Stages
Act 1 Places of Interest:
West of Wangshu Inn
Deceitful Domain:
Sea of Wandering Souls
Act 2 Places of Interest:
Tianqiu Valley
Deceitful Domain 2:
Where Bloodhounds Gather
Act 3 Places of Interest:
Yaoguang Shoal
Deceitful Domain 3
Whirling Judgement

1.5 Initiation Stage Guides

All Twisted Realm Domain Guides
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Initiation DomainsDomain of Deceit Genshin - Energy Amplifier Initiation DomainsDomain of Furious Thunder
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Initiation DomainsDomain of Chaos Genshin - Energy Amplifier Initiation DomainsDomain of Heresy

Energy Amplifier Quest Guides

Genshin Impact - Mr. Melancholy Quest Guide
Energy Amplifier Initiation Quest Guide

All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events

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